Ordinances, Resolutions and Contracts
117.01    Form and method of enactment of legislation.
117.02   Emergency measures.
117.03   Method of public notice of legislation.
117.04   Purchases for expenditures under $25,000.
117.041   Payment of legal fees. (Repealed)
117.05   Sale costs of Codified Ordinances.
117.06   Sale costs of City public records.
117.07   Refreshments.
      Legislative powers of Council - see CHTR. 4.09
      Effective date of ordinances - see CHTR. 4.10
      Emergency measures - see CHTR. 4.10; ADM. 115.08(d)
      Mayor's legislative powers; veto - see CHTR. 5.04, 5.06
      Initiative - see CHTR. 8.01, 8.04
      Referendum - see CHTR. 8.02 et seq.
      Advertising and acceptance of bids; exceptions - see CHTR. 9.01
      Utility service contracts without advertising for bids - see
         Ohio R.C. 9.30
      Public building and improvement contracts - see Ohio R.C.
         153.50 et seq.
      Fire protection contracts - see Ohio R.C. 307.05, 505.44, 717.02
      Air and water pollution contracts with County - see Ohio R.C.
      Police protection contracts - see Ohio R.C. 505.441, 737.04
      Contract restrictions - see Ohio R.C. 715.68, 731.48
      Publication of legislation in book form - see Ohio R.C. 731.23
      Adoption of technical codes - see Ohio R.C. 731.231
      Ordinances and resolutions as evidence - see Ohio R.C. 731.42
      Authentication of legislation - see ADM. 115.09(b)
   All ordinances and resolutions introduced by Council shall be in written form. No ordinance or resolution shall contain more than one subject, which shall be clearly expressed in its title. Such approval shall be endorsed on proposed legislation or expressed in a separate written communication addressed to Council. No ordinance or resolution of a general or permanent nature, or granting a franchise, creating a right, involving the expenditure of money or levying of a tax other than a resolution providing for an election on the question of issuing bonds or levying a tax, or for the purchase, lease, sale or transfer of property, shall be passed unless it has been read in full (or by title) on three different days, unless the requirement for such three readings is dispensed with by the affirmative vote of five of the members of Council. Council may, by a majority vote, move that any ordinance or resolution be read in its entirety; otherwise, such ordinance or resolution shall be read by title only.
(Ord. 57-1966. Passed 12-13-66; Ord. 37-1978. Passed 7-11-78; Ord. 13-1992. Passed 2-17-92.)
   Any ordinance or resolution deemed by Council to be an emergency measure shall require three readings in full (or by title only) on three different days, unless such rule requiring such readings is suspended in accordance with the provisions of Section 117.01. Each emergency measure shall contain a statement of the necessity for such emergency action, a precise statement describing the emergency, and shall require the affirmative vote of five of the members of Council for its enactment. No ordinance or resolution:
   (a)    Relating to any changes in the boundaries or the Zoning Ordinance of the Municipality;
   (b)    Providing for the surrender or joint exercise of any of its powers;
   (c)    Granting any franchise; or
   (d)    Contracting for the supply to the Municipality or its inhabitants of the product or service of any utility, whether Municipally owned or not, shall be enacted as an emergency measure. (Ord. 57-1966. Passed 12-13-66.)
   All ordinances and resolutions duly enacted by Council, and any other of its acts or proceedings which Council deems proper to publish, shall be published by posting same in printed form on the bulletin board located in the City Hall for a period of seven days immediately following the passage or adoption thereof. Council may, by a majority vote of the members of Council, authorize and direct the Clerk to publish any ordinance or resolution, duly enacted, by title only, or any other of its acts or proceedings, at least once in a newspaper of general circulation within the Municipality. Such publication shall be made not later than twelve days from the date of the passage or adoption of any such ordinance, resolution or other action of Council. (Ord. 58-1966. Passed 12-13-66.)