8.03.010: Commercial Permits Requirements
8.03.020: Regulatory Authority Of Division
8.03.030: Procedures
8.03.040: Requirements For Catteries And Kennels
8.03.050: Requirements For Pet Shops
8.03.060: Requirements For Animal Grooming Parlor
8.03.070: Requirements For Stables
8.03.080: Requirements For Animal Exhibitions
8.03.090: Requirements For Guard Dogs
8.03.100: Permit For Foster Animals
8.03.110: Exotic Animal Permit
8.03.120: Dangerous Animal Permit
8.03.130: Exemptions
8.03.140: Permits; Display Requirements
8.03.150: Permit Fees; Expiration; Renewal
8.03.160: Establishments; Rules And Regulations
8.03.170: Establishments; Inspections And Reports
8.03.180: Unlawful Activities; Notice Requirements
8.03.190: Permits; Suspension Or Revocation; Grounds
8.03.200: Permits; Suspension Or Revocation; Procedure
8.03.210: Emergency Suspension Of Permits
8.03.220: Notice Of Suspension Of Permits; Service Procedures
It is unlawful for any person to operate or maintain a commercial holding facility or any similar establishment, except a licensed veterinary hospital or clinic, unless such person first obtains a regulatory permit from the division, in addition to all other required licenses. All applications for permits to operate such establishments shall be submitted, together with the required permit fee, on a printed form provided by the division. Before the permit is issued, approval must be granted by the health department, the appropriate land use authority, and the director. (Ord. 2012-16, 6-21-2012)
The director shall have the authority to promulgate regulations for the issuance of permits and shall include requirements for humane care of all animals and for compliance with the provisions of this title and other applicable laws. Such regulations may be amended from time to time as deemed desirable for public health and welfare and for the protection of animals. Regulations promulgated under this delegation of authority shall not extend the power of the director or the division beyond that reasonably necessary to carry out the requirements of this title. Regulations shall not become effective until approved and adopted by the city council. (Ord. 2012-16, 6-21-2012)