Rules of the Road
   71.01   Speed regulations and restrictions
   71.02   Changing lanes
   71.03   Driving on right side of roadway required; exceptions
   71.04   When overtaking on right permitted
   71.05   Overtaking vehicle on left
   71.06   Limitations on overtaking on left; exception
   71.07   Passing vehicles proceeding in opposite directions
   71.08   One-way roadways and rotary traffic islands
   71.09   Following too closely
   71.10   No passing zones
   71.11   Fire apparatus, equipment; restrictions
   71.12   Parades; funeral processions
   71.13   School zones, school bus regulations
   71.14   Driving vehicles on sidewalk prohibited; exception
   71.15   Backing vehicle
   71.16   Motorcycles, bicycles and motor scooters
   71.17   Clinging to vehicles
   71.18   Entering and leaving controlled access highways
   71.19   Reckless driving
   71.20   Careless or negligent driving, stopping or parking
   71.21   Driving in careful and prudent manner
   71.22   Driving under influence of drugs or alcohol
   71.23   Driving through safety zone
   71.24   Starting parked vehicle
   71.25   Opening and closing vehicle doors
   71.26   Obstructing driver’s view or driving mechanism
   71.27   Boarding or alighting from vehicle
   71.28   Unlawful riding
   71.29   Private service drives
   71.30   Eluding police officer
   71.31   Designation of truck routes
   71.32   Loads on vehicles
   71.33   Vehicle approaching or entering intersection
   71.34   Vehicle turning left at intersection
   71.35   Yield right-of-way signs; through streets
   71.36   Vehicles entering highway or traffic
   71.37   Emerging from alley, driveway or building
   71.38   Stop when traffic obstructed
   71.39   Railroad crossings
   71.40   Texting while driving
Turning Movements
   71.55   Turning markers or indicators
   71.56   Designation of restricted turns
   71.57   Obedience to no turn signs
   71.58   U-turns
   71.59   Position and method of turning
   71.60   Turning movements and required signals
   71.61   Means of giving turn signals
   71.62   Method of giving hand and arm signals
   71.63   Turns into or from alleys