(A)   Exceptions to compliance with maximum speed limit. No vehicle shall be driven at a greater speed than provided in division (B) of this section upon any street or highway within the city except:
      (1)   Emergency vehicles being lawfully driven as provided in this title;
      (2)   When a different speed limit is otherwise designated and posted; or
      (3)   When a different speed limit is established in this title.
   (B)   Maximum speed limits designated. Except when a special hazard exists that requires lower speed for compliance with this title, the limits specified in this chapter or established as hereinafter authorized shall be maximum lawful speeds, and no person shall drive a vehicle on a highway at a speed in excess of such maximum limits as follows.
      (1)   Business district; school zone. All vehicles shall be driven at a rate of speed not to exceed 20 mph in the business district of the city or in passing any school building during school hours or within one hour before or after school hours.
      (2)   Slow zone. No vehicle shall travel faster than 15 mph in passing over any slow sign on the extended property line on which such sign is located, or at any point on that portion of the street which is designated as a slow zone.
      (3)   Alleys. No vehicle shall be driven in any part of an alley faster than seven mph.
      (4)   Certain streets; 30 miles per hour; highway street exception. No vehicle shall travel in any other part of the city at a rate of speed to exceed 30 mph, except that on Highway Street between Sections Eight and 17, Township Seven North, Range Nine East, no vehicle shall travel thereon upon the west one-half mile thereof at a rate of speed to exceed 45 mph and no vehicle shall travel upon the balance of Highway Street at a rate of speed to exceed 55 mph.
   (C)   Council authority; posting of signs. The City Council, by motion or resolution, may reduce or increase the speed limits provided in this section, and when it does so, appropriate signs shall be placed on such streets or parts of streets indicating the lower or higher speed limit.
   (D)   School zones. No vehicle shall be driven at a greater speed than the posted miles per hour, between the hours posted on any street adjacent to any school in a designated school zone on days when school is in session, unless a different speed limit or time is otherwise designated and posted.
   (E)   Driving at reasonable and prudent speed.
      (1)   No person shall drive a vehicle at a speed greater or less than is reasonable or prudent under the conditions then existing, taking into consideration among other things, the conditions of the vehicle, the traffic, roadway surface or width, the amount of light or darkness, the presence of pedestrians in or near the roadways, and the obstruction of views.
      (2)   No person shall drive any vehicle at a speed greater than will permit him or her to bring it to a stop within the assured clear distance ahead.
   (F)   Minimum speed requirements; exception. No vehicle shall be driven at such an unreasonably slow speed in relation to the effective maximum speed allowed as to constitute a hazard or to interfere with the normal movement of other traffic except when the slow speed is unavoidable.
   (G)   Obedience to maximum and minimum speed limits. Where official signs and markings give notice of both maximum and minimum speed limits in effect on any street, no vehicle shall be driven at rates in excess of the maximum nor slower than the minimum except as required by an authorized officer or in obedience to posted official signs.
   (H)   Speed contest prohibited.
      (1)   No person shall engage in, aid or abet any motor vehicle speed contest or exhibition of speed on any street or highway.
      (2)   No person shall, for the purpose of facilitating or aiding or as an incident to any motor vehicle speed contest upon any street or highway, in any manner, obstruct or place any barricade or obstruction upon any street or highway.
      (3)   When three or more persons assemble to witness or participate in an unlawful speed contest, such assembly is unlawful assembly and any person who participates in such unlawful assembly is guilty of an offense.
(Prior Code, § 6-3-1) Penalty, see § 70.99