Ord. No.
| Date
| Subject
| Disposition
Ord. No.
| Date
| Subject
| Disposition
1-3-1960 | Grove Municipal Airport Authority. | App. 4 | |
11-6-1974 | Electric franchise. | App. 1 | |
186A | 5-20-1975 & 9-7-1976 | Regulations for cablevision company. | App. 2 |
194 | 7-15-1975 | Contractors' licensing. | 5-1002–5-1003 |
204 | Adoption of codification. | ||
205 | 9-7-1975 | Regulate use of Municipal airport. | 16-101; 16-103–16-111 |
206 | 9-16-1975 | Bird sanctuary. | 4-201–4-204 |
207 | 10-7-1975 | Emergency vehicles. | 15-211 |
208 | Cutting streets. | Superseded | |
209 | 1-6-1976 | Flood hazard districts established and maps adopted. | Superseded |
210 | 3-2-1976 | Leasing of Municipal airport properties. | 16-112 |
211 | 5-4-1976 | Amends Chapter 2, alcoholic beverages. | 3-302; 3-305 |
212 | Amends Chapter 5, occupation tax. | Superseded | |
213 | 9-21-1976 | Vacate portion of Rogers Addition. | Special |
214 | Water regulation. | Special | |
215 | 1-3-1978 | Taxicab franchise. | App. 5 |
216 | 8-2-1977 | Annexation - Shangri-la. | Special |
217 | 1-3-1978 | Alley vacation. | Special |
218 | 5-16-1978 | Close Mark Avenue. | Special |
220 | 10-3-1978 | Creation of board of commissioners for Grove Springs Park. | 11-201–11-211 |
221 | 11-21-1978 | Amends hours of operation of private clubs. | 3-304 |
222 | 3-6-1979 | Shoplifting - definitions; arrest; detention. | 10-216–10-218 |
223 | 3-6-1979 | Meeting or overtaking school buses. | 15-514 |
224 | 3-20-1979 | Extend City limits, Quail Run, Whispering Hills and Beacon Point. | Special |
225 | 4-17-1979 | Sales tax increase. | 7-201 |
226 | 5-15-1979 | Amends installation charges for cable. | App. 2 |
227 | 8-21-1979 | Amends cleaning and mowing of property. | 8-102–8-106 |
228 | 9-19-1979 | Prohibiting trespass on premises or property of another. | 10-213 |
229 | 10-2-1979 | Construction of buildings must comply with BOCA standards. | 5-801 |
230 | 10-16-1979 | Permits for alteration or change of City streets. | Superseded |
231 | 11-6-1979 | Authorizing Grove Municipal Authority to incur an indebtedness. | Special |
232 | 2-19-1980 | Amends rates charged by taxicabs. | App. 5 |
233 | Permits for alteration or change of City streets. | Superseded | |
234 | 5-6-1980 | Charges for water; sewer service; refuse. | Special |
235 | 6-17-1980 | Airport zoning; purpose of zoning ordinance. | 12-201–12-205; 12-401 |
236 | 6-17-1980 | Defining local, collector and arterial streets. | 14-201–14-204 |
237 | 7-1-1980 | Admission of persons to "X" or "R" movies. | 9-401–9-405 |
238 | 8-5-1980 | Relating to water shortages. | 17-301–17-305 |
239 | 8-5-1980 | Tax on businesses furnishing power, light or electricity. | 7-302–7-305 |
240 | 8-19-1980 | Annexing Cherokee Grand Estates. | Special |
241 | 11-4-1980 | Provide equal access to housing. | 5-901–5-908 |
242 | 11-4-1980 | Amend permits issued for construction. | 5-103 |
243 | 1-6-1981 | Add to Flood Hazard Ordinance. | 12-501–12-512; 12-514 |
244 | 2-17-1981 | Regulations for subdivisions of land. | 12-301–12-303 |
245 | 2-19-1981 | Additional 1% sales tax for 2 months. | 7-201 |
246 | 2-19-1981 | Election to approve or disapprove Ord. 245. | Special |
247 | 2-19-1981 | Authorize Municipal Services Authority to incur $60,000 indebtedness. | Special |
248 | 4-21-1981 | Limitation of open burning. | 13-111 |
249 | 4-21-1981 | Qualifications for Board of Adjustment members. | 12-201 |
250 | 5-19-1981 | Annexation - Sections 5, 6, 7, 8 and 17, portions of Parkview and Honey Creek Terrace. | Special |
251 | 6-2-1981 | Traffic Violations Bureau. | 6-121 |
252 | 6-2-1981 | Restrictions of commercial vehicles parked in residential districts. | 15-719 |
253 | 7-21-1981 | Sanitation services fee to residents. | Special |
254 | 9-15-1981 | Occupation tax. | 9-101 |
255 | 10-20-1981 | Creation of Economic Development Commission. | 12-601–12-604 |
256 | 11-3-1981 | Assess sales tax. | 7-201–7-226 |
257 | 11-3-1981 | Election to approve or disapprove Ord. 256. | Special |
258 | 11-3-1981 | Authorize Municipal Services Authority to incur indebtedness. | Special |
259 | 11-17-1981 | Establishing library service. | 11-301–11-313 |
260 | 12-1-1981 | Fees for alterations to City streets. | 14-301–14-303 |
261 | 1-5-1982 | Amend Chapter 4, Article 11, Sec. 4-17 issuing licenses. | 5-208 |
262 | 2-16-1982 | Amend Chapter 12, Article 1; bail procedures. | 6-120 |
263 | 2-16-1982 | Annexing all of Lot 1, Sec. 5. | Special |
264 | 2-16-1982 | Amend running of childcare centers. | Special |
265 | 4-20-1982 | Amending Ord. 226. | |
266 | 5-4-1982 | Driving while under the influence of drugs. | 15-526 |
267 & 268 | 5-4-1982 | Marijuana and controlled dangerous drugs prohibited. | 10-404 |
269 | 5-18-1982 | Specific rules adopted by Airport Management Authority; penalty. | 16-102 |
270 | 5-18-1982 | Drug paraphernalia prohibited. | 10-405 |
271 | 6-1-1982 | Use of public sewers required, unauthorized disposal. | 17-402 |
272 | 6-1-1982 | Sewer rates and charges. | 17-411 |
273 | 6-1-1982 | Providing charges for water; sewer service; refuse service. | Special |
274 | 6-15-1982 | Creation of board of commission. | 11-501–11-507 |
275 | 7-27-1982 | Providing charges for water service; sewer service; refuse service. | Special |
276 | Annexation of territory to City. | Special | |
277 | Amendment to Zoning Ordinance. | Special | |
278 | Annexation of territory to City. | Special | |
279 | Vacating and closing an alley. | Special | |
280 | Annexation of territory to City. | Special | |
281 | Annexation of territory to City. | Special | |
282 | 4-19-1983 | Handicapped parking, enforcement on public or private property. | 15-726 |
283 | Amend Sec. 4-7 of prior code on building code (delete 4-7b). | 5-301 | |
284 | 8-2-1983 | Insurance or certificate required for motor vehicle. | 15-228 |
285 | 9-6-1983 | Word number and boundaries. | 1-202 |
286 | 12-20-1983 | Adopting code of ordinances. | Special |
287 | 2-21-1984 | Authorizing Cable TV to use poles, wires and cables. | App. 2 |
288 | 2-21-1984 | Vacating street. | Special |
289 | 2-21-1984 | Establishing law enforcement officers training fund. | 6-136 |
290 | 2-21-1984 | Amending fines, costs and imprisonment. | 1-108, 3-213, 5-105, 5-212, 5-908, 5-1101, 6-128, 6-134, 8-118, 9-204, 9-405, 9-501, 11-103, 12-701, 15-308, 15-1402, 17-305, 17-413, 17-509 |
291 | 4-3-1984 | Annexing. | Special |
292 | 6-6-1989 | Deleting Sec. 9-606. | 9-601 et seq. |
292 | 4-3-1984 | Amending Part 9 regarding peddlers. | 9-601 et seq. |
293 | 6-5-1984 | Regional Planning Commission created. | 12-120–12-127 |
294 | 7-17-1984 | Annexing. | Special |
295 | 7-17-1984 | Regulations for use of Grove Municipal Airport. | App. 4 |
296 | 8-7-1984 | Annexing. | Special |
297 | 9-18-1984 | Weeds and trash. | 8-118.1 |
298 | 11-6-1984 | Vacating street and alley. | Special |
299 | 1-21-1985 | Annexing. | Special |
300 | 2-5-1985 | Amending Ord. 275 regulating charges for water, sewer, refuse, natural gas. | Special |
301 | 3-19-1985 | Annexing. | Special |
302 | 6-4-1985 | Creating Recreational Commission. | 11-110–11-119; 11-203, 11-204, 11-207 |
303 | 6-4-1985 | Term of judge. | 6-105 |
304 | 6-18-1985 | Defining gross receipts relating to liquor by the drink. | 7-202 |
305 | 6-24-1985 | Amending occupation tax. | 3-101, 3-102, 3-104, 3-104.1, 3-301 et seq. |
306 | 9-3-1985 | Vacating street. | Special |
307 | 9-27-1985 | Annexing. | Special |
308 | 11-5-1985 | Adopting Comprehensive Plan. | 12-202 |
309 | 11-5-1985 | Amending Ord. 275 regarding charges for water, sewer and natural gas. | Special |
310 | 11-19-1985 | Revision of zoning and Zoning Map and creating Board of Adjustment. | 12-201 |
311 | 11-19-1985 | Adopting subdivision regulations. | 12-301 |
312 | 11-19-1985 | Endorsing subdivision regulations adopted by Grove Regional Planning Commission. | 12-302 |
313 | 1-21-1986 | Annexing. | Special |
314 | 2-18-1986 | Annexing. | Special |
315 | 3-18-1986 | Vacating alley. | Special |
316 | 4-1-1986 | Annexing. | Special |
-- | 4-1986 | Restricting open burning. | 13-111 |
317 | 6-3-1986 | Adoption of Fire Prevention Code (BOCA Basic National). | 13-101, 13-112 |
318 | 6-1-1986 | Amending Part 4, Chapter 1, regarding animals. | 4-101, 4-107–4-121 |
319 | 8-19-1986 | Annexing. | Special |
320 | 8-19-1986 | Adding new sections regarding defective building sewers and penalties. | 17-412, 17-413 |
321 | 8-19-1986 | Annexing. | Special |
322 | 9-16-1986 | Electrical wiring to be enclosed in conduit. | 5-502 |
323 | 9-16-1986 | Annexing. | Special |
324 | 10-21-1986 | Request for annexation or rezoning fee. (Chapter 10) | Special |
325 | 12-2-1986 | Regarding kennel and pet shop license; public nuisance and injured animals. | 4-107, 4-113, 4-114 |
326 | 6-16-1987 | Public nuisance regarding number of animals. | 4-113 |
327 | 6-16-1987 | Licensed contractors' liability insurance and workers' compensation. | 5-210 |
328 | 8-18-1987 | Regarding signs; adding subsection to Chapter 5, Sec. 5-8. | Special |
329 | |||
330 | 11-3-1987 | Child passenger system in motor vehicles. | 15-559 |
331 | 2-2-1988 | Defective building sewers. | 17-412 |
332 | 6-7-1988 | Deleting Sec. 5-206, 5-207 and 5-209 regarding licensed contractors; insurance for contractors. | 5-206, 5-207, 5-209, 5-210 |
333 | 6-7-1988 | Flex-duct length and banning of fiberglass duct board. | 5-303 |
334 | 7-5-1988 | New Sec. 6-120 regarding arrest and bail. | 6-120, 6-125, 6-134 |
335 | 10-4-1988 | Amendment to Declaration of Trust for Grove Municipal Services Authority. | App. 7 |
10-4-1988 | Acceptance of beneficial interest in trust of GMSA. | App. 7 | |
336 | 1-3-1989 | Litter; reward for evidence or arrest and conviction. | 14-106, 14-106.1 |
337 | --1989 | CATV system permit to Mission Cable, L.P. | App. 2 |
338 | 5-16-1989 | Garage sales. | 9-701 et seq. |
6-6-1989 | See Ord. 292. | ||
339 | 7-5-1989 | Fee for fire service outside City limits. | 13-214 |
340 | 8-1-1989 | Churches and nonprofit organization exempt from license fee. | 9-702 |
341 | 9-19-1989 | Deannexing. | Special |
342 | 10-17-1989 | Amending Ord. 309 regarding charges for water, sewer and natural gas. | Special |
343 | 11-21-1989 | Regulations regarding firearms. | 10-308 |
344 | 8-21-1990 | Fingerprinting fee added to court costs. | 6-136 |
345 | 8-21-1990 | Required connection to water system. | 17-106 |
346 | 11-20-1990 | Police Department assistance to other communities and reimbursement. | 13-403–13-406 |
348 | 4-16-1991 | Emergency telephone service tax. | Part 7, Ch. 6 |
349 | 8-6-1991 | Use of skateboards. | 15-207, 15-1102, 15-1110 |
351 | 9-3-1991 | Cable franchise. | App. 2 |
352 | 9-17-1991 | Refuse collection fees. | 17-505 |
354 | 12-3-1991 | Animal regulations. | Part 4, Chs. 1 and 2. |
355 | 1-7-1992 | Water and gas fees. | Special |
356 | 5-19-1992 | Amendment to Zoning Ordinance. | Special |
357 | 6-16-1992 | Economic Development and Tourism Commission. | Part 12, Ch. 6 |
358 | 10-20-1992 | Water, sewer and gas fees. | Special |
375 | 6-7-1994 | Time limit for parking. | 15-704 |
379 | 10-18-1994 | Water and sewer fees. | Special |
380 | 11-1-1994 | Building code adoption. | 5-301 |
381 | 3-21-1995 | Building code revisions. | 5-303 |
384 | 6-6-1995 | Excise tax. | Part 7, Ch. 5 |
390 | 10-17-1995 | Unclaimed property. | Part 13, Ch. 5 |
400 | 3-5-1996 | Water and sewer fees. | Special |
402 | 10-1-1996 | Building code adoption. | 5-301 |
405 | 12-17-1996 | Possession; transportation of intoxicating beverages. | 10-402 |
406 | 12-17-1996 | Prosecution of minors. | Part 6, Ch. 2 |
415 | 7-1-1997 | Vehicle sound amplification systems. | 10-309 |
416 | 7-1-1997 | Amendment to zoning ordinance. | Special |
418 | 9-2-1997 | Amendment to zoning ordinance. | Special |
419 | 9-2-1997 | Amendment to zoning ordinance. | Special |
422 | 11-18-1997 | Water and sewer fees. | Special |
428 | 5-5-1998 | Amendment to zoning ordinance. | Special |
430 | 9-16-1998 | Electric franchise, Public Service Company. | App. 1 |
432 | 10-6-1998 | Library services. | Part 11, Ch. 3 |
438 | 4-6-1999 | Peddlers, solicitors, and outdoor sellers. | Part 9, Ch. 6 |
441 | 7-20-1999 | Amendment to zoning ordinance. | Special |
443 | 8-17-1999 | City owned all terrain vehicles. | 15-217 |
446 | 12-7-1999 | Amendment to zoning ordinance. | Special |
450 | 1-18-2000 | Unauthorized use of cable TV services. | 10-219, 10-220 |
451 | 2-22-2000 | Amendment to zoning ordinance. | Special |
452 | 5-16-2000 | Occupation tax. | 3-102A,B,G, 9-101 |
453 | 5-16-2000 | Court costs, fines. | 1-108C |
454 | 5-16-2000 | Amending penalty provisions. | 1-108A, 3-213A, 4-111F, 4-122A, 5-908A, 6-128A, 6-134A, 8-118A, 9-204A, 9-405A, 9-501A, 11-103A, 14-113A, 15-1402, 17-305A, 17-413B, 17-509A |
456 | 6-6-2000 | Fee for fire service outside city limits. | 13-214 |
457 | 6-6-2000 | Mechanical code. | Part 5, Ch. 5A |
459 | 6-6-2000 | Building permits. | 5-104 |
460 | 6-20-2000 | Amendment to zoning ordinance. | Special |
461 | 6-20-2000 | Amendment to zoning ordinance. | Special |
463 | 7-5-2000 | Trespassing prohibited. | 10-213C |
467 | 8-15-2000 | Water and sewer fees. | Special |
469 | 11-7-2000 | Amendment to building code. | 5-301, 5-302 |
470 | 11-7-2000 | Repeal mechanical code. | Part 5, Ch. 5A |
471 | 11-7-2000 | Plumbing and mechanical codes. | Part 5, Ch. 4 |
472 | 11-7-2000 | Residential code. | Part 5, Ch. 8 |
473 | 11-21-2000 | Annexation. | Special |
474 | 12-5-2000 | Sales tax amendments. | 7-201B |
475 | 12-5-2000 | Rezone. | Special |
476 | 1-2-2001 | Rezone. | Special |
477 | 3-20-2001 | Readopt airport zoning ordinance. | 12-401 |
478 | 5-15-2001 | Street vacation. | Special |
479 | 6-19-2001 | Rezone. | Special |
480 | 7-17-2001 | Rezone. | Special |
481 | 9-18-2001 | Amending zoning ordinance - signs. | Special |
482 | 10-16-2001 | Building sewers and connections, and cleanouts. | 17-404E |
483 | 10-16-2001 | Penalty assessment, fee. | 6-136E |
484 | 11-6-2001 | Additions and changes to building code. | 5-302E |
486 | 4-2-2002 | Annexation. | Special |
487 | 4-2-2002 | Amendment to zoning ordinance. | Special |
488 | 4-2-2002 | Amendment to zoning ordinance. | Special |
489 | 6-18-2002 | Annexation. | Special |
490 | 6-18-2002 | Annexation. | Special |
491 | 6-18-2002 | Amendment to zoning ordinance. | Special |
492 | 7-2-2002 | Water, sewer and gas fees. | Special |
493 | 8-8-2002 | Rezone. | Special |
494 | 8-20-2002 | Vacating alley. | Special |
496 | 10-1-2002 | Destruction of records. | 2-801 |
497 | 11-5-2002 | Annexation. | Special |
498 | 11-5-2002 | Readopt airport zoning ordinance. | 12-401 |
499 | 12-17-2002 | Rezone. | Special |
500 | 12-17-2002 | Rezone. | Special |
501 | 12-17-2002 | Vacating alley. | Special |
502 | 1-28-2003 | Community development block grant. | Special |
503 | 4-15-2003 | Flood damage prevention. | 12-501–12-517 |
504 | 9-2-2003 | Rezone. | Special |
505 | 9-2-2003 | Health and sanitation. | Part 8, Chs. 1–4 |
506 | 10-7-2003 | Rezone. | Special |
507 | 10-7-2003 | Sale of surplus or obsolete items. | Part 2, Ch. 9, 7-106, 7-107 |
508 | 11-4-2003 | Hazardous materials and waste. | Part 8, Ch. 5 |
509 | 11-18-2003 | Minors in possession of firearms. | 10-308D–G |
510 | 11-18-2003 | Parents and other people causing delinquent minors. | 10-103, 10-104 |
511 | 11-18-2003 | Unclaimed property in possession of of police department. | 13-501 |
512 | 2-17-2004 | Annexation. | Special |
513 | 3-2-2004 | Rezone. | Special |
514 | 3-2-2004 | Rezone. | Special |
515 | 3-16-2004 | Rezone. | Special |
516 | 5-4-2004 | Rezone. | Special |
517 | 5-18-2004 | City treasurer. | 2-402 |
518 | 6-1-2004 | Hospitals and ambulatory surgical care facilities. | Part 2, Ch. 10 |
519 | 7-6-2004 | Court cost increase. | 6-136F |
520 | 7-20-2004 | Rezone. | Special |
521 | 7-20-2004 | Annexation. | Special |
522 | 7-20-2004 | Rezone. | Special |
523 | 9-21-2004 | Taxicabs. | Part 9, Ch. 8, App. 5 |
524 | 11-2-2004 | AFIS fee increase. | Special |
525 | 4-19-2005 | Additions and changes to building code. | 5-302A |
526 | 5-17-2005 | Water, sewer, natural gas and refuse fees. | Special |
527 | 7-19-2005 | Zoning ordinance amendment. | Special |
528 | 8-16-2005 | Airport zoning ordinance. | 12-401 |
529 | 10-18-2005 | Agricultural animals. | 4-118 |
530 | 11-1-2005 | Annexation. | Special |
531 | 11-1-2005 | International fire code. | 13-101, 13-102A, 13-103, 13-104, 13-105, 13-106, 13-109A |
532 | 11-1-2005 | Floodplain administrator designation. | 12-509A |
533 | 11-15-2005 | Rezone. | Special |
534 | 11-15-2005 | Rezone. | Special |
535 | 1-17-2006 | Rezone. | Special |
536 | 3-7-2006 | Closing a street. | Special |
537 | 4-18-2006 | Lease agreement. | Special |
538 | 5-16-2006 | Lease agreement. | Special |
539 | 5-16-2006 | Annexation. | Special |
540 | 6-6-2006 | Possession or use of tobacco products by minors prohibited. | 10-419 |
541 | 11-21-2006 | Rezone. | Special |
542 | 3-6-2007 | Brakes creating excessive noise prohibited. | 15-229 |
543 | 3-20-2007 | Zoning ordinance amendment. | Special |
544 | 4-3-2007 | Obstruction of sidewalks, streets, and alleys. | 14-104B 14-105B |
545 | 4-17-2007 | When competitive bidding is not required. | 7-105A1 |
546 | 4-20-2007 | Rezone. | Special |
547 | 4-20-2007 | Closing to the public use certain right of way easements. | Special |
548 | 5-23-2007 | Postponement of scheduled rate increases for water, sewer, natural gas service. | Special |
549 | 1-15-2008 | Time of regular meetings of the council. | 2-202 |
550 | 1-15-2008 | Police department and chief. | 13-401 |
551 | 3-4-2008 | Zoning ordinance amendment. | Special |
552 | 3-4-2008 | Rezone. | |
553 | 4-15-2008 | Rezone. | |
554 | 5-6-2008 | Golf carts not owned by city. | 15-217D |
555 | 5-20-2008 | Rezone. | |
556 | 6-3-2008 | Zoning ordinance amendment. | Special |
557 | 6-17-2008 | Zoning ordinance amendment. | Special |
558 | 6-17-2008 | Charges and deposits for water, sewer and natural gas services. | Special |
560 | 7-15-2008 | Open burning. | |
561 | 7-15-2008 | Rezone. | |
563 | 9-2-2008 | Trash and weeds prohibited. | 8-201B,C,D |
564 | 9-16-2008 | Residential service entrance conductors; disconnecting means. | 5-503 |
566 | 10-21-2008 | Zoning ordinance amendment. | Special |
567 | 10-21-2008 | Zoning ordinance amendment. | Special |
568 | 11-4-2008 | Hotel tax. (Not passed by voters) | -- |
569 | 11-18-2008 | Zoning ordinance amendment. | Special |
570 | 12-16-2008 | Zoning ordinance amendment. | Special |
571 | 12-16-2008 | Cemeteries. | |
572 | 12-16-2008 | Rezone. | |
573 | 1-20-2009 | Sale of surplus or obsolete items, and purchasing. | Part 2, Ch. 9, Part 7, Ch. 1 |
574 | 1-20-2009 | Zoning ordinance amendment. | Special |
575 | 2-17-2009 | Purchasing procedures and approval authorizations. | 7-113F |
576 | 3-3-2009 | Annexation. | Special |
577 | 4-21-2009 | Zoning ordinance amendment. | Special |
578 | 4-21-2009 | Zoning ordinance amendment. | Special |
579 | 6-16-2009 | Rezone. | Special |
580 | 7-21-2009 | Subdivision regulations. | Special |
581 | 7-21-2009 | Zoning ordinance amendment. | Special |
582 | 8-4-2009 | Zoning ordinance amendment. | Special |
583 | 7-7-2009 | Existing building code. | Part 5, Ch. 12 |
584 | 11-3-2009 | Surplus property; open market purchases. | 7-106E, 7-108 |
585 | 11-3-2009 | Court costs, fines, recovery of fines. | 1-108C, 1-109 |
586 | 11-17-2009 | Hay harvesting. | 8-202 |
587 | 11-17-2009 | Nuisance exemption for agricultural activities. | 8-103F |
588 | 12-15-2009 | Zoning ordinance amendment. | Special |
589 | 12-15-2009 | Zoning ordinance amendment. | Special |
590 | 1-5-2010 | Rezone. | Special |
591 | 1-5-2010 | Contractor insurance. | 5-103A |
592 | 1-19-2010 | Zoning ordinance amendment. | Special |
593 | 2-16-2010 | Rezone. | Special |
594 | 3-2-2010 | Hay harvesting. | 8-202 |
595 | 3-16-2010 | Zoning ordinance amendment. | Special |
596 | 3-16-2010 | Subdivision regulations. | Special |
597 | 4-20-2010 | Rezone. | Special |
598 | 4-20-2010 | Rezone. | Special |
599 | 6-1-2010 | Flood damage prevention. | Part 12, Ch. 5 |
600 | 7-20-2010 | Zoning ordinance amendment. | Special |
601 | 8-17-2010 | Rezone. | Special |
602 | 9-7-2010 | Annexation. | Special |
603 | 9-7-2010 | Deer hunting. | Part 4, Ch. 3 |
604 | 9-21-2010 | Deer hunting. | Part 4, Ch. 3 |
605 | 12-7-2010 | Permitting or allowing gatherings where minors are consuming alcoholic beverages. | 10-420 |
606 | 12-21-2010 | Rezone. | Special |
607 | 12-21-2010 | Rezone. | Special |
608 | 12-21-2010 | Granting permit to Allegiance Communications, LLC. | App. 2 |
609 | 1-4-2011 | Cemetery monuments. | 11-413 |
610 | 1-4-2011 | Construction within right of way. | Part 14, Ch. 4 |
611 | 1-18-2011 | Abandoned utility services. | 17-107 |
612 | 2-15-2011 | Rezone. | Special |
613 | 2-15-2011 | Rezone. | Special |
614 | 2-15-2011 | Police technology fee. | 6-136G |
615 | 5-3-2011 | Abandoned utility services. | 17-107B |
616 | 5-17-2011 | Zoning ordinance amendment. | Special |
617 | 5-17-2011 | Zoning ordinance amendment. | Special |
618 | 5-17-2011 | Request for proposals and request for qualifications procedures. | 7-115 |
619 | 7-19-2011 | Zoning ordinance amendment. | Special |
620 | 8-2-2011 | Speed limits on specific streets. | 15-401C |
621 | 8-16-2011 | Deer hunting rules, regulations and permitting requirements. | 4-303 |
622 | 9-6-2011 | Hotel tax. (Voters did not pass) | -- |
623 | 9-6-2011 | Harbor Point economic development plan. | Special |
624 | 9-6-2011 | Barricades. | 10-609 |
625 | 9-6-2011 | Fireworks regulated. | 10-304D,E |
626 | 9-20-2011 | Obstructing sidewalks, parkways, streets and alleys. | 14-104, 14-105 |
627 | 10-18-2011 | Rezone. | Special |
628 | 10-18-2011 | Zoning ordinance amendment. | Special |
629 | 11-1-2011 | Closing of public ways and easements. | Part 14, Ch. 5 |
630 | 11-1-2011 | Closing to the public use certain right of way easements. | Special |
631 | 11-1-2011 | Vacating easements. | Special |
632 | 11-1-2011 | Permit possession or transportation of intoxicating beverages by minors. | 10-402G |
633 | 11-15-2011 | Naming of streets. | 14-205 |
634 | 11-15-2011 | Street lighting fee. | 17-108 |
635 | 1-3-2012 | Surplus property. | 7-106E |
636 | 3-6-2012 | Cemetery monuments. | 11-413D |
637 | 3-6-2012 | Golf cart route map amendment. | Special |
638 | 3-20-2012 | Zoning ordinance amendment. | Special |
639 | 3-20-2012 | Zoning ordinance amendment. | Special |
640 | 3-20-2012 | Zoning ordinance amendment. | Special |
641 | 4-17-2012 | Rezone. | Special |
642 | 4-17-2012 | Rezone. | Special |
643 | 5-15-2012 | Animal regulations. | Part 4, Ch. 1 |
644 | 5-15-2012 | Abatement procedures and costs. | 8-203A, 8-206 |
645 | 5-15-2012 | Peddlers and solicitors; outdoor sellers. | 9-616, 9-632, 9-641, 9-655, 9-671, 9-681 |
646 | 5-15-2012 | Amplified sound, loud noise or music prohibited. | 10-309 |
647 | 6-12-2012 | Local community organizations. | 9-616, 9-620, 9-655, 9-658 |
648 | 7-17-2012 | Rezone. | Special |
649 | 7-17-2012 | Animal regulations. | 4-101, 4-104 - 4-113 |
650 | 7-17-2012 | Zoning ordinance amendment. | Special |
651 | 7-17-2012 | Amplified sound, loud noise or music prohibited. | 10-309 |
652 | 8-21-2012 | Retail package stores; location. | 3-105 |
653 | 8-21-2012 | Alcoholic beverages regulations. | 3-109B |
654 | 8-21-2012 | Nonintoxicating beverages. | 3-204A |
655 | 10-2-2012 | Commercial service entrance conductors; disconnecting means. | 5-504 |
656 | 10-2-2012 | Collection of delinquency. | 8-203F |
657 | 10-16-2012 | Building regulations and codes. | Part 5, Chs. 3, 4, 7, 10, 11, 5-501, 5-602 |
658 | 10-16-2012 | Dog parks. | 4-101, 4-110 - 4-114 |
659 | 12-4-2012 | Zoning ordinance amendment. | Special |
660 | 12-4-2012 | Zoning ordinance amendment. | Special |
661 | 12-4-2012 | Zoning ordinance amendment. | Special |
662 | 4-2-2013 | Refuse collection. | 17-501, 17-504, 17-509 |
663 | 5-7-2013 | Animal regulations. | 4-111 - 4-115 |
664 | 5-21-2013 | Fee for fire service. | 13-214B,D |
665 | 5-21-2013 | Zoning ordinance amendment. | Special |
666 | 7-2-2013 | Animal regulations. | 4-103Q, 4-111 - 4-113 |
667 | 7-2-2013 | Zoning ordinance amendment. | Special |
668 | 7-16-2013 | Outside burning. | 13-111 |
669 | 7-16-2013 | Animal regulations. | 4-103L, 4-113 |
670 | 7-16-2013 | Naming of street. | Special |
671 | 10-15-2013 | Zoning ordinance amendment. | Special |
672 | 10-15-2013 | Fire training. | 13-214E |
673 | 11-5-2013 | Dilapidated buildings. | Part 8, Ch. 6 |
674 | 12-17-2013 | Dilapidated buildings. | 8-609, 8-610 |
675 | 1-7-2014 | Cemeteries. | Part 11, Ch. 4 |
676 | 1-7-2014 | Outdoor sellers. | 9-655, 9-656, 9-658D |
677 | 1-7-2014 | Bidding requirements and procedures. | 7-106C3,D, 7-107L |
678 | 1-7-2014 | Tobacco and electronic cigarettes. | Part 8, Ch. 7 |
679 | 1-21-2014 | Rezone. | Special |
680 | 2-4-2014 | Zoning ordinance amendment. | Special |
681 | 2-4-2014 | Parking of mobile or manufactured homes. | 5-1002 |
682 | 2-4-2014 | Zoning ordinance amendment. | Special |
683 | 3-18-2014 | Zoning ordinance amendment. | Special |
684 | 4-1-2014 | Trees and shrubbery to be trimmed. | 14-101 |
685 | 6-17-2014 | Refuse collection fees. | Special |
686 | 8-5-2014 | Animal regulations. | 4-103L, 4-113 |
687 | 8-19-2014 | Hotel tax. | Part 7, Ch. 7 |
688 | 9-2-2014 | Health and sanitation. | Part 8, Ch. 8 |
689 | 10-7-2014 | Electronic smoking devices and vapor products. | 10-419D |
690 | 10-7-2014 | Sanitary sewer backflow prevention. | 17-402G |
691 | 11-4-2014 | Sales and purchasing requirements. | 7-106E, 7-108A3, 7-109A |
692 | 11-4-2014 | Zoning ordinance amendment. | Special |
693 | 1-20-2015 | Zoning ordinance amendment. | Special |
694 | 2-3-2015 | Hotel tax. | Part 7, Ch. 7 |
695 | 2-17-2015 | Zoning ordinance amendment. | Special |
696 | 2-17-2015 | Zoning ordinance amendment. | Special |
697 | 2-17-2015 | Zoning ordinance amendment. | Special |
698 | 3-3-2015 | Access driveways. | 14-402 |
699 | 4-21-2015 | Rates, fees, and charges for water, sewer, natural gas, and refuse services. | Special |
700 | 4-21-2015 | Zoning ordinance amendment. | Special |
701 | 5-5-2015 | Zoning ordinance amendment. | Special |
702 | 5-5-2015 | Zoning ordinance amendment. | Special |
703 | 5-19-2015 | Permit granted. | Special |
704 | 5-19-2015 | Hay harvesting. | 8-202 |
705 | 6-16-2015 | Zoning ordinance amendment. | Special |
706 | 6-16-2015 | Zoning ordinance amendment. | Special |
707 | 7-7-2015 | Closing an alley. | Special |
708 | 8-4-2015 | Closing of a public way. | Special |
709 | 8-18-2015 | Exempt sprinkler deposits. | Special |
710 | 9-15-2015 | Annexation. | Special |
711 | 10-6-2015 | Zoning ordinance amendment. | Special |
712 | 10-20-2015 | Animal definitions; keeping, care and control of animals; licensing of service and therapy animals. | 4-101, 4-103S, 4-113B3 intro, 4-113B3a, 4-113B3b |
713 | 11-17-2015 | Rezone. | Special |
714 | 11-17-2015 | Zoning ordinance amendment. | Special |
715 | 1-5-2016 | Closing of a public way. | Special |
716 | 1-19-2016 | Zoning ordinance amendment. | Special |
717 | 2-16-2016 | Zoning ordinance amendment. | Special |
718 | 2-16-2016 | Natural gas base rate. | Special |
719 | 3-15-2016 | Failure to comply with sewer line conditions. | 17-402G5 |
720 | 4-5-2016 | Peddlers, solicitors, mobile outdoor sellers, and outdoor sellers. | Part 9, Ch. 6, Arts. A,B,C |
721 | 5-3-2016 | Refuse collection duties of customer. | 17-506 |
722 | 5-3-2016 | School attendance requirements for minors and penalties for violations. | 10-105 |
723 | 5-3-2016 | Confinement of animals. | 4-104C |
724 | 5-17-2016 | Offenses against the public; operation of shooting range. | 10-309, 10-310, 10-311, 10-312 |
725 | 6-21-2016 | Sewer system rates and charges. | 17-411 |
726 | 6-21-2016 | Zoning ordinance amendment. | Special |
727 | 7-19-2016 | Sewer base rate. | Special |
728 | 10-4-2016 | Permit granted. | Special |
729 | 11-1-2016 | Approaching a vehicle being used in the collection of refuse, solid waste or recyclables. | 15-560 |
730 | 11-1-2016 | Closing of a public way. | Special |
731 | 11-15-2016 | Consent to voluntary annexation. | 17-109 |
732 | 2-7-2017 | Mobile homes and manufactured homes. | Part 5, Ch. 10 |
733 | 2-21-2017 | Volunteer Fire Department. | 13-203A |
734 | 5-16-2017 | Sanitary sewage backflow prevention device. | 17-402G |
735 | 7-5-2017 | General penalty. | 1-108 |
736 | 7-18-2017 | Zoning ordinance amendment. | Special |
737 | 7-18-2017 | Capital improvement fee. | Special |
738 | 7-18-2017 | Fire prevention regulations. | 13-112, 13-113, 13-114 |
739 | 11-7-2017 | Annexation. | Special |
740 | 11-21-2017 | Rezone. | Special |
741 | 11-21-2017 | Sewer system rates and charges. | 17-411 |
742 | 12-5-2017 | General penalty; fines and costs; nonpayment, installments, imprisonment; penalty assessments. | 1-108, 6-134, 6-136 |
743 | 12-19-2017 | Animal definitions; keeping, care and control. | 4-101, 4-103B,C |
744 | 1-16-2018 | Zoning ordinance amendment. | Special |
745 | 1-16-2018 | Zoning ordinance amendment. | Special |
746 | 2-6-2018 | Public right-of-way accessibility guidelines adopted; penalty. | 14-404, 14-405 |
747 | 2-20-2018 | Construction within rights-of-way. | Part 14, Ch. 4 |
748 | 3-6-2018 | Subdivision regulations. | Special |
749 | 3-6-2018 | Fee for service. | 13-214A,B |
750 | 4-17-2018 | Refuse definitions; accumulation of garbage, home improvement waste and yard debris, no open burning; disposal. | 17-501, 17-502, 17-504 |
751 | 5-15-2018 | Sales Tax table. | 7-201B |
752 | 9-4-2018 | Medical marijuana. | Part 18 |
753 | 9-4-2018 | Alcoholic beverages and tax. | Part 3, Ch. 1 |
754 | 9-4-2018 | Building regulations and codes. | Part 5, Chs. 3, 8, 12 |
755 | 9-4-2018 | Plumbing and Mechanical Codes. | Part 5, Ch. 4 |
756 | 9-4-2018 | Electrical Code. | Part 5, Ch. 5 |
757 | 9-4-2018 | Fuel Gas Code. | Part 5, Ch. 6 |
758 | 9-4-2018 | Swimming Pool and Spa Code. | Part 5, Ch. 13 |
759 | 9-4-2018 | Fire Code and regulations. | 13-101 |
760 | 9-18-2018 | Zoning ordinance amendment. | Special |
761 | 9-18-2018 | Zoning ordinance amendment. | Special |
762 | 10-2-2018 | Zoning ordinance amendment. | Special |
763 | 11-6-2018 | Building addresses. | Part 5, Ch. 14 |
764 | 11-20-2018 | Fire hydrant utility rates. | Special |
765 | 1-2-2019 | Medical marijuana establishments. | Part 18, Ch. 1 |
766 | 1-15-2019 | Zoning ordinance amendment. | Special |
767 | 2-19-2019 | Public rights-of-way accessibility guidelines. | Part 14, Ch. 6 |
768 | 3-5-2019 | Tobacco and electronic cigarettes. | 8-702, 8-703, 8-704 |
769 | 3-5-2019 | Unlawful to purchase, accept or possess tobacco. | 10-419B |
770 | 3-19-2019 | Rezone. | Special |
771 | 3-19-2019 | Golf carts not owned by City. | 15-217D |
772 | 3-19-2019 | Zoning ordinance amendment. | Special |
773 | 8-6-2019 | Medical marijuana establishment. | Part 18, Ch.1 |
774 | 8-6-2019 | Flood damage prevention. | 12-504, 12-512, 12-516, 12-519, 12-521 |
775 | 8-20-2019 | Flood damage prevention. | 12-517 |
776 | 8-20-2019 | Utility fees and charges. | Special |
777 | 10-1-2019 | Trash and weeds. | 8-201 |
778 | 10-1-2019 | Civic Center fees and charges. | Special |
779 | 11-5-2019 | Closing a public way. | Special |
780 | 11-5-2019 | Wolf Creek Park Facility fees. | Special |
781 | 11-19-2019 | Mobile food units. | Part 9, Ch. 9 |
782 | 11-19-2019 | Access driveway standards. | 14-403 |
783 | 1-21-2020 | Street renaming. | Special |
784 | 1-21-2020 | Medical marijuana establishment. | 18-103 |
785 | 2-18-2020 | Tobacco products. | 10-419 |
786 | 2-18-2020 | Utility rates. | Special |
787 | 3-3-2020 | Fence, retaining wall and plantings code | Part 5, Ch. 8 |
788 | 3-17-2020 | Animals. | 4-103 |
789 | 3-24-2020 | Contagious diseases | Special |
790 | 7-21-2020 | Rezone. | Special |
791 | 8-18-2020 | Speed limits | 15-401 |
792 | 8-18-2020 | Street renaming. | Special |
793 | 9-15-2020 | Deer hunting regulations. | 4-303 |
794 | 10-20-2020 | Rezone | Special |
795 | 11-20-2020 | COVID-19 safety measures | Special |
796 | 2-2-2021 | COVID-19 safety measures | Special |
797 | 2-16-2021 | Public Sewers | 17-402 |
798 | 3-16-2021 | Speed limits | 15-401 |
799 | 4-16-2021 | Fees and charges | Special |
800 | 4-20-2021 | Zoning ordinance amendment | Special |
802 | 6-15-2021 | Rezone | Special |
803 | 8-3-2021 | Annexation | Special |
804 | 8-17-2021 | Zoning ordinance amendment | Special |
805 | 9-21-2021 | Utility rates | Special |
806 | 10-19-2021 | Zoning ordinance amendment | Special |
807 | 10-19-2021 | Finance and taxation | 7-101 - 7-115 |
808 | 1-18-2022 | Fences, retaining walls and plantings | 5-803 |
809 | 2-15-2022 | Tobacco regulations | 10-419 |
810 | 4-19-2022 | Zoning ordinance amendment | Special |
811 | 5-17-2022 | Utility regulations | 17-107 |
812 | 5-17-2022 | Utility rates | Special |
813 | 5-17-2022 | Access driveway standards | 14-403 |
814 | 5-17-2022 | Zoning ordinance amendment | Special |
815 | 7-19-2022 | Zoning ordinance amendment | Special |
816 | 8-2-2022 | Granting franchise | Special |
817 | 8-2-2022 | Animal regulations | 4-103 |
818 | 8-2-2022 | Zoning ordinance amendment | Special |
819 | 8-2-2022 | Hotel tax ordinance | 7-701 - 7-713 |
820 | 10-18-2022 | Zoning ordinance amendment | Special |
821 | 10-18-2022 | Voluntary annexation agreement | 17-109 |
822 | 10-18-2022 | Zoning ordinance amendment | Special |
823 | 11-1-2022 | Sale of tobacco products | 10-419 |
824 | 1-3-2023 | Community center fees | Special |
825 | 2-7-2023 | Speed limit regulations | 15-401 |
826 | 2-7-2023 | Defective customer sewer service lines | 17-412 |
827 | 2-7-2023 | Defective customer sewer service lines | 3-106 |
828 | 2-21-2023 | Speed limits | 15-401 |
829 | 5-2-2023 | Buildings permit | 5-104 |
830 | 5-16-2023 | Access driveway standards | 14-403 |
831 | 5-16-2023 | Zoning ordinance amendment | Special |
834 | 7-18-2023 | Compensation for elected officials | Special |
835 | 7-18-2023 | Zoning ordinance amendment | Special |
836 | 7-18-2023 | Zoning ordinance amendment | Special |
837 | 7-18-2023 | Zoning ordinance amendment | Special |
838 | 7-18-2023 | Zoning ordinance amendment | Special |
839 | 10-17-2023 | Excise tax amdentment | Special |
840 | 11-21-2023 | Zoning ordinance amendment | Special |
841 | 11-21-2023 | Rezoning ordinance | Special |
842 | 12-5-2023 | Building Permits | 5-104, 5-105 |
843 | 12-5-2023 | Septic hauler dumping fee | Special |
844 | 12-19-2023 | Zoning ordinance amendment | Special |
845 | 2-13-2024 | Amending use tax | 7-501 - 7-522 |
846 | 2-20-2024 | Zoning ordinance amendment | Special |
847 | 5-7-2024 | Establishing impact fee | Special |
848 | 7-2-2024 | Zoning ordinance amendment | Special |
849 | 7-2-2024 | Amending building permit regulations | 5-104, 5-105 |
850 | 8-6-2024 | Mitigation rates for fire dept. services | Special |
851 | 8-20-2024 | Zoning ordinance amendment | Special |
852 | 8-20-2024 | Zoning ordinance amendment | Special |
853 | 8-20-2024 | Zoning ordinance amendment | Special |
854 | 9-17-2024 | Selling/furnishing tobacco to minors | 10-419 |
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