"Handler" is any person who has physical control, i.e., the charge, care, control, custody, or possession, or responsibility for the same, of an animal at any given time. An "owner" shall be presumed to have ultimate responsibility for the physical control of the animal and may divest him/herself of such responsibility only by the transferring of, or giving permission for, actual physical control of the animal to a legally responsible adult person of age eighteen (18) or more. Whenever such other person of the requisite age has responsibility for physical control of the animal, such person shall be the "handler". At all other times, the "owner" shall be presumed to be the "handler". (Ord. 2012-16, 6-21-2012)
"Household pet" or "companion animal" means any animal of a species that has been domesticated to live in or about the habitation of humans, is dependent on humans for food and shelter and is kept by its owner for pleasure rather than utility and/or commercial purposes. (Ord. 2012-16, 6-21-2012)