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Hanover Township Overview
Hanover Township, PA Code of Ordinances
§ 26-105. Multiple Consumer Units.
In any case of a multiple consumer unit group or where the Township otherwise grants written permission for more than one consumer unit to be served through a common water meter a multiple consumption charge per quarter shall be imposed for such service in accordance with the provisions of § 26-126.
(Ord. 68, § 5, 1/10/79; as amended by Ord. 633, 10/6/21)
§ 26-106. Deposits.
   1.   Requirement. Deposits may be required from consumers taking service for a period of less than thirty days in an amount equal to the estimated gross bill for such temporary period. Deposits may be required from all other consumers, provided that in no instance may deposits be required in excess of the estimated gross bill for any single billing period plus one month (the maximum period not to exceed four months), with a minimum of $10.
   2.   Return of Deposit. Deposits secured from a consumer shall be returned to the depositor when he shall have paid undisputed bills for service over a period of twelve consecutive months; and any such consumer, having secured the return of a deposit, shall not be required to make a new deposit unless the service has been discontinued or the consumer's credit standing impaired through failure to comply with provisions hereof.
   3.   Payment With or Without Penalty. The payment of any undisputed bill shall be payment of the bill with or without penalty within 30 days following the period for which the bill was rendered or payment within 30 days following the presentation of the bill, or the payment of any contested bill, payment of which is withheld beyond the period herein mentioned, where the dispute is terminated substantially in favor of the consumer and payment made by the consumer within ten days thereafter.
(Ord. 68, § 6, 1/10/79)
§ 26-107. Duty to Notify Township.
   1.   Correct Address. Every owner of improved property which is connected to the water system and any consumer of water service who is not the Owner of the property to be served shall provide this Township with and thereafter shall keep this Township advised of his correct address. Failure of any person to receive bills for water rentals or charges shall not be considered an excuse for nonpayment nor shall such failure result in an extension of the period of time during which the net bill shall be payable without penalty.
   2.   Change of Ownership; Discontinuance of Service. When the ownership of a property changes from one person to another, the previous owner shall notify the Township in writing and in advance, the date of discontinuance of the service under his ownership. Should the owner fail to give such notice, he shall be responsible for all charges up to and including the date the new owner makes application for service. The new owner shall make application for service in the same manner as for a new service.
(Ord. 68, § 7, 1/10/79).
§ 26-108. Temporary Water Service.
   1.   Building Construction Purposes. Temporary water service for building construction purposes will be furnished from fire hydrants or other special hydrants at the rates herein specified (§ 26-124; § 26-125). Such services will be rendered only upon application and through a special connection which the Township will place on the hydrant. No hydrant connection shall be used at other than the designated location without permission from the Township.
   2.   Private Use. Temporary service from hydrants for private use may be furnished by the Township upon application; such service shall be under the supervision of the Township, and in accordance with the applicable rates, rents and charges set forth in § 26-124, § 26-125.
   3.   Reservation of Right to Eliminate Service or Place Meter Thereon. The consumer shall take care not to waste water through a temporary connection. Should it be found that an unnecessary amount of water is being used, the Township reserves the right to eliminate the connection at once, or it may place a meter thereon, in which case the expense of the change will be paid by the consumer. Thereafter, the water rates, rents and charges set forth in § 26-124 shall be applicable to such service.
The Township may meter any temporary connection. Wherever this is done, the rates, rents and charges set forth in § 26-124 hereof shall replace the flat rate charge and thereafter be applicable to such service.
(Ord. 68, § 9, 1/10/79)
§ 26-109. Cancellation of Service.
Subject to the provisions of § 26-128(b), upon failure of any Consumer to comply with any provision set forth herein or with any additional rules and regulations adopted by the Township relating to the water system, the Township may shut off the supply of water; cut-off and turn-on rates set forth in § 26-123 hereof shall apply in such cases.
(Ord. 68, § 10, 1/10/79)
§ 26-110. Rights Reserved by Township.
   1.   Repeal, Amend, Supplement or Modify. The Township reserves the right to repeal, amend, supplement or modify any part of this Part, or to change the water rates, rents and charges established and imposed by this Part in such manner and at such time as, in the opinion of the Hanover Township Council, shall be necessary or desirable, all after due legal procedure.
   2.   Additional Rules and Regulations. The Township, from time to time, in accordance with law, by appropriate ordinance or resolution, may adopt such additional rules and regulations as, in the opinion of the Hanover Township Council, shall be desirable, beneficial or necessary for or in connection with use and operation of the Water System. Any such additional rules and regulations shall be construed in conjunction with the provisions of this Part and shall become effective on the date fixed by the Township upon adoption thereof.
(Ord. 68, § 12, 1/10/79)
§ 26-111. Penalties.
Any person, firm or corporation who shall violate any provision of this Part IA shall, upon conviction thereof, be sentenced to a fine of not more than $300; and/or to imprisonment for a term not to exceed 90 days. Each day on which a violation shall occur shall be deemed a separate and distinct offense. In addition to the penalties provided herein, the Township may recover reasonable attorney's fees, court costs, court reporter's fees, and other expenses of litigation by appropriate suit at law against the person found to have violated this Part lA or the orders, rules, and regulations issued hereunder.
(Ord. 256, 1/14/1991)