§ 26-202. Allentown Water District.
   1.   The Allentown Water District-South shall be that portion of the Township designated as the Allentown Water District-South on the Water District Map.
   2.   The Allentown Water District-North shall be that portion of the Township designated on the Allentown Water District-North on the Water District Map.
   3.   All public water mains servicing property in the Allentown Water Districts South or North shall be supplied by the City of Allentown Water System.
(Ord. 238, 2/7/1990, § 2)
§ 26-203. Bethlehem Water District.
   1.   The Bethlehem Water District shall be that portion of the Township designated as the Bethlehem Water District on the Water District Map.
   2.   All public water mains servicing property in the Bethlehem Water District shall be supplied by the City of Bethlehem Water System.
(Ord. 238, 2/7/1990, § 2)
§ 26-204. Exceptions.
The Township Council may, by resolution, grant exceptions to the requirements of this Part 2.
(Ord. 238, 2/7/1990, § 2)
§ 26-301.   Title.
The title of this Part shall be known and may be cited as the “Mandatory Aquifer Non- Use Ordinance.”
(Ord. 494, 6/3/2009, § 201)
§ 26-302.   Purpose.
The Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection has determined that within a certain area designated as the Aquifer Non-Use Area (“ANUA”) the ground water may contain chemical constituents which preclude its safe use for domestic, potable or agricultural water supply. A portion of the ANUA is within the service area of the public water system of the City of Bethlehem. The Township wishes to establish restrictions and procedures to prevent the extraction of ground water and require the use of the public water system for domestic, potable and agricultural supply for all land located within the ANUA.
(Ord. 494, 6/3/2009, § 202)
§ 26-303.   Definitions.
   ANUA—the area delineated by the ANUA boundary and identified as plats 1 through 17 as shown on the attached map titled “Location of Aquifer Non-Use Area, Hanover Township, Pennsylvania.”
   AGRICULTURAL USE—any use for the irrigation of crops or use for animal consumption or incorporation and animal feed.
   ANUA PROPERTY—that portion of any lot located within the ANUA.
   BETHLEHEM WATER SYSTEM—public water system operated by the City of Bethlehem, Pennsylvania.
   BULK SUPPLY—water supplied to a location by tank truck and stored on site in a single container of sufficient capacity to hold at least two weeks of anticipated water use. Bulk supply does not included bottled water for individual, water cooler or similar uses.
   DOMESTIC USE—any normal household use including, but not limited to, drinking, bathing, cleaning, laundry, swimming pools, lawn and landscape watering and toilets.
   PERSON—any individual, corporation, firm, partnership or any other entity or association.
   POTABLE USE—any use for human or animal consumption including the incorpora tion in any food for human consumption or for cleaning of equipment used for the processing of food used for human or animal consumption.
(Ord. 494, 6/3/2009, § 203)