"Vicious animal" means:
A. Any animal which, in a threatening and terrorizing manner, approaches any person upon the streets, sidewalks, or any public grounds or places in an apparent attitude of attack;
B. Any animal with a known propensity, tendency or disposition to attack unprovoked, to cause injury or otherwise threaten the safety of human beings or animals; or
C. Any animal, which bites, inflicts injury, assaults or otherwise attacks a human being or domestic animal on public or private property.
Whether an animal has been properly licensed under the provisions of this title shall have no relevance to the determination of whether an animal is a "vicious animal", as defined herein. (Ord. 2012-16, 6-21-2012)
"Wild animal" means any animal of a species that in its natural life is usually untamed and undomesticated, including hybrids and animals which, as a result of their natural or wild condition, cannot be vaccinated effectively for rabies. These animals, however domesticated or tamed, shall include, but are not limited to:
A. Alligators and crocodiles;
B. Bears (Ursidae). All bears, including grizzly bears, brown bears, black bears, etc.;
C. Cat family (Felidae). All except the commonly accepted domesticated cats, including cheetah, leopard, lion, lynx, panther, mountain lion, tiger, wildcat, etc.;
D. Dog family (Canidae). All except domesticated dogs, including wolf, part wolf, fox, part fox, coyote, part coyote, dingo, etc.;
E. Porcupine (Erethizontidae);
F. Primate (Hominidae). All nonhuman primates;
G. Raccoon (Procyonidae). All raccoons, including eastern raccoon, desert raccoon, ringtailed cat, etc.;
H. Skunks;
I. Venomous fish and piranha;
J. Venomous snakes or lizards;
K. Weasels (Mustelidae). All including martens, wolverines, black footed ferrets, badgers, otters, ermine, mink, mongoose, etc.
For the purpose of this title, animals that are kept commercially or ranched shall not be wild animals. (Ord. 2012-16, 6-21-2012)
"Zoological park" means any facility, properly and lawfully licensed by applicable federal, state, or local law, operated by a person, partnership, corporation, or government agency, other than a pet shop, kennel, or cattery, displaying or exhibiting one or more species of nondomesticated animals. (Ord. 2012-16, 6-21-2012)