8.08.010: Care And Maintenance Responsibility
8.08.020: Keeping Of Diseased Or Painfully Crippled Animals
8.08.030: Abandonment Of Animals
8.08.040: Hobbling Animals
8.08.050: Animals In Vehicles
8.08.060: Physical Abuse Of Animals
8.08.070: Injury To Animals By Motorists; Duty To Stop And Assist
8.08.080: Poisoning Animals
8.08.090: Steel Jaw Traps
8.08.100: Mistreatment Of Animals
8.08.110: Baby Rabbits And Fowl; Restrictions
8.08.120: Selling Certain Turtles Prohibited
8.08.130: Killing Birds
It shall be unlawful for an owner or handler of an animal to withhold food, drink, care, adequate space and shelter from said animal, which is reasonably necessary to maintain said animal in good health, comfort and safe from potential hazards. To ensure the availability of adequate space for large animals, notwithstanding anything in this code to the contrary, it shall be unlawful to keep large livestock on a lot or other parcel of ground that is not over one-half (1/2) acre in size. (Ord. 2012-16, 6-21-2012)
A. Abandonment: It is unlawful for any person to abandon or turn out at large any sick, diseased or disabled animal.
B. Disease Or Disability: It is unlawful for the owner or handler of an animal rendered worthless to said owner or handler by reason of disease or disability, to allow said animal to continue to live in a diseased or disabled state. Said owner or handler shall dispose of such animal by killing the same in a humane manner, or by contacting the director or the division. Upon such contact, the division shall assume responsibility for disposition of the animal provided that the owner or handler shall pay a fee, in advance, to the division to pay for division's cost in disposing of the animal. If the owner or handler fails to pay such fee, and fails to dispose of the diseased or disabled animal as required above, such person shall be in violation of this title.
C. Veterinary Care Or Disposal Required: It is unlawful for an owner or handler of an animal which is infected with a disease, or is in a painfully crippled condition, to have, keep or harbor such animal without placing the animal under veterinary care and/or to dispose of such animal as required in subsection B of this section. (Ord. 2012-16, 6-21-2012)