9-1-1: Application And Permit
9-1-2: Fees
9-1-3: Alcohol Permit
9-1-4: Vehicles
9-1-5: Permit Conditions
9-1-6: Indemnification
9-1-7: Insurance
9-1-8: Multi-Year Agreements
9-1-9: Multiple Events Within A Range Of Dates
A.   A permit is required from the Transportation Systems Department for any applicant to conduct or hold a parade, special event, tour, or sell any merchandise or food or beverages on all City Rights-of-Way or City owned property. This code provision applies to any applicant who desires to operate a tour using a bus, taxi, or limousine such as a pedal pub motorized bus or a tour train on city rights-of-way.
B.   Application for a parade, special event, tour, or vendor permit must be received by the Transportation Systems Department as follows:
   1.   Minimum thirty (30) days prior to the start of events expecting less than one thousand (1000) participants, spectators, and event staff.
   2.   Minimum ninety (90) days prior to the start of events expecting one thousand (1000) or more participants, spectators, and event staff. (Ord. 3309, 5-8-2023)
9-1-2: FEES:
   A.   In order to mitigate costs of reviewing applications and staff time issuing permits, the applicant must pay a fee, as established by the City Commission, at the time of application for a parade, special event, tour, or vendor permit.
   B.   Upon payment of the permit fee, the applicant will be allowed a one-hour meeting with City staff to discuss the logistics and requirements for conducting the special event. For any required meeting time over one hour, the applicant must pay an hourly charge as established by the Commission. (Ord. 3309, 5-8-2023)
   A.   The applicant for a parade, special event, tour, or vendor permit in which alcohol will be purchased and consumed must obtain an alcohol permit pursuant to this section.
   B.   Issuance of an alcohol permit that allows for the waiver of City open container prohibitions contained in section 5-1-1 is conditioned on the following:
      1.   The permit application must specify the location for allowing alcoholic beverage consumption. All alcoholic beverages must be served and consumed within a confined area, whether it be roped, fenced, or otherwise contained and clearly designated, as provided in the application and/or agreement.
      2.   The applicant must submit a damage deposit, in the amount as set by the City Commission, to the City Manager or designee to ensure that the area in which the alcoholic beverages are to be served or consumed is left in a clean and undamaged condition after its use. Upon termination of the use, if the area is clean and no damage has incurred, the deposit will be returned to the applicant.
      3.   The applicant must comply with all rules and regulations, and obtain all necessary licenses, pertaining to the serving and/or allowing the consumption of alcoholic beverages as promulgated by the State, County of Lewis and Clark, or the City of Helena. (Ord. 3309, 5-8-2023)