3-201: Definitions
3-202: License Fee Levied
3-203: License Required
3-204: Compliance With Law; Expiration Of License
3-205: Revocation Of License
3-206: Minors Not To Be Employed
3-207: Dancing Prohibited
3-208: Intoxicated Persons; Gambling; Disorderly Conduct
3-209: Loitering By Minors
3-210: Sale And Purchase To Or By Minors
3-211: Minors; Possession Of Alcoholic Beverages Or Beer Prohibited
3-212: Drinking In Public
3-213: Penalty
For the purpose of this chapter, the following terms shall have the meanings respectively ascribed to them in this section:
MINOR: Any person who, pursuant to state law, has not yet attained the age at which a person is permitted to consume nonintoxicating beverages.
NONINTOXICATING BEVERAGES: All beverages containing more than one-half of one percent (1/2 of 1%) alcohol by volume, and not more than three and two-tenths percent (3.2%) alcohol by weight.
RETAIL DEALER: Any person, firm, corporation, association, or concessionaire who sells, distributes, or dispenses at retail, any nonintoxicating beverage within the corporate limits of the city, without regard as to any place where such beverages may be consumed or used. (Prior code § 2-11)
A. There is hereby levied upon each retail dealer in nonintoxicating beverages for consumption on or off the premises an annual occupation tax of twenty dollars ($20.00), and upon each retail dealer in nonintoxicating beverages for consumption off the premises only an annual occupation tax of ten dollars ($10.00).
B. All such occupation taxes shall be paid to the city clerk at the time of issuance of license and in the manner prescribed herein. (Prior code § 2-12; amd. Ord. 211, 5-4-1976)