(A)   Application for permits must be submitted to the Chief of Police not later than 48 hours before the proposed parade, procession, or mass gathering is to occur. The application must include the following:
      (1)   The name and address of the person or organization sponsoring the parade, procession, or mass gathering, with a telephone number for the individual responsible for arrangements, as designated by the sponsor.
      (2)   The exact route proposed to be used by the participants, or the place where the mass gathering is to occur, as appropriate.
      (3)   The date and times of commencement and termination for the activity being proposed.
   (B)   The sponsor's agreement to assume financial responsibility for any loss, damage, or liability sustained by public or private property as a result of the activity as well as for all costs associated with the orderly supervision thereof, together with a bond not to exceed the amount of $500, conditioned to indemnify the village or any resident thereof for any loss, damage, or liability incurred or caused by the conduct of this activity.
   (C)   The sponsor's agreement to hire as many personnel trained in traffic control procedures, who must be off-duty police personnel, as the village shall require pursuant to § 77.22 hereof, to maintain adequate traffic control throughout the activity, unless the sponsor can demonstrate the inability to pay for the personnel.
('80 Code, § 77.21) (Ord. 19-80, passed 10-28-80)