A.   At Large: It is unlawful for an owner or handler of livestock to allow, either negligently or wilfully, the same to run at large in an area where such is not permitted by any law or regulation.
   B.   Trespassing: It is unlawful for an owner or handler of livestock to allow, either negligently or wilfully the same to be herded, pastured, or to otherwise enter upon the land of another person without the consent of that person.
   C.   Fencing: In areas where livestock are not permitted to run at large, the owner or handler of livestock shall construct adequate fencing and shall maintain said fencing to prevent livestock animals' escape from the owner's or handler's premises.
   D.   Adequate Fencing Defined: For the purposes of this section, "adequate fencing" means, at a minimum, mesh, barbed wire, chainlink, rail, or post fencing; or metal fence panels.
   E.   Stallions: Because of the unusual hazards presented by stallions, such animals shall be confined in a fenced enclosure with a minimum fence height of eight feet (8').
   F.   Failure To Comply: Failure by an owner or handler to erect and maintain the fencing required by this section, thus permitting the escape of, or injury to persons, property or other domesticated animals, shall be a violation of this title. (Ord. 2012-16, 6-21-2012)