The city of Grove animal control officer may loan a citizen residing in the city limits of Grove the use of an animal trap.
The animal control officer shall obtain the following information from the citizen prior to loaning of animal trap:
Date of birth
Physical address (not a P.O. box)
Phone number
Copy of photo ID
All of the city of Grove's animal traps will be serviced by the animal control officer. The person who borrows the animal trap is responsible for the security of the trap. If the trap is damaged (not by the trapped animal) through neglect or stolen due to the failure of the borrower, the borrower may be held responsible for cost and shipping or replacing the trap.
All of the traps the city of Grove owns and uses are "live traps" and do not cause harm or injury to the animals.
Persons who set privately owned traps shall notify the animal control officer when an animal is caught. Trap owners may request the animal control officer pick up the trap and release the animal. It shall be the responsibility of the owner to retrieve their trap from the animal control officer within three (3) days after pick up and release of said animal.
No person shall set or expose an open jaw type trap, leg hold trap, snare trap, or any type trap which would likely cause physical harm or injury to any animal. This provision shall not apply to persons who are licensed by the state to trap animals as provided in 29 Oklahoma Statutes section 4-119.
Citizens encountering problems with wild animals other than those for which the Grove animal control department supplies traps such as: coyotes, protected bird species, bobcats, etc., the citizen will be advised to contact the Oklahoma wildlife division. (Ord. 643, 5-15-2012; amd. Ord. 649, 7-17-2012)