8.07.010: Animal Shelter And Facilities
8.07.020: Impoundment Authorized; When
8.07.030: Impoundment; Recordkeeping Requirements
8.07.040: Redemption Of Animals; Restrictions
8.07.050: Term Of Impoundment; Destruction Or Other Disposition Of Animals
8.07.060: Sterilization Of Adopted And Impounded Animals
   A.   Shelter: The city shall be responsible, within its legislative discretion, to provide (by contract with the division or otherwise) suitable premises and facilities to be used as an animal shelter where impounded animals can be kept.
   B.   Destruction: The city, through the division, shall provide for the destruction of dogs, cats, ferrets, and other animals for which destruction is authorized by this title or by Utah law. Destruction shall be accomplished in accordance with standards established by the American Veterinary Medical Association, or in accordance with any other nationally recognized standards established for the proper destruction of animals; or by any method which, in the discretion of the director or the division, is proper under the then existing circumstances.
   C.   Medical Treatment: The city or the division may furnish, when deemed necessary at the discretion of the director or division personnel, medical treatment to animals impounded pursuant to this title. Prior consent for such treatment from the owners of such animals shall not be required.
   D.   Cost Recovery: The city or the division shall be entitled to recover from the owner of any affected animal the cost of the care and keeping, medical treatment, and euthanasia provided or performed under the authority of this title. (Ord. 2012-16, 6-21-2012)
   A.   Impoundment: An animal control officer may impound, or leave an animal in the custody of its owner or handler, according to said officer's discretion, whenever such animal is found to be in circumstances which violate the requirements of this title. If left in the custody of the owner or handler, said owner or handler shall nevertheless be required to respond to a notice of violation issued by the animal control officer.
   B.   Impounding Without Criminal Complaint: An animal found in the following circumstances may be impounded by an animal control officer without the filing of a criminal complaint or obtaining a prior order from a court of competent jurisdiction:
      1.   The animal is running at large outside its owner's or handler's premises;
      2.   The animal is outside its owner's or handler's premises and is not licensed as required by this title. An animal not wearing a license tag shall be presumed to be unlicensed for the purpose of this subsection;
      3.   The animal is sick or injured and its owner cannot be immediately located;
      4.   The animal's owner or handler requests the division to impound the animal and pays, in advance, a fee reasonably calculated to pay for the cost the division will reasonably incur during impoundment and possible destruction of the animal;
      5.   The animal is abandoned;
      6.   The animal is outside its owner's or handler's premises and is known by the animal control officer to be without the rabies vaccination required by this title. For the purpose of this subsection, an animal not wearing a rabies tag shall be presumed to be unvaccinated;
      7.   The animal is known by the animal control officer to have been exposed to rabies or bitten by a rabid animal;
      8.   The animal is to be otherwise held for quarantine;
      9.   The animal is a vicious animal and not properly confined or restrained as required by section 8.06.050 of this title; or
      10.   The animal is not being kept or maintained as required by any other provision of this title, and as a result thereof, the animal poses an imminent threat to the health and safety of persons, other animals, or itself.
   C.   List Not Exhaustive: The circumstances set forth above in this section are not intended to be a complete list of those in which the city, the division, and/or an animal control officer may impound an animal without a prior order from a court of competent jurisdiction; and said officers are authorized to act as necessary to maintain the peace and safety of the city under the requirements of this title and all other applicable law. (Ord. 2012-16, 6-21-2012)
The impounding facility shall keep record of each animal impounded, which shall include the following information:
   A.   Complete description of the animal, including tag numbers;
   B.   The manner and date of impound;
   C.   The location of the pick up and name of the officer picking up the animal;
   D.   The manner and date of disposal;
   E.   The name and address of the person who redeems, purchases or adopts the animal;
   F.   The name and address of any person relinquishing an animal to the impound facility;
   G.   All fees received on behalf of the animal; and
   H.   All costs of impoundment allocable to the animal which accrue during its impoundment. (Ord. 2012-16, 6-21-2012)