6-1-1: Definitions
6-1-2: Standards For Accumulation Of Refuse And Garbage
6-1-3: Storage Of Rubbish
6-1-4: Prohibition
6-1-5: Storage Of Waste Matter
6-1-6: Bulk Storage
6-1-7: Standards For The Collection Of Refuse And Garbage
6-1-8: Responsibilities
6-1-9: Penalties
6-1-10: Rates And Charges
6-1-11: Fees And Charges Against Property
6-1-12: Duties Of Sanitation Supervisor
6-1-13: Fees To Be Established
6-1-14: Hearing Of Objections; Charges
6-1-15: Refunds
6-1-16: Reserved
6-1-17: City As Exclusive Provider Of Garbage And Solid Waste Disposal Services
The following definitions of terms shall apply unless the context clearly indicates another meaning or unless elsewhere expressly stated for specific application:
CITY OWNED CONTAINER: Any container supplied to residential or commercial refuse generators by the city.
COMMERCIAL REFUSE GENERATOR: Any person in charge of, owning, leasing, renting or occupying any multi-family dwelling unit in excess of four (4) units, business, industrial or commercial building, including, but not limited to, an apartment complex, store, office, factory, motel or hotel, that generates refuse.
COMPOST: The product resulting from the decomposition of leaves, straw, grasses and other such vegetable matter mixed or unmixed with well rotted manure, or mixed or unmixed with inorganic materials ordinarily forming a part of the soil such as sand or lime, loam and used, usable or intended to be used as a fertilizer and soil conditioner.
DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC WORKS: "Director of public works" or "public works director", where stated in this code, shall mean the director of public works, or his/her duly authorized representative.
DISPOSAL AREA: Any site, location, tract of land, area, building, structure or premises used or intended to be used for refuse transfer and/or disposal.
GARBAGE: Every accumulation of animal, vegetable or other matter that attends the preparation, consumption, decay, dealing in or storage of meats, fish, fowl, birds, fruit or vegetables, including the cans, containers or wrappers wasted along with such materials.
OCCUPANT: The person occupying a dwelling unit or the person operating, managing or keeping any hotel, restaurant, food establishment, commercial establishment, business establishment, school, church, institution or premises wherein or whereon refuse accumulates or is likely to accumulate.
REFUSE: Any waste product solid or having the character of solids rather than liquids in that it will not flow readily without additional liquid and which is composed wholly or partly of such materials as garbage, swill, seepings, cleanings, trash, rubbish, litter, industrial solid wastes or domestic solid wastes; organic wastes or residue of animals sold as meat; fruit or other vegetable or animal matter from kitchens, dining rooms, markets, food establishments or any places dealing in or handling meat, fowl, fruits, grain or vegetable offal, animal excreta, or the carcasses of animals; brick, plaster or other waste matter resulting from the demolition, alteration or construction of buildings or structures; accumulated waste material, cans, containers, tires, junk, or other such substance which may become a nuisance.
REFUSE COLLECTION: The process whereby refuse and/or refuse containers containing refuse are taken from designated locations on any premises and are loaded into vehicles of any kind intended to transport refuse from the premises to a disposal area, and whereby empty containers are returned to such designated location.
REFUSE COLLECTOR: The person who is or intends to be engaged in the collection and/or transportation of refuse, including garbage, rubbish or waste matter in any part of the city.
REFUSE DISPOSAL: The complete process required for the disposal of any refuse and shall include all tools, equipment, treatment space, buildings, structures, appurtenances and materials required to take refuse from a refuse collector at the premises line or other designated transfer point of a disposal area, and transport, bury, incinerate, destroy or otherwise dispose of such refuse.
RESIDENTIAL REFUSE GENERATOR: Any person generating refuse other than a "commercial refuse generator" as defined above.
RUBBISH: Wood, leaves, trimmings from shrubs, dead trees or branches thereof, shavings, sawdust, excelsior, wooden ware, printed matter, paper, paper board, pasteboard, grass, rags, straw, boots, shoes, hats and all other combustible material not included under the term "garbage".
TRANSPORTATION OF REFUSE: That portion of the refuse disposal operation which provides for the hauling of refuse in bulk or in refuse containers to the designated transfer point at a disposal area.
WASTE MATTER: Waste material composed of soil, earth, sand, clay, gravel, loam, stone, bricks, plaster, crockery, glass, glassware, ashes, cinders, shells, metals and all other noncombustible material which has been or is discarded or is to be discarded. (Ord. 2339, 4-2-1984; amd. Ord. 2599, 6-24-1991)
The following standards and requirements are established as a minimum for the sanitary accumulation and storage of refuse and garbage pending collection:
A. All refuse and garbage shall be placed in city owned containers, or containers approved by the director of public works.
B. Residential refuse and garbage generators equipped with city owned rollout containers shall place refuse and garbage containers on the scheduled collection days at the curb line in front of their residences. Containers shall not be placed for collection before six o'clock (6:00) P.M. on the day preceding the day of collection, and after the containers are emptied they shall be removed from the curb line on the day of collection.
C. City owned containers shall be distributed and positioned as approved by the director of public works. Containers serving more than one residence shall be positioned along the rear or side alley in a manner to facilitate efficient collection and accessibility for refuse and garbage generators and city refuse and garbage collectors, as determined by the director of public works. (Ord. 2339, 4-2-1984)
Rubbish shall be placed and stored in city owned containers or containers approved by the director of public works.
Materials that do not fit into city owned containers shall be secured in neat bundles, easily handled by the collector and not exceeding four feet (4') in length. Bundles shall be placed neatly in a pile in the generator's portion of the alley (for alley service), or adjacent to the generator's curb line (for street service). Refuse and garbage containers and public rights of way shall not be blocked by placement of said material.
Whenever possible, the refuse generator shall attempt to break down materials so that they will readily fit into the container. Whenever special handling is required, the refuse generator shall be responsible to contact the sanitation department to arrange for special collection. (Ord. 2339, 4-2-1984)