A.   Restaurants And Similar Places: It is unlawful for any person to take or permit any animal, whether loose or on a leash or in arms, in or about any establishment or place of business where food or food products are sold or displayed, or served, including, but not limited to, restaurants, grocery stores, meat markets and fruit or vegetable stores.
   B.   Watershed Areas: It is unlawful for any person keeping, harboring or having charge or control of any dog or cat to allow such animal to be within protected watershed areas as designated by either the health department or any public water district.
   C.   Staking In Public Place: It is unlawful for any person to chain, stake out or tether any animal in a public place unless the owner or handler of the animal is continually present and the animal is properly restrained so that the animal poses no threat of contact with a person engaged in a normal and expected activity.
   D.   Public Parks: It is unlawful for any person to take or permit any unrestrained animal in any public park located within the city. Any animal in a public park must be continually kept on a leash, not over eight feet (8') in length, which is of sufficient strength to ensure that the animal's owner or handler shall at all times have absolute control over the animal. The director may grant exceptions to this subsection for a licensed animal exhibition.
   E.   Exceptions: This section shall not apply to dogs provided for in subsection 8.04.090B of this title, or when the director of the health department adopts rules and regulations, which are subsequently ratified by the city council, which set forth the times and places where the dog or dogs may be allowed without compromising the health and safety of humans, causing a nuisance, or damaging property. (Ord. 2012-16, 6-21-2012)