1. Lien Against Property Served by the Water System. Water rates, rents and charges imposed by this Part, to the extent permitted by law, shall be a lien on the property connected to and served by the water system; and any such water rates, rents and charges which shall be delinquent, to the extent permitted by law, shall be filed as a lien against the property so connected to and served by the water system, which lien shall be filed in the Office of the Clerk of Courts - Civil Division of Lehigh County, Pennsylvania, and shall be collected in the manner provided by law for the filing and collecting of municipal claims. The lien shall include costs of preparation of the lien of $80 and preparation of the satisfaction of $25 and any court costs for the filing of and satisfaction of the lien and the cost of collecting such delinquent amounts including reasonable attorney's fees at the rate of $150 per hour. Interest shall accrue on the delinquent rental and penalty at the rate of 10% per annum. [Ord. 449]
2. Authorization of Township Officers. Proper officers of the Township are authorized and directed to do all things and to take all legal action necessary to enforce collection of water rates, rents and charges established and imposed and otherwise to carry out provisions of this Part.
(Ord. 68, § 11, 1/10/79; as amended by Ord. 357, 3/19/1997, § 2; and by Ord. 449, 5/5/2004, § 1)
Any person, firm or corporation who shall violate any provision of this Part 1B shall be guilty of a summary offense and shall be fined not less than $300 and/or be imprisoned up to 90 days or both. Each day on which a violation shall occur shall be deemed a separate and distinct offense. In addition to the penalties provided herein, the Township may recover reasonable attorney's fees, court costs, court reporter's fees, and other expenses of litigation by appropriate suit at law against the person found to have violated this Part 1B or the orders, rules and regulations issued hereunder.
(Ord. 256, 1/14/1991)
C. Water Meters.
1. Except for those consumers being charged for water service on a flat rate basis, as provided in § 26-125, and, except upon special written permission granted by the Township, each consumer unit shall be required to have installed a water meter to measure the quantity of water consumed. Each such meter shall be furnished and installed by the Township or by the owner in accordance with rules and regulations to be adopted by the Township. Upon installation all meters shall become and thereafter remain the property of the Township.
2. Each consumer unit shall be connected separately and independently with the water system through a water lateral. Grouping of more than one consumer unit on one water lateral shall not be permitted, except for multiple consumer unit groups, or under special circumstances and for good sanitary reasons or other good cause shown, and then only after special permission of the Township, in writing, shall have been secured and subject to such rules, regulations and conditions as may be prescribed by the Township.
(Ord. 68, § 5, 1/10/79; as amended by Ord. 633, 10/6/21)
1. Reservation of Right to Remove and Test. The Township reserves the right to remove and test any meter at any time and, if such meter is found to be inaccurate, to substitute another meter of the same size in its place, either permanently or temporarily.
2. Disputed Accuracy - Request by Consumer. In case of a disputed account involving the accuracy of a meter, such meter will be tested by the Township upon the written request of the consumer. In the event the meter tested is found to have an error in the registration greater than 2%, plus or minus, the cost of the test will be borne by the Township, and the bills will be adjusted accordingly. Should the meter be found to be correct, the cost for testing shall be billed to the consumer on the next quarterly bill submitted.
(Ord. 68, § 3, 1110/79)