When adopting a pet through the city of Grove animal control department the following process will be followed:
A. Fill out paperwork related to animal adoption;
B. If the new animal owner resides in the city limits of Grove, they must supply within thirty (30) days proof of rabies vaccination by a licensed veterinarian. Failure to do so will result in a citation(s) being issued;
C. Pay twenty dollar ($20.00) adoption fee;
D. If the animal has not been spayed or neutered, the new owner will be given a twenty five dollar ($25.00) certificate to be used by a veterinarian located within the city limits of Grove. (Ord. 643, 5-15-2012; amd. Ord. 649, 7-17-2012)
It is the duty of the animal control officer or other authorized persons to take into possession any animal that may be running loose upon the streets, curbing, alleys, public places or trespassing upon the lands of any person within the corporate limits of the city, and impound such animal; except that domestic dogs shall be allowed to run without a leash in dog park(s) designated by the city of Grove. (Ord. 643, 5-15-2012; amd. Ord. 649, 7-17-2012; Ord. 658, 10-16-2012)
A. Domestic Animals: Impounded animals shall be kept for not less than five (5) working days.
1. If by a license tag or other means, the owner of an impounded animal can be identified, the animal control officer shall immediately upon impoundment notify the owner.
2. An animal so impounded shall be released to the owner or person entitled to the possession thereof upon payment of a fifteen dollar ($15.00) fee plus five dollars ($5.00) per day for each day of impoundment.
3. Any animal not reclaimed by its owner within five (5) working days shall become the property of the local government authority, or humane society, and shall be placed for adoption to a suitable home or humanely euthanized. No animal shall be adopted without being vaccinated for rabies and spayed or neutered. The only exception to being spayed or neutered shall be if the animal is being used for breeding purposes, at which time the owner must sign an affidavit to such effect.
B. Agricultural Animals:
1. If the owner of any agricultural animal such as horse, cow, mule, hog, sheep, goat or other animal of similar kind does not procure the release of such animal within twenty four (24) hours after impoundment, the animal control officer shall cause a description to be posted at city hall or police office, and if the owner or person entitled to the possession of such animal is known, notice shall be given to him, notice shall give the color, sex, and description of the animal impounded and shall state that the animal will be sold, unless it is released from impoundment on a date not less than five (5) days from the date the notice is posted or given as herein provided.
2. If the owner or person entitled to the possession of any agricultural animal impounded under this section is unknown, or if known and he fails, refuses, or neglects to release such animal for impoundment after the service of notice as provided for in this section, after the expiration of the time fixed by the notices provided herein, the police shall cause a notice of sale of such animal to be published in the newspaper within the city for a period of not less than ten (10) days, giving the description of the animal to be sold and the date, time, and place of the sale. If such animal is not released from impoundment by the owner or person entitled to the possession thereof prior to such date, the police shall sell the animal to the highest bidder for cash, and the buyer shall thereafter have complete title to such animal.
3. From the proceeds of the sale of animals sold under this section, there shall be first paid the cost of feeding of the animals and the cost of publishing the notice of sale. The residue shall be paid into the office of the city treasurer and placed to credit of the general fund.
C. Vicious Animals:
1. It shall be the duty of the animal control officer or designated representative upon receipt of a verified complaint, to cause the animal involved to be impounded pending a vicious animal determination as required by this section. The owner shall immediately surrender possession of the animal when presented with a copy of the complaint. Each day that the owner fails or refuses to allow the animal control officer or his designated representative to impound an animal shall be a separate offense. Any and all expenses associated with the impoundment, including costs of shelter, food, handling, and veterinary care, shall be borne by the owner of such animal during impoundment.
2. Upon receipt of a verified complaint, the animal control officer or his designated representative shall promptly hold a hearing to determine if an animal shall be declared vicious or dangerous. The verified complaint may be filed by a citizen, a police officer, or an animal control officer, and shall clearly state the facts and circumstances surrounding determinations at the hearing:
a. That the animal is in fact not vicious. In that event, the animal control officer shall cause it to be surrendered to the owner;
b. That the animal is in fact vicious and should be destroyed;
c. That the animal is vicious, but that for good cause shown, the animal should not be destroyed. In that event, the animal control officer shall order the animal permanently removed from the city limits.
3. The owner may appeal the determination of the animal control officer to the municipal court by requesting a hearing within five (5) days of the determination. The municipal judge shall hold a hearing de novo within ten (10) days of the impoundment to determine if the animal is vicious as defined by this chapter and shall be empowered to make a determination based upon this section.
D. Dead Animal Disposal: Dead animals may be picked up from residences by the animal control officer upon payment of a twenty five dollar ($25.00) fee.
If the owner of a dead animal brings the animal to the shelter and they reside in the city limits of Grove, a fee of twenty dollars ($20.00) will be assessed. Owners shall sign an impoundment card releasing custody of the deceased animal to the city. Once the animal is released to the city, the animal becomes the property of the city and may be disposed of.
If a private cremation is requested a fee of twenty five dollars ($25.00) for small animals, fifty dollars ($50.00) for medium animals and a fee of seventy five dollars ($75.00) for large animals will be assessed.
Sick, injured, aggressive, or nonadoptable animals may be humanely destroyed by the animal control officer at the owner's request; provided the owner signs an impoundment card releasing custody of the animal to the city, upon payment of a twenty dollar ($20.00) destruction fee and upon proof of veterinarian treatment and/or recommendation. (Ord. 643, 5-15-2012; amd. Ord. 649, 7-17-2012)
A. The city of Grove may designate city owned property as a dog park open to the public.
B. To ensure safety and a positive environment for pets and people, the following rules shall be observed by owners/keepers of dogs utilizing the public dog park. It shall be the responsibility of the owner/keeper of the dogs to familiarize themselves with the rules and comply at all times.
1. Park hours are daylight hours (sunrise to sunset);
2. Only dogs are allowed, no other animals may be brought into the park;
3. All dogs shall be leashed when entering and leaving the park;
4. Owners/keepers shall carry a leash with them at all times while in the park;
5. The small dog enclosure is for dogs under thirty (30) pounds;
6. No dogs under four (4) months of age shall be permitted within the park;
7. There is a limit of two (2) dogs per adult owner/keeper in the park at any time;
8. Dogs showing any signs of aggression must be leashed and immediately removed from the park;
9. Choke chains, prong, spiked or shock collars are not permitted;
10. Never leave dogs unattended; all dogs must be accompanied by an adult (18 years or older) and must be in view of and within voice control of their owner/keeper at all times;
11. All dogs must have current rabies and all other vaccinations as required by the city of Grove; all dogs must wear current vaccination tags in the park;
12. Contagious dogs are not allowed; dogs that have any type of illness, fleas, mange or parasites are prohibited from the park;
13. Owners/keepers are liable and responsible for the actions of their dogs at all times;
14. Owners/keepers are responsible for picking up and properly disposing of their dog's waste in waste stations provided; nothing but dog's waste shall be disposed of in the waste stations;
15. Littering is prohibited; trash shall be placed in designated containers;
16. Dogs in heat are prohibited;
17. Unneutered male dogs may try to mount other dogs, if this action continues, you must remove your dog from the park;
18. No food (dog or human) is allowed within the fenced area;
19. No alcohol is allowed in park;
20. No glass or metal containers are allowed in the park;
21. No bicycles, skateboards, rollerblades or any motorized vehicles are allowed in the park;
Exceptions: Wheelchairs, scooters or other motorized vehicles used to assist physically handicapped individuals.
22. Children under twelve (12) years of age are not allowed within the fenced area without adult supervision;
23. Running and chasing dogs is prohibited;
24. No smoking in the fenced area;
25. Use of the dog park is at your own risk; owner/keeper waives liability to the city of Grove for any injury or damage caused (by dogs or human) while accessing or using the park;
26. Park is subject to closure upon determination by the city that there is a reason deemed to be in the public's interest or safety. (Ord. 658, 10-16-2012; amd. Ord. 663, 5-7-2013, eff. 7-1-2013; Ord. 666, 7-2-2013)
Persons shall obtain a permit from the city of Grove to give away domesticated animals on any commercial parking lot or at any flea market or festival. Persons requesting the permit must provide written authorization from the property owner to give away animals on said property. There is no charge for the permit.
It shall be unlawful for any persons to sell, barter, trade, lease any animal on any commercial parking lot or at any flea market or festival.
It shall be unlawful for any person or persons to display, give away or offer to give away, sell, barter, trade, lease any animal on any public right of way.
Exceptions: This section shall not apply to any nonprofit organization founded for the purpose of providing humane sanctuary or shelter for abandoned or unwanted animals. (Ord. 643, 5-15-2012; amd. Ord. 649, 7-17-2012; Ord. 658, 10-16-2012; Ord. 663, 5-7-2013, eff. 7-1-2013; Ord. 666, 7-2-2013)
It is the duty of every person owning or having in possession, within the city limits of Grove, any dog, cat, potbellied pig, domestic rabbit or ferret over the age of four (4) months, to obtain a license from the city clerk and to pay the licensing fee herein provided.
A. The licensing requirement shall not apply to the following animals:
1. Animals being used by law enforcement agencies for law enforcement purposes;
2. Animals belonging to visitors traveling through the city, while such animal is with its owner or keeper.
B. The annual licensing fees herein provided shall be as follows:
1. Five dollars ($5.00) for each dog, cat, potbellied pig, domestic rabbit or ferret which has been spayed or neutered;
2. Ten dollars ($10.00) for each dog, cat, potbellied pig, domestic rabbit or ferret which has not been spayed or neutered;
a. If a dog, cat, potbellied pig, domestic rabbit or ferret owner provides proof from a veterinarian that their animal has been spayed or neutered within thirty (30) days of issuance of their license, a five dollar ($5.00) refund will be provided. (Ord. 686, 8-5-2014, eff. retroactive to 7-1-2014)
3. No charge for the following animals:
a. Service Animal:
(1) Service animal as defined herein shall be exempt from the license fee upon owner providing an affidavit that certifies the dog is a qualified service animal.
b. Therapy Animal:
(1) Therapy animal as defined herein shall be exempt from the license fee upon owner providing an affidavit that certifies the animal is a qualified therapy animal. (Ord. 712, 10-20-2015)
c. Older Or Ill Health Animals:
(1) Animals unable to be spayed or neutered without a high likelihood of suffering serious bodily harm or death due to age or infirmity. Written confirmation from a licensed veterinarian is required to qualify for this exception.
C. Prior to licensing, the owner, keeper or harborer of each dog, cat or ferret must provide:
1. Proof of current rabies vaccination by a licensed veterinarian (vaccination must remain current during the licensing period of July 1 through June 30 of the licensing year);
2. Proof of animal being spayed or neutered by a licensed veterinarian (to be allowed to pay the reduced fee);
3. Proof of documentation of qualifying intact animal (to be allowed to pay the reduced fee).
D. Prior to licensing, the owner, keeper, or harborer of each potbellied pig or domestic rabbit must provide:
1. Proof of current certificate of examination from a licensed veterinarian certifying the animal is free from infectious diseases (certificate must remain current during the licensing period of July 1 through June 30 of the licensing year);
2. Proof of animal being spayed or neutered by a licensed veterinarian (to be allowed to pay the reduced fee).
E. The City Clerk shall furnish the registrant, at the time of registration, with a tag which shall be securely and visibly attached to the collar of the dog, cat, potbellied pig or domestic rabbit. Tags for ferrets should be kept in a secure, readily available location associated with the ferret.
F. The license shall be renewed/purchased and the license fee shall be paid annually on or before July 1 for each dog, cat, ferret, potbellied pig or domestic rabbit; for any animal which first becomes subject to licensing on or after December 1, the license fee shall be reduced to one-half (1/2) of the annual fee as hereto established by Council.
G. If a valid license tag is lost or destroyed, a new tag will be issued for one dollar ($1.00). (Ord. 686, 8-5-2014, eff. retroactive to 7-1-2014)
The civil and criminal provisions of this chapter shall be enforced by those persons or agencies designated by Municipal authority. It shall be a violation of this chapter to interfere with a humane officer in the performance of his duties. (Ord. 643, 5-15-2012; amd. Ord. 649, 7-17-2012; Ord. 658, 10-16-2012; Ord. 663, 5-7-2013, eff. 7-1-2013)
Any person, firm or corporation who violates any provision of this chapter, or who violates, refuses or neglects to carry out any reasonable order made by the animal control officer or City police, pursuant to this chapter, shall upon conviction thereof, be punished by fine not to exceed five hundred dollars ($500.00) per day, plus court costs. Each day or any portion of a day during which a violation of this chapter shall continue shall constitute a separate offense. (Ord. 643, 5-15-2012; amd. Ord. 649, 7-17-2012; Ord. 658, 10-16-2012; Ord. 663, 5-7-2013, eff. 7-1-2013)