8-1-1: Purpose And Scope
8-1-2: Building Codes Adopted
8-1-3: Building Permits; Duties Of Building Commissioner
8-1-4: Certificate Of Occupancy
8-1-5: Fees, Charges And Deposits
8-1-6: Permit Time Limits
8-1-7: Plumbing Regulations In Basements
8-1-8: Penalties
This title is adopted for the purpose of establishing the standards of construction for any and all types of buildings and other structures in the village, and otherwise regulating matters pertinent to the remodeling, repairing, moving and demolition of existing structures in the village. This title covers all matters dealing with the foregoing and shall be controlling in all such matters. No construction, remodeling, repairing, moving or demolition of any building or other structure shall, after the effective date hereof, be undertaken unless the provisions of this title are strictly complied with. When used in this title, the phrase "this code" refers to the Golf village code, as distinguished from the published codes adopted by reference in section 8-1-2 of this chapter. The terms "building", "structure" and "lot" shall have the meanings given in section 9-1-3 of this code. (Ord. 2009-17, 11-9-2009)
A. Codes Adopted: There are hereby adopted and incorporated by reference in this section the following building, fire, mechanical, plumbing, life safety, property maintenance and other published codes set forth below. All construction, remodeling and repairing for which a permit is applied and is actually undertaken, pursuant to the provisions of this title, shall be in compliance with the rules and regulations and codes referred to above and any other applicable village ordinances, and all workmanship and material shall comply with the standards therein specified; and said rules and regulations and codes shall be deemed to be as much a part of this title as if contained herein.
1. Building Codes:
The 2006 edition of the international residential code for one- and two-family dwellings, adopted with the amendments set forth in subsection B1, "Appendix 1", of this section.
The 2006 edition of the international building code (all other construction).
The 2006 edition of the international property maintenance code.
The 2006 edition of the international fuel gas code.
The 2006 edition of the international energy conservation code.
2. Mechanical Codes:
The 2006 edition of the international mechanical code.
3. Plumbing Codes:
The 2006 edition of the international plumbing code. (Ord. 2009-17, 11-9-2009)
State of Illinois plumbing code, adopted with the amendments set forth in subsection B4, "Appendix 4", of this section. (Ord. 2009-17, 11-9-2009; amd. Ord. 2016-01, 1-11-2016)
4. Electrical Codes:
The 2005 edition of the national electric code, adopted with the amendments set forth in subsection B2, "Appendix 2", of this section.
5. Fire Prevention Codes:
The 2006 edition of the NFPA 101, life safety code.
The 2006 edition of the international fire code, adopted with the amendments set forth in subsection B3, "Appendix 3", of this section.
B. Amendments To Codes:
1. Appendix 1:
Amendments To 2006 Edition Of The 2006 Edition
Of The International Residential Code
For One- And Two-Family Dwellings
The 2006 edition of the international residential code for one- and two-family dwellings is hereby adopted with the following amendments:
Section R101.1 Title. Amend to read as follows:
These provisions shall be known as the residential code for one- and two- family dwellings of the village of Golf, and shall be cited as such and will be referred to herein as "this code."
Section R102.4 Reference Codes And Standards. Amend to read as follows:
The codes and standards referenced in the code shall be considered part of the requirements of this code to the prescribed extent of each such reference. Where differences occur between provisions of this code and referenced standards, the provisions of this code shall apply.
Exception: Where enforcement of a code provision would violate the conditions of the listing of the equipment or appliance, the conditions of the listing and manufacturer's instructions shall apply. The following codes and standards are not adopted by reference:
IPC-2006 international plumbing code
IPSDC-2006 international private sewage disposal code
IWUIC-2006 international wildlife-urban interface code
IZC-2006 international zoning code
Section R105.2 Work Exempt From Permit. Delete this section in its entirety.
Section R105.3.1.1 Substantially Improved Or Substantially Damaged Existing Buildings In Areas Prone To Flooding. Delete this section in its entirety.
Section R106.1.3 Information For Construction In Areas Prone To Flooding. Delete this section in its entirety.
Section R109.1.3 Flood Plain Inspection. Delete this section in its entirety.
Section R112 Board Of Appeals. Delete this section in its entirety.
Section 113.4 Violation Penalties. Amend by adding the following:
Fines shall be as provided in section 8-1-8 of the Golf village code or the annual fee schedule, for any given offense.
Section 113.4 Violation Penalties. Add new subsection 113.4.1 Work Prior To Permit:
Any person, firm, or corporation who starts construction prior to the issuance of a building permit shall be subject to a fine as provided in the annual fee schedule, at the discretion of the building official.
Section 202 Definitions. Add the following definitions:
Basement recreation room shall mean a room used primarily for living or recreation that does not include facilities for cooking, dining or sleeping as defined as a habitable space.
Manufactured building shall mean any building that is of closed construction and is made or assembled in manufacturing facilities on or off the building site for installation, or for assembly and installation of the building site. Mobile homes, park trailers, or recreation vehicles are not included in the definition. For the purpose of this code, manufactured houses are prohibited except where replacing an existing manufactured home within the same footprint.
Section R304 Minimum Room Area. Add new subsection R304.5 Access:
Each bedroom shall have access to a bathroom without passing through another bedroom and each habitable room shall have access to each other habitable room without passing through a bedroom or bathroom.
Section R309.2 Separation Required. Amend to read as follows:
The garage shall be separated from the residence and its attic area by not less than 5/8" gypsum board applied to the garage side. Garages beneath habitable rooms shall be separated from all habitable rooms above by not less than 5/8" type X gypsum board or equivalent. Where the separation is a floor-ceiling assembly, the structure supporting the separation shall also be protected by not less than 5/8" gypsum board or equivalent. Garages located less than 3' from a dwelling unit on the same lot shall be protected with not less than 5/8" gypsum board applied to the interior side of exterior walls that are within this area. Openings in these walls shall be regulated by section 309.1. This provision does not apply to garage walls that are perpendicular to the adjacent dwelling unit wall.
Section R309.2 Separation Required. Add subsection 309.2.1 Spill Containment:
The sill of all doors between garages or carports and interior spaces shall be raised not less than six (6) inches above the garage or carport floor.
Section R322.1 Scope. Delete this section in its entirety.
Section R323.3 Accessibility. Amend to read as follows:
Elevators or platform lifts that are part of an accessible route required by the Illinois accessibility code, shall comply with ICC A17.1.
Section R324 Flood Resistant Construction. Delete this section in its entirety.
Section R402.1 Wood Foundations. Delete this section in its entirety.
Section 403 Footings. Amend by deleting reference to wood foundations.
Section 403.3.1 Foundations Adjoining Frost Protected Shallow Foundations. Delete this section in its entirety.
Section 403.3.1.1 Attachment To Unheated Slab On Grade Structures. Delete this section in its entirety.
Section R403.3.1.2 Attachment To Heated Structure. Delete this section in its entirety.
Section 404.1.8 Rubble Stone Masonry. Delete this section in its entirety.
Section R405.2 Wood Foundations. Delete this section in its entirety.
Section R406.3 Damproofing For Wood Foundations. Delete this section in its entirety.
Chapters 25 through 32 Plumbing. Delete these chapters in their entirety.
Chapters 33 through 42 Electrical. Delete these chapters in their entirety.
Appendix D. Recommended Procedure For Safety Inspection Of An Existing Appliance Installation. Delete this appendix in its entirety.
Appendix E. Manufactured Housing Used As Dwellings. Delete this appendix in its entirety.
Appendix H. Patio Covers. Delete this appendix in its entirety.
Appendix I. Private Sewage Disposal. Delete this appendix in its entirety.
Appendix L. Permit Fees. Delete this appendix in its entirety.
Appendix M. Home Day Care R-3 Occupancy. Delete this appendix in its entirety.
Appendix N. Venting Methods. Delete this appendix in its entirety.
Appendix O. Gray Water Recycling Systems. Delete this appendix in its entirety.
Appendix P. Sprinkling. Delete this appendix in its entirety.
Appendix Q. ICC International Residential Code Electrical Provisions/National Electrical Code Cross-Reference. Delete this appendix in its entirety.
2. Appendix 2:
Amendments To 2005 Edition
Of The National Electric Code
The 2005 edition of the national electrical code is amended as follows:
Article 100 Definitions. Add the following definitions:
Alter shall mean to make different, modify, or vary.
Electrical equipment shall mean conductors and equipment installed for the utilization of electricity supplied for light, heat, or power, but does not include radio apparatus or equipment for the wireless reception of sounds and signals, nor does it include apparatus, conductors and other equipment installed for or by public utilities, including common carriers which are under the jurisdiction of the state commerce commission, for use in their operation as public utilities.
Fixture shall mean any energy consuming electrical unit which is made a permanent and integral part of the electrical lighting and/or power system. Electrical motors of one-half horse power and less, and generators and transformers of one-half kva and less are to be considered as fixtures. Clusters and drops shall be counted as one fixture.
Outlet shall mean a point in the wiring system at which energy is taken to supply fixtures, receptacles, appliances, motors not larger than one-half horsepower, generators and transformers not larger than one-half kva, energy consuming equipment generally and for the control of other outlets.
Repair shall mean to restore to a good operating condition as in the original state, without alteration.
Article 110.24 Identification Of The Electrical Contractor. Add this section:
The name of the electrical contractor performing the work on all new electrical services shall be displayed on the service panel cover.
Article 210 Branch Circuits. Amend by adding the following:
Commercial or industrial office areas shall have receptacles installed within six feet of doorways and every twelve feet on wall spaces two feet or greater in length.
Article 210.5 Multiwire Branch Circuits. Amend by adding section 210.4(d) Identification Of The Underground Conductor as follows:
The means of identification of each system phase conductor, wherever accessible, shall be color coded for 277/480 volt (brown, orange, yellow, with gray as neutral conductor) and for 120/208 volt (black, red, blue, with white as neutral conductor).
Article 210.8 Ground-Fault Circuit-Interrupter Protection For Personnel. Amend section (A) by adding:
When feed through GFCI receptacles are used, they shall feed only receptacles on the same floor.
Article 210.8(B) Ground-Fault Circuit-Interrupter Protection For Personnel. Amend by adding the following:
Bathroom switches and receptacles shall not be located within 30 inches measured horizontally, from the outside edge of a bathtub, whirlpool tub, shower or similar fixture. This requirement shall not apply to sink basins. Wall mounted lighting fixtures shall not be located within 30 inches measured horizontally, from the outside edge of a bathtub, whirlpool tub, shower or similar fixture unless provided with GFCI protection.
Article 210.8 Ground-Fault Circuit-Interrupter Protection For Personnel. Amend section (B) by adding new subsection 6:
All 125 volt single-phase 15-20 ampere receptacles installed at sink or wet locations shall have ground-fault circuit-interrupter protection for personnel.
Article 210.12(B) Dwelling Unit Bedrooms. Amend by adding the following:
Exception No. 1: The location of the arc-fault circuit-interrupter shall be permitted to be at other than the origination of the branch circuit in compliance with (a) and (b).
(a) The arc-fault circuit-interrupter installed within six (6) feet of the branch circuit over current devices.
(b) The circuit conductors between the branch circuit overcurrent device and the arc-fault circuit-interrupter shall be installed in a metal raceway or a cable with a metal sheath.
Exception No. 2: Where RMC, IMC, or EMT, meeting the requirements of section 250.118 using a metal outlet and junction boxes, is installed for the portion of the branch circuit between the branch circuit overcurrent device and the first outlet, it shall be permitted to install a combination AFCI at the first outlet to provide protection for the remaining portion of the circuit.
Article 210.52(A) General Provisions. Amend by adding the following:
(1) All finished rooms, lofts, foyers or similar rooms and part of a renovated area which are greater than 49 square feet in size shall be provided with receptacles installed in accordance with this article.
Exception: Clothes closets that are located directly off a bedroom space.
(2) Counter top and work bench areas, other than kitchen counter tops shall be served by at least one receptacle for every six feet of length or fraction thereof.
Article 210.52(G) Basements And Garages. Amend by adding the following:
In the construction of, or an addition to, attached and detached garages, at least one lamp holder, one switch and one GFCI receptacle shall be required.
Article 230 Services. Amend by adding section 230.1(A):
All services shall be installed with an outdoor disconnecting means capable of being secured to prevent tampering. Services that are 200 amps or less shall have a single main disconnect. Multiple disconnects in a common enclosure shall be permitted for services greater than 200 amps.
Article 230 Services. Amend by adding section 230.1(B):
Shop drawings shall be submitted for all services greater than 200 amps at the time of permit application.
Article 230 Services. Amend by adding section 230.11 Service Entrance Conductors:
(A) Service entrance conductors shall be installed in rigid metal conduit, intermediate metal conduit or rigid nonmetallic conduit. The use of a subpanel shall require the written approval of the director of inspectional services or his/her designee after submission and approval of complete load calculations.
(B) All service conductors shall be installed underground unless special permission is granted by the director of inspectional services.
(C) In new residential construction the electrical service shall have a minimum rating of 200 amps and an electrical distribution panel sized for 40 circuits. An interior disconnecting means shall be provided in addition to the exterior disconnect. Fuse box pullouts shall not be used as a service disconnect.
Exception: Electric service upgrades in existing residences shall have a minimum 100 ampere rating and an electrical distribution panel sized for 30 circuits. Electrical distribution panel replacement shall not constitute a service upgrade.
(D) In commercial construction an interior disconnecting means shall be provided in addition to the exterior disconnect. Fuse box pullouts shall not be used as a service disconnect.
(E) Half-size breakers are not approved for use in new construction. In existing residential dwelling units half-size breakers are limited to manufacturer's specifications. Half-size breakers shall not be permitted in existing commercial or industrial units.
(F) Three-phase circuit panels supplied by three-phase, four wire Delta 120/240 volt service shall not be used to directly supply 120 volt single phase loads.
(G) Service entrances for underground services shall be governed by the requirements published by Commonwealth Edison entitled "Information And Requirements For The Supply Of Electric Service."
Article 230.31(B) Minimum Size. Amend to read as follows:
The conductors shall not be smaller than 8 AWG copper or smaller than 2 AWG for aluminum and copper clad aluminum conductors.
Article 230.43 Wiring Methods For 600 Volts, Nominal, Or Less. Amend to read as follows:
Service entrance conductors shall be installed in accordance with the applicable requirements of this code covering the type of wiring methods used and shall be limited to the following methods:
(1) Rigid metal conduit.
(2) Intermediate metal conduit.
(3) Rigid nonmetallic conduit.
Article 250.50 Grounding Electrode System And Grounding Electrode Conductor. Amend by adding the following after the first paragraph:
All grounding conductors shall be:
(1) Enclosed in a metal raceway or metal conduit;
(2) Connected to the first five (5) feet of the metal water pipe from the point of entrance to the building or structure on the street side of the water meter;
(3) Terminated in a visible and easily accessible location;
(4) Tagged with an approved warning tag; and
(5) A properly sized bonding jumper shall be installed across the water meter.
Article 250.62 Grounding Electrode Conductor Material. Amend to read as follows:
The grounding electrode conductor shall be copper. The use of aluminum or copper clad aluminum for the purpose of grounding is prohibited. The grounding electrode conductor shall be solid or stranded, insulated or covered.
Article 310.2(B) Conductor Material. Amend to read as follows:
The use of compact aluminum and copper clad aluminum conductors shall be prohibited if smaller than 2 AWG.
Article 314.27(D) Boxes At Ceiling-Suspended Paddle Fan Outlets. Amend to read as follows:
Any outlet box which is being installed in an area that can reasonably accommodate a ceiling fan shall be identified for ceiling fan support.
Article 320.10 Uses Permitted. Amend to read as follows:
Metal-clad and armored type cable (BX) shall be permitted for remodeling work where the installation of electric metallic tubing and/or intermediate metal conduit presents a hardship and is approved by the director of inspectional services or his/her designee.
Article 324 Flat Conductor Cable: Type FCC. Delete this section.
Article 330.10 Uses Permitted. Amend to read as follows:
Type MC cable shall be permitted for remodeling work where the installation of electrical metallic tubing and/or intermediate metal conduit presents a hardship and is approved for use by the director of inspectional services or his/her designee.
Article 334 Nonmetallic-Sheathed Cable: Types NM, NMC, and NMS. Delete this section.
Article 338 Service-Entrance Cable: Types SE and USE. Delete this section. This does not apply to USE cable.
Article 340 UF Wiring. Amend to read as follows:
UF wiring is permitted in exterior uses when installed underground only.
Article 348 Flexible Metal Conduit. Amend by adding the following:
Flexible metal conduit shall not exceed six feet in length except by written approval by the director of inspectional services or his/her designee.
Article 352.10 Rigid Nonmetallic Conduit: Type RNC Subsections (A), (C), (D), (E), And (F) Use Permitted. Delete these sections.
Article 352.12 Uses Not Permitted. Amend by adding the following section:
(G) Where conduits are placed in concrete cast in place on earth, or in direct contact with the earth, only galvanized rigid metal conduit, intermediate conduit or rigid nonmetallic conduit shall be used. Electrical metal conduit, with fittings approved for immersion in concrete, may be placed in concrete above grade, with 2 inches of space below the conduit.
Article 358.12 Uses Not Permitted. Amend to read as follows:
The use of listed electrical metal tubing shall be permitted for both exposed and concealed work. Electrical metal tubing shall not be used:
(1) Where, during installation or afterward, it will be subject to severe physical damage;
(2) Where protected from corrosion solely by enamel;
(3) In cinder concrete or cinder fill where subject to permanent moisture unless protected on all sides by a layer of noncinder concrete no less than two (2) inches thick or unless the tubing is at least 18 inches under the fill;
(4) In any hazardous (classified) location except as permitted by sections 502.4, 503.3 and 504.20;
(5) For the support of fixtures or other equipment except conduit bodies no larger than the largest trade size of the tubing;
(6) In earth or concrete on or below grade. Where practicable, dissimilar metals in contact anywhere in the system shall be avoided to eliminate the possibility of galvanic action.
Exception: Aluminum fittings and enclosures shall be permitted to be used with steel electrical metallic tubing.
Article 362 Electrical Nonmetallic Tubing. Delete this section.
Article 382 Nonmetallic Extensions. Delete this section.
Article 394 Concealed Knob-And-Tube Wiring. Delete this section.
Article 398 Open Wiring On Insulators. Delete this section.
Article 410.66 Recessed Light Clearances. Amend to read as follows:
Recessed lighting fixtures installed in insulated ceilings are required to be I.C. type. This requirement cannot be obviated through the removal of insulation in the vicinity of the lighting luminar.
Article 450.3 Over-Current Protection. Amend to read as follows:
All transformers rated at 150 volts and greater shall have both primary and secondary load break disconnects located within sight of the transformer.
Article 450.27 Oil-Insulated Transformers Installed Outdoors. Amend to read as follows:
Space separations shall be no less than five (5) feet horizontally from a doorway or window and twenty (20) feet from a fire escape except with written permission of the fire code official or his/her designee.
Article 525.20(G) Protection. Amend to read as follows:
Flexible cords and cables running on the ground where accessible to the public shall be covered with approved nonconductive mats. Cables and mats shall be arranged so as not to present a tripping hazard.
Article 600.6(A) Sign Disconnects. Amend to read as follows:
Outdoor disconnects and raceways used in connection with illuminated signage shall be located in accordance with one of the following methods:
1. Within an enclosed building within sight of the sign(s), or
2. Behind a parapet wall within sight of the sign(s), or
3. Completely enclosed within the sign.
Article 604 Manufactured Wiring Systems. Amend to read as follows:
Manufactured wiring systems shall be permitted for use with furniture systems only.
Article 680.23(A)(4) Voltage Limitation. Amend to read as follows:
Lighting fixtures installed in swimming pools, fountains, and the like, shall not operate at more than 15 volts, as measured between conductors.
Article 720 Low Voltage Wiring. Amend by adding the following:
Low voltage wiring shall be installed in conduit in areas made inaccessible by building construction or where subject to damage.
3. Appendix 3:
Amendments To 2006 Edition
Of The International Fire Code
The 2006 edition of the international fire code as adopted is amended as follows:
Section 101.1 Title. Amend to read as follows:
These regulations shall be known as the fire code of the village of Golf, hereinafter referred to as "this code."
Section 102.6 Referenced Codes And Standards. Amend to read as follows:
The codes and standards referenced in this code shall be those that are listed in chapter 45 and such codes and standards shall be considered part of the requirements of this code to the prescribed extent of each such reference. Where differences occur between the provisions of this code and the referenced standards, the provisions of this code shall apply. The following codes and standards are not adopted by reference:
IPC-2006 international plumbing code;
IWUIC-2006 international wildland-urban interface code.
Section 505.1 Address Numbers. Amend to read as follows:
Each structure to which an address number has been assigned shall have such number displayed in compliance with the Golf village code.
Section 506.1 Key Boxes. Amend to read as follows:
All buildings or structures equipped with a fire alarm or fire suppression system shall provide a fire department key box on the exterior of the building or structure. The box shall contain keys to allow fire department entry in the event of fire alarm activation or an emergency. The fire official may also require a fire department key box if access to the building, structure or area is unduly difficult. All fire department key boxes, location of the key boxes, and the number of key boxes required shall be approved by the fire official.
Section 903.2.7 Group R. Delete this section.
Section 903.3.5 Water Supplies. Amend to read as follows:
Water supplies for automatic sprinkler systems shall comply with this section and the standards referenced in section 903.3.1. The potable water supply shall be protected against backflow in accordance with the requirements of this section and the adopted plumbing code. Hydrant flow data used for the design of any sprinkler system shall be no more than one (1) year old.
Section 903.3.5.3 Low Water Pressure Factor. Amend by adding this section:
Provide a minimum 10%, but not less than 5 psi, safety factor in the fire protection system hydraulic calculation. The system demand shall be a minimum 5 psi below the annual water flow test supply.
Section 903.4.2.1 Additional Alarm Location. Amend by adding the following:
An approved alarm notification appliance (audio/visual device) shall be provided on the exterior of the building or structure and located over the fire department connection or as approved by the authority having jurisdiction.
Section 903.4.2.2 Location. Amend by adding this section:
Alarm notification appliances and approved audio/visual devices shall be provided and located per NFPA 72.
Section 903.4.3 Floor Control Valves. Amend to read as follows:
Approved supervised indicating control valves shall be provided at the point of connection to the riser on each floor of the building or structure.
Section 903.4.4 Additional Smoke Detectors Required. Amend by adding this section:
Where automatic sprinkler system provides protection to an area with an approved flow switch interconnected to the fire alarm system, and the area is easily identifiable as to the location of the activation, additional automatic detectors are not required. When a building has numerous rooms protected by the zoned sprinkler system, the authority having jurisdiction may require additional smoke detectors.
Section 903.5.1 Accessibility. Amend by adding this section:
Fire sprinkler systems inspection test valves shall be accessible at all times and located no more than 6' above the finished floor surface. On multiple riser systems test valves shall be clearly identified in permanent marking as to the riser and area served.
Section 903.7 Referenced Standards. Amend by adding this section:
All references to NFPA standards are to be considered part of this code.
NFPA 101 life safety code
NFPA 5000 building code
Section 903.8 Fire Pump Test Header. Amend by adding this section:
Automatic sprinkler systems that are equipped with an approved fire pump shall be provided with an OS&Y (or approved equal) control valve on the fire pump test header(s). Fire pump installations shall include an exterior test header.
Section 903.9 Private Fire Hydrants: Amend by adding this section:
In developed lots, subdivisions or parcels, fire hydrants shall be located in that no fire hydrant is located no greater than 300' from nearest fire hydrant. Fire hydrants shall be provided on all sides of a developed lot, subdivision or parcel as approved by the authority having jurisdiction. One (1) fire hydrant shall be located not more than 100' of the fire department connection on the fire protection water supply to the building or structure.
Section 903.10 Fire Department Access. Amend by adding this section:
Rooms or spaces containing an automatic sprinkler system riser valve and/or a fire pump shall be provided with direct access from the exterior of the building or structure.
Section 903.11 Warehouse Storage. Delete this section.
Section 903.12 Backflow Protection. Amend by adding this section:
Backflow protection shall be provided on automatic sprinkler system risers in S1 and S2 occupancies that have a floor area greater than 20,000 square feet and storage in excess of 12' in height.
Section 906.1 Portable Fire Extinguishers. Amend to read as follows:
Where required: A portable fire extinguisher shall be installed in the following locations in accordance with NFPA 10, 2007 edition.
1. In all occupancies in use groups A-1, A-2, A-3, A-4, B, F-1, F-2, I-1, M, R-1 (except single family dwellings not used as adult care or child care facilities), S-1, S-2, and H.
2. In all areas containing commercial kitchen exhaust hood systems class K fire extinguishers are required.
3. In all areas where fuel is used, stored or dispensed.
4. In all areas where flammable or combustible liquids is used in the operation of spraying, coating, or dipping.
5. In all occupancies in use group I-3 at staff locations. Access to portable fire extinguishers shall be permitted to be locked.
6. On each floor of structures under construction, except occupancies in use group R-3.
7. In any laboratory, shop or other room of similar purpose.
8. Where required by sections indicated in table 906.1 for various operations, processes, structures and areas.
Section 907.1.2 Equipment. Amend to read as follows:
Systems and their components shall be listed and approved for the purpose for which they are installed. Systems shall be installed per NFPA 72.
Section 907.2 Where Required - New Buildings And Structures. Delete this section in its entirety.
Section 907.2.2 Automatic Fire Detection System Required. Amend by adding this section:
An approved automatic fire detection system shall be installed in all use groups, not provided with an automatic sprinkler system, and in accordance with NFPA 72. Devices, combination of devices, appliances, and equipment shall comply with section 907.1.2. The automatic fire detectors shall be smoke detectors, except that an approved alternative type of detector shall be installed in spaces such as boiler rooms where during normal operation products of combustion are present in sufficient quantity to activate a smoke detector.
Section 907.2.3 Control Panel Locations. Amend by adding this section:
All fire alarm control panels or full function annunciators panels shall be installed within 10 feet of the main entrance, or in a location approved by the fire department.
Section 907.11 Fire Safety Functions. Amend by adding this section:
Automatic fire detectors utilized for the purpose of performing fire safety functions shall be connected to the building's fire alarm control panel where a fire alarm system is required by section 907.2. Detectors shall, upon actuation, perform the intended function and activate the alarm notification appliances or a visible and audible supervisory signal at a constantly attended location. In buildings not required to be equipped with a fire alarm system, the automatic fire detector shall be powered by normal electric service and, upon actuation, perform the intended function. The detectors shall be located in accordance with chapter 5 of NFPA 72. Multi-tenant group M buildings will be activated by individual tenant space by the automatic sprinkler system flow switch for that space or an automatic fire detection system.
Section 912.1.1 Fire Department Connections. Amend by adding this section:
All fire department connection shall be a NST, 4 inch Storz connection with a 30 degree down turn.
Section 1006.3.1 Additional Illumination Requirements. Amend by adding this section:
All rooms containing the building fire sprinkler riser(s), fire pump(s) and fire alarm control panel(s) shall be provided with approved emergency lighting.
Section 3301.1.3 Fireworks. Amend to read as follows:
The possession, manufacture, storage, sale, handling and use of fireworks are prohibited.
(1) Storage and handling and use of fireworks at display sites in accordance with sections 3304 and 3308.5 and NFPA 1123 or NFPA 1126 listed in chapter 35 of the 2006 international building code.
(2) The retail sale of approved consumer novelties as defined by this ordinance shall be permitted but only to persons 18 years of age or older shall be permitted only in buildings equipped with approved automatic sprinkler systems. The display of consumer novelties in a building shall be separated from all exit doors by a minimum distance of 20 feet or as approved in advance in writing by the fire chief. The sale of consumer novelties shall not be permitted at any building or on any property where flammable or combustible liquids or gases are sold or dispensed.
Section 3301.1.3.1 Penalties For Possession. Amend by adding this section:
Any person, firm, corporation, or entity that violates any provision of section 3301.1.3 shall be subject to an escalating fine schedule as follows:
1. First offense: $50.
2. Second offense: $100.
3. Third offense and each subsequent offense: $250.
Section 3302.1 Definitions. Amend by adding the following:
Consumer novelties. Consumer novelties shall mean: (i) snakes, glow worm pellets, smoke devices, trick snappers, trick matches, cigarette loads, auto burglar alarms, toy pistols, toy canes, toy guns, and other devices in which paper or plastic caps containing 0.25 grains or less of explosive compound are used, provided they are constructed so that the hand cannot come in contact with the cap when in place for the explosion, and (ii) toy pistol paper or plastic caps which contain less than 0.25 grains of explosive mixture.
Section 3308.2.1 Outdoor Displays. Amend to read as follows:
In addition to the requirements of section 403, permit applications for outdoor fireworks displays using division 1.3G fireworks shall include a diagram of the location at which the display will be conducted, including the site from which fireworks will be discharged; the location of buildings, highways, overhead obstructions and utilities; and the lines behind which the audience will be restrained. All outdoor fireworks displays shall be electronically fired using approved electronic firing units and approved mortar racks. All outdoor fireworks displays shall comply with the provisions of the Illinois pyrotechnic use act (425 ILCS 35), and the pyrotechnic distributor and operator licensing act (225 ILCS 227).
Section 3308.11 Retail Display And Sale. Amend to read as follows:
It shall be unlawful to display, sell, store, or advertise for sale any class 1.3G or 1.4G fireworks within the village of Golf.
(Ord. 2009-17, 11-9-2009)
4. Appendix 4:
Amendments To Illinois Plumbing Code
The Illinois plumbing code is adopted with the following amendment:
Pursuant to 17 Ill. admin. code 3730.307(c)(4) and subject to the Illinois plumbing code (77 Ill. admin. code 890) and the lawn irrigation contractor and lawn sprinkler system registration code (77 Ill. admin. code 892), all new plumbing fixtures and irrigation controllers installed after November 9, 2015 shall bear the WaterSense label (as designated by the U.S. environmental protection agency WaterSense program), when such labeled fixtures are available.
(Ord. 2016-01, 1-11-2016)