A.   Harboring Prohibited: It shall be unlawful for any person, except an animal welfare society incorporated or otherwise qualified to do business within Utah and licensed under this title, to harbor or keep any lost or stray pet, unless otherwise allowed by Utah law. A person who assumes and maintains control of a lost or strayed pet longer than twenty four (24) hours, without notifying the director of the presence and location of said animal, shall be presumed to have violated this section.
   B.   Unlawful Confinement: It shall be unlawful for any person to take an animal, without the permission of the owner or handler thereof, and/or to confine an animal in a place unknown to the owner or handler; or to conceal an animal's whereabouts from the owner or handler thereof. The offense described herein is committed irrespective of the period of time of such unlawful confinement or concealment. This section shall not apply to animal control officers legally taking an animal in an emergency or under protection from its owner or handler. (Ord. 2012-16, 6-21-2012)