"Commercial animal establishment" means any pet shop, animal grooming parlor, guard dog location or exhibition, riding school or stable, zoological park, circus, rodeo, animal exhibition, cattery, kennel or animal breeding or housing facility. (Ord. 2012-16, 6-21-2012)
"Dangerous animal" means any animal that is a hazard to the public safety by virtue of training, treatment, physical condition, or has a known propensity, tendency or disposition to attack, or any animal which, because of its size, predatory or vicious nature or other characteristics, would constitute an unreasonable danger to human life, health, or property if not kept, maintained, or confined in a safe and secure manner. "Dangerous animal" includes those animals meeting the definition of "vicious animal" as set forth in this title.
For the purpose of this title, constrictor snakes over ten feet (10') in length will be considered a dangerous animal, as well as any other constrictor snake found to be in violation of this title. (Ord. 2012-16, 6-21-2012)
"Domestic fowl" means any variety of ducks or adult female domesticated chickens and baby ducks or chickens of either gender, not over twenty (20) weeks in age, but not to include adult male chickens or other bird species, unless otherwise permitted by law. (Ord. 2012-16, 6-21-2012)