Any owner may request the city council to extend the municipal water and/or wastewater system(s) to serve undeveloped areas within the existing corporate city limits, newly annexed areas or areas outside the corporate limits.
A. Responsibility Of The Owner: Unless otherwise allowed by the city council, the owner shall pay all costs and expenses associated with the extension of the municipal water and/or wastewater systems or with the installation of any oversized water and/or wastewater lines. It shall also be the responsibility of the owner or agent therefore to install all necessary fire hydrants and the municipal water service line, the private service line, the wastewater main and the building wastewater system for all extensions of the municipal water and wastewater systems at no expense to the city. Unless a special permit is granted by the city, all municipal water and wastewater system extensions, including the municipal water service line and building wastewater system into newly developed areas, shall be installed prior to the construction of any new streets. All design and construction of any extensions, expansions, or significant changes to the municipal water and wastewater systems shall comply with applicable standards and required inspections.
B. Plan Approval Process: In approving a plan for the extension to the municipal water and/or wastewater systems, the city reserves the right to stipulate other requirements such as inspections, inspection fees, a special permit fee, rights of way limits, sequence of construction, time limits for having existing service disrupted, the filing of a performance bond or other security and other similar measures as may be required to protect the public. The owner shall submit plans to DEQ for review of any extension, expansion, or other significant change to the municipal water and wastewater systems. Approval by DEQ is required prior to approval of the plans by the city. The DEQ approved plans for all extensions to the municipal water and wastewater systems shall be prepared and signed by a registered professional engineer with three (3) copies of such plans filed with the city. Any changes to the plans prior to completion shall be documented and resubmitted before or immediately following completion of the installation.
C. Construction Approval Process: During construction all city inspections and testing requirements shall be satisfactorily completed. After the construction of the municipal water and/or wastewater system, it shall be the obligation of the owner or his agent to have a registered professional engineer certify to the city that the system extensions were installed according to the approved plans and specifications on file in the office of the city clerk. Following certification by the registered professional engineer and acceptance by the city, the entire extension of the water and/or wastewater main, including the municipal water service lines, shall become the property of the city. (Ord. 1188, 2015; Ord. 1094, 2011)