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Glendale Heights Overview
Glendale Heights, IL Code of Ordinances
Notwithstanding any provisions contained herein and in the international building code in effect to the contrary, no permit required by the provisions of this chapter shall be issued to any individual, partnership, corporation, land trustee or other business entity if the individual, partnership, corporation, land trustee or other business or any partner, shareholder, beneficiary or member is financially indebted to the village. (Ord. 2002-19, 4-4-2002)
The general procedures for the issuance of building, framing, occupancy and temporary occupancy permits shall be as provided in this chapter. (1978 Code § 4-1-11)
   A.   Required Information: No building permit shall be issued and no construction work, including the pouring of foundations, shall take place unless each of the following items has been submitted to the director of community development along with a completed application:
      1.   A copy of the recorded plat of subdivision and a plat of survey of the individual lot, prepared by a registered land surveyor of the state of Illinois, showing to scale the size and approximate location of all existing structures and of the proposed structure, including top of foundation and overhanging eaves, and distance to property lines; established street grades; and proposed top of foundation elevations. For other than one- and two-family dwellings, the location and dimension of off street parking facilities shall be shown unless a previously approved site plan is on file with the director of community development. For multiple permit applications in the same subdivision, this document need only be submitted once. (1978 Code § 4-1-11; amd. 2011 Code)
      2.   a. A copy of the proposed lot grading plan, shown on the above plat of survey or on a separate plan, indicating the finished lot elevations at all lot corners and at the building line as a minimum, and at other critical points as may be necessary to detail the proper means of lot drainage. The proposed lot grading plan shall be referenced to a suitable USGS datum bench mark located at a distance no greater than three hundred feet (300') from the proposed building.
         b.   When a lot is part of a larger subdivision for which an overall grading plan has previously been submitted and approved, the individual lot grading plan shall be shown in conformance with said plan unless modifications to the plan are or have been approved. The proposed lot grading plan or modifications thereto shall be subject to review and approval by the village engineer.
         c.   When a lot on which a building permit is being requested is not part of a subdivision with an approved overall grading plan, the lot grading plan submitted shall show, in addition to the aforementioned details: 1) the existing topographical data on a one foot (1') contour interval extending at least fifty feet (50') beyond the property lines; 2) all top of foundation elevations on adjacent structures; and 3) existing sewer and water main facilities and existing or proposed service lines to the property. The proposed lot grading shall first be subject to review and approval by the village engineer.
      3.   A statement from a reputable soils testing firm indicating the bearing strength of the soil strata at foundation or footing grade. (1978 Code § 4-1-11)
      4.   a. For one- or two-family dwellings, a total of four (4) copies; and for other types of buildings, a total of six (6) copies, of a complete set of plans, drawn to scale, with dimensions to show architectural and engineering details; and the plumbing, electrical, mechanical and, if required, fire suppression systems. (Ord. 98-20, 3-5-1998; amd. 2011 Code)
         b.   All plans for the construction, remodeling, or repairing of any building, the total cost of which exceeds ten thousand dollars ($10,000.00), shall be prepared under the supervision and bear the seal of a registered architect and/or registered engineer of the state of Illinois, except any construction which does not involve the cutting away of any wall, partition or portion thereof, the removal or cutting of any structural beam or load bearing support, or the removal or change of any required means of egress, or rearrangement of parts of a structure affecting the egress requirements; nor addition to, alteration of, replacement or relocation of any standpipe, water supply, sewer, drainage, drain leader, gas, soil, waste, vent or similar piping, electrical wiring or mechanical or other work affecting public health or general safety. (Ord. 98-20, 3-5-1998)
      5.   A statement verifying that all contractors performing work on the proposed building are or will be licensed and bonded with the village. (1978 Code § 4-1-11)
      6.   If the proposed project involves construction activities other than required for the maintenance or repair of existing structures, a completed agency action report on a form promulgated by the Illinois department of natural resources, which shall contain, but not be limited to, the following:
         a.   Name and address of the village of Glendale Heights;
         b.   The name of the director of community development; (1978 Code § 4-1-11; amd. 2011 Code)
         c.   The precise location of the proposed project in sufficient detail to determine the presence or absence of an endangered species;
         d.   A brief description of the proposed project; and
         e.   The starting and ending dates of the proposed project. (1978 Code § 4-1-11)
   B.   Review Of Application; Agency Action Report: After review of the application and the supporting documents in subsection A of this section, the director of community development shall make a determination that: 1) there has been compliance with the provisions of title 12, chapter 1 of this code including the posting of a performance bond, cash, or escrow account with the village clerk; 2) that the proposed foundation location is consistent with the platting and zoning requirements for front yard and side yard setbacks; 3) that the proposed individual lot grading plan is in conformance with the overall subdivision grading plan or bears the approval of the village engineer; 4) that the solid data submitted indicates compliance with applicable village codes; 5) that the architectural or engineering plans submitted are in full compliance with all village codes and, where necessary, bear an approved statement from the affected fire protection district; 6) that an all weather roadway or satisfactory access roadway has been constructed to within two hundred fifty feet (250') of the building site to facilitate building inspection; 7) that all appropriate building permit fees, subdivision inspection fees, sanitary sewer and water main tap-on fees, recapture or special assessment fees (where applicable), and contractor licensing fees have been paid in full; and 8) that all other provisions of this section have been met and the application is complete.
   C.   Construction Process: If the proposed project involves construction activities other than required for the maintenance or repair of existing structures, the director of community development shall forward the completed agency action report to initiate a consultation process. Action on the building permit application shall not commence until completion of the consultation process.
   D.   Endangered Species:
      1.   Situation Addressed: The Illinois department of natural resources shall review the report of action and determine whether a valid record of occurrence for all endangered species exists within the vicinity of the proposed project. The village will receive one of two (2) responses from the department following submission of the report of action:
         a.   Upon receipt from the Illinois department of natural resources of notification that no known endangered species are known to be present and of termination of the consultation process, action on the application shall commence.
         b.   Upon receipt from the Illinois department of natural resources of notification that an endangered species is identified within the vicinity of the project, the applicant will be sent a letter explaining the continuation of the consultation process and a detailed action report. (1978 Code § 4-1-11; amd. 2011 Code)
      2.   Detailed Action Report:
         a.   The applicant shall complete the detailed action report and submit it to the village. Sufficient information must be provided about the proposed project to determine the potential indirect, direct and cumulative adverse impacts to the endangered species present or its essential habitat. The detailed action report shall include, but is not limited to, the following components:
            (1)   Name and address of the village of Glendale Heights; (1978 Code § 4-1-11)
            (2)   The name of the director of community development; (1978 Code § 4-1-11; amd. 2011 Code)
            (3)   A detailed map indicating the precise location of the proposed project;
            (4)   A detailed description of the proposed project including any direct or indirect alteration or destruction of the vegetation, change anticipated to air or water quality, alteration of the topography, or any other detail that might jeopardize the listed species or its essential habitat;
            (5)   Starting and ending dates of the proposed project; and
            (6)   Discussion of alternatives which were considered.
         b.   Upon completing the portion of the detailed action report involving the proposed project, the applicant shall provide background information on the endangered species present. The direct and indirect effects of the proposed project on the endangered species and its essential habitat including cumulative effects shall be analyzed by the applicant. (1978 Code § 4-1-11)
      3.   Biological Opinions: Upon completion, the village shall submit the detailed action report to the Illinois department of natural resources for the formulation of a biological opinion as to whether the proposed project, taken with its cumulative effects, will jeopardize the endangered species present or have an adverse impact on its essential habitat. The biological opinion shall result in one of the following conclusions: (1978 Code § 4-1-11; amd. 2011 Code)
         a.   The project may promote the conservation of an endangered species or its essential habitat, in which case, the consultation process is terminated;
         b.   The project is not likely to jeopardize an endangered species or its essential habitat, in which case, the consultation process is terminated; or
         c.   The proposed project is likely to jeopardize an endangered species or its essential habitat, in which case, the consultation process shall continue. (1978 Code § 4-1-11)
      4.   Alternatives To Adverse Impacts:
         a.   If the biological opinion concludes that the proposed project is likely to have an adverse impact, recommendations to avoid these impacts shall be provided to the applicant by the village upon receipt from the Illinois department of natural resources.
         b.   A meeting shall be scheduled with representatives of the applicant, the village and the Illinois department of natural resources to discuss practicable alternatives to the proposed project that would avoid, minimize, or compensate for the impacts.
         c.   After the consultation meetings have taken place to discuss practicable alternatives, the applicant shall notify the village in writing stating its decision to proceed, modify, or forgo the action and which, if any, of the alternatives included in the detailed action report it is adopting. The village shall in turn notify the Illinois department of natural resources. (1978 Code § 4-1-11; amd. 2011 Code)
         d.   If the village disagrees with the applicant's decision, it shall notify the applicant in writing within twenty one (21) days.
      5.   Effect Of New Information: The consultation process shall be initiated or a terminated consultation process shall be reopened if:
         a.   New information reveals effects of the identified project that may adversely affect an endangered species or its essential habitat in a manner not previously considered; or
         b.   The proposed project is subsequently modified such that it may adversely affect an endangered species or its essential habitat in a manner which was not considered in the consultation process; or
         c.   Additional endangered species or their essential habitat is identified within the vicinity of the project. (1978 Code § 4-1-11)
   E.   Issuance Of Permit Or Return Of Application Noting Deficiencies: Upon favorable determination that all the above provisions have been met, a building permit shall be issued. If the above provisions have not been met, the building permit application shall be returned with a list of deficiencies. (1978 Code § 4-1-11; amd. 2011 Code)
At least three (3) days before any framing is placed on the foundation, the property owner or his agent shall furnish to the director of community development a spot survey prepared by a registered land surveyor of the state of Illinois showing: a) the elevation of the top of the foundation; b) the location of the foundation with ties to front and side lot lines; and c) accurate dimensions of the foundation. Said survey shall be reviewed and approved by the director of community development for compliance with the platting and zoning requirements for front and side yard setbacks and the approved foundation elevation plan. Framing or any other structural improvements placed on the foundation before submittal and approval of the spot survey shall be grounds for revocation of the building permit and subject the violator to a fine. Upon a favorable determination that the foundation has been installed in conformance with the approved foundation plan and platting and zoning requirements, a framing permit shall be issued. (1978 Code § 4-1-11; amd. 2011 Code)
   A.   Permit Required; Fees: When the director of community development finds that a building is in compliance with this code and other ordinances of the village, after one or more inspections, he shall issue an occupancy permit. The fee charged for an occupancy permit shall be: (Ord. 96-55, 6-6-1996; amd. 2011 Code)
plus $5.00 for each dwelling unit
plus $10.00 for each floor, basement or mezzanine
(Ord. 96-55, 6-6-1996)
   B.   Unexecuted Certificate; Receipt: Prior to the issuance of a certificate of occupancy pursuant to this section, the director of community development shall issue to the owner of the property an unexecuted certificate, and the owner of the property shall file the same with the proper township assessor and shall obtain, in the form prescribed by said official, a receipt showing that the unexecuted certificate of occupancy has been duly filed and that the property is subject to increased assessment from the date of issuance of the said certificate on a proportionate basis for the year in which the improvement was completed.
   C.   Executed Certificate Filed: It shall be the duty of the owner of said property to file the receipt of the township assessor with the director of community development, and the director of community development shall file a certified copy of the duly executed certificate of occupancy, when issued, with the proper township assessor. (1978 Code § 4-1-5; amd. 2011 Code)
   D.   Issuance Procedures: The issuance of an occupancy permit for any principal building or structure shall be based on a close adherence to the following procedures:
      1.   Application For Permit; Building Inspections: When the building or structure has been completed, the owner or his agent shall file with the director of community development an application for an occupancy permit. Accompanying the application shall be: a) payment in full of the permit fee and a receipt from the township assessor showing the property is subject to increased assessment from the date of issuance of the occupancy permit as further defined in this section; and b) a field grading survey prepared by a registered land surveyor or engineer of the state of Illinois showing, in addition to the as built foundation location and elevation previously required, the as built elevation of the finished grade at all corners of the foundation and the elevation of the finished grade at the lot corners, building lines, high points and low points as shown on the approved grading plan. The director of community development shall then make an inspection of the building and refer the field grading survey to the village engineer for review.
      2.   Issuance Of Permit Or Return Of Application Noting Deficiencies:
         a.   No occupancy permit shall be issued for any building or structure unless the director of community development has determined: 1) the building or structure is in compliance with this code and other ordinances of the village; 2) the final lot grading survey on file bears the stamped approval of the village engineer; 3) there exists on file a copy of the certificate of completion by the village engineer for the sanitary sewer and water main system serving the building, a copy of the resolution of acceptance by the board of trustees, and a copy of or statement from the village clerk attesting to the fact that a ten percent (10%) maintenance bond vesting responsibility for maintenance of the sewer and water improvements for a period of one year from the date of acceptance with the owner or developer has been furnished (in the case of existing subdivisions where evidence of final acceptance is not on file, this requirement shall be deemed met by a letter from the village engineer adjudging the existing sewer and water facilities adequate to serve the building or structure); 4) a letter has been received from the village engineer stating that roadways providing access to the subject lot have been constructed or are in the course of construction and are suitable for vehicular traffic, the necessary drainage facilities have been constructed to serve the lot, the installation or repair of sidewalks and final grading and landscaping of the parkway and lot have been completed, and suitable street name signs have been erected.
         b.   Upon a favorable determination that all the above provisions have been met, an occupancy permit shall be issued. If the above provisions have not been met, the occupancy permit application shall be returned with a list of deficiencies. (1978 Code § 4-1-11; amd. 2011 Code)
   A.   A temporary six (6) month occupancy permit for any structure or building may be issued by the director of community development if, for reasons of inclement weather or otherwise, the builder/developer or property owner has been unable to complete final grading, landscaping and installation or repair of sidewalks, or furnish a final lot grading survey as stipulated in subsection 10-1-5D of this chapter. All other provisions of said subsection 10-1-5D must, however, have been met. Issuance of a temporary occupancy permit shall be contingent on the following:
      1.   A written statement listing the uncompleted work necessary to bring the building site into compliance and an estimate of the cost thereof shall be filed with the director of community development. The validity of said cost estimate shall be verified by the village engineer.
      2.   The builder/developer or property owner shall establish with the village clerk an escrow account consisting of a cash deposit, certified check, or cashier's check in an amount equal to one hundred fifty percent (150%) of the estimated cost of uncompleted work in subsection A1 of this section. The village clerk shall issue a receipt for said account listing the work to be accomplished and identifying, by legal description, the property for which a temporary occupancy permit is being requested. A copy of the receipt shall be filed with the director of community development.
      3.   A written agreement signed by the builder/developer, property owner and/or contract purchaser shall be submitted to the director of community development within six (6) months of the date of issuance of the temporary occupancy permit and their understanding that, upon expiration of the temporary occupancy permit, it shall thereafter be unlawful for the building or structure to be occupied and that the escrow account established in subsection A2 of this section shall be subject to forfeiture.
   B.   Upon completion of all improvements, submittal of the final grading survey, and approval thereof by the village engineer, the director of community development shall then issue a regular occupancy permit, and the village clerk shall refund in full the escrow account previously established. If the builder/developer or property owner fails to complete the required improvements within the six (6) month period allotted, the director of community development shall authorize the use of the escrow funds provided in subsection A2 of this section to complete the required improvements.
   C.   Any person, firm or corporation violating any provision of this section shall be subject to the penalty prescribed in section 1-4-1 of this code. (1978 Code § 4-1-11; amd. 2011 Code)
   A.   Permit Required: No person shall erect, install or construct any shed or accessory building (other than a garage structure) or any concrete, asphalt, brick or stone patio area, or any combination thereof, on any premises within the village without first obtaining a permit therefor.
   B.   Application For Permit: Application for such permit shall be made at the community development department and shall include a sketch of the proposed shed, accessory building or patio.
   C.   Expiration Of Permit: Any such permit issued pursuant to this section shall, in the absence of an extension being first obtained from the director of community development upon good cause shown, expire six (6) months following the date of its issuance. (Ord. 96-55, 6-6-1996; amd. 2011 Code)
   A.   Permit Costs: The following work, when performed individually and not as part of a larger overall work scope, shall be charged a fixed fee, as set forth below:
      1.   Residential - single-family:
Balcony (replacement)
$ 75.00
Burglar alarm
Deck (covered or uncovered)
Demolition (interior)
Door replacement
Electric (minimum)
Electric panel
Fireplace - prefab
Lawn irrigation
Air conditioning
Furnace and A/C
Water heater
Private - driveway, patio, service walk
Public - sidewalk, apron
Private and public
Plumbing - 3 fixtures or less (minimum)
Additional charge per fixture over 3
Roof with prepermit inspection
Roof without prepermit inspection
Shed/gazebo (on ground)
Shed/gazebo (on slab)
Siding with prepermit inspection
Siding without prepermit inspection
Swimming pool/hot tub/spa - (aboveground)
Utility connection - water or sewer
Utility disconnection - water or sewer
Window replacement (1-5)
Window replacement (6)
      2.   Commercial/industrial/office/multi-family:
Construction/sales trailer
Fire alarms
Fire sprinklers
Irrigation system
Pavement replacement:
<1,000 square feet
>1,000 square feet
Pavement - sealcoat and stripe
Security alarm
Change of copy only
Illuminated monument
Illuminated wall
Temporary electric service
Temporary use
Utility connection - water and sewer
Utility disconnection - water and sewer
Water heater (not boiler)
   B.   Permit Costs Based On Value Of Construction/Improvement: Fees for building permits, not specifically listed in subsection A of this section, shall be assessed based on the market value of the construction or improvement to be completed.
      1.   Market Value: The market value shall be determined based upon the values stated in either, "Means Square Foot Costs", or "Building Construction Cost Date", as published by R.S. Means Company, Inc. (Kingston, Massachusetts), as amended from time to time, which said publications are hereby adopted by reference by the village of Glendale Heights. In lieu of using this publication, the village, at its sole and exclusive discretion, may accept the value listed on a signed contract between the permit applicant and their contractor(s), or an estimate of probable construction cost, signed and sealed by a registered architect or engineer.
      2.   Permit Fee: 1.5 percent of estimated construction/improvement cost, but not less than the sum of the minimum fees of all applicable trades.
   C.   Special Projects: There are certain special projects where the cost of construction does not accurately reflect the cost of plan review and inspection to the village. In these instances, permit fees will be based on the hourly rate of plan review and inspection services, as determined from time to time by the village of Glendale Heights.
      1.   Special projects include, but are not limited to, the following construction:
         a.   Demolition.
         b.   Inground swimming pools.
         c.   Site alteration including grading and utility installation on private property.
         d.   Cellular tower construction and/or modification.
   D.   Miscellaneous Provisions:
      1.   Reinspection And Phased Inspection Fee: Inspection fees shall be included in the building permit fee, along with one reinspection. Additional reinspections due to failure, request for phasing or not being present at the scheduled inspection time will be charged a reinspection fee as listed below:
      2.   Expedited Real Estate Transfer Inspection: In accordance with section 10-14C-4 of this title, real estate transfer inspections shall be scheduled a minimum of twenty one (21) days prior to transfer. An applicant may request an expedited inspection less than twenty one (21) days prior to transfer at double the standard inspection fee. The village will schedule the inspection, if it can accommodate the request, but is not obligated to do so. Payment of the fee is required prior to scheduling the inspection.
      3.   Consulting Services: The village, at its sole discretion, may determine that it is necessary to hire a consultant to provide professional services, including, but not limited to, plan reviews, inspections and legal review. An applicant shall be responsible for payment of these costs as part of the permit fee. If an applicant withdraws a permit application, he/she shall be responsible for any and all consultant fees incurred.
      4.   Consulting Services Fees: For any project that the village has determined consulting services are required, the following deposit shall be submitted with the building permit application:
Projects which include architectural, structural and/or MEP plans
Projects which include civil engineering plans
If the deposit is depleted, the applicant shall submit an additional deposit to offset additional consulting services. Any remaining balance shall be refunded after a final certificate of occupancy is issued.
      5.   Field Change Permit: Whenever a substantive change in the scope of work is proposed subsequent to approval of the permit application, a field change permit application shall be submitted, along with such construction documents as are necessary to allow a comprehensive review of the potential impact of the proposed change. The valuation used to determine permit fees shall equal the value of the proposed new scope of work (example: If $10,000.00 worth of lighting is eliminated from a project, and $8,000.00 worth of alternative lighting is substituted, the valuation is $8,000.00). The minimum permit fee shall be fifty dollars ($50.00) for residential construction and one hundred dollars ($100.00) for commercial construction.
      6.   Failure To Obtain A Permit: Commencing construction on work that requires a permit without having obtained a permit is a violation of this code. Any person found to have violated this provision of this code shall be assessed additional permit fees in accordance with the following:
         Calculated permit fee + 100% additional permit fee
The calculated permit fee shall include plan review, inspection, and development fees, but shall exclude expedited plan review and/or inspection, which will be charged separately according to the method for each process.
      7.   Renewal Of Suspended Permit: An applicant may submit a written request to renew a suspended permit once. A permit may be renewed only if: a) the project scope does not change, and b) a code amendment would not impact the project. The permit fee for a permit renewal shall be fifty percent (50%) of the original permit fee.
      8.   Phased Permits:
         a.   An applicant may submit a written request to have a proposed development considered in phases. The following phased permits may be issued provided that all of the submittal criteria are met:
            (1)   Mass grading.
            (2)   Site development.
            (3)   Foundation.
            (4)   Shell.
            (5)   Phased occupancy.
         b.   If and when the village, at its sole and exclusive discretion, determines that the criteria for issuance of a phased permit have been met, an applicant shall execute a hold harmless agreement before a phased permit may be issued.
         c.   The permit fee for a phased permit shall be based upon the value of the scope of the work proposed, plus ten percent (10%) to cover the village's additional administrative expenses.
      9.   DuPage County Receipt Of Payment: No building permit or occupancy permit shall be authorized for constructing, enlarging or altering any building or structure until the village has received a copy of a receipt of payment of the fees imposed by the county fair share transportation impact fee ordinance.
      10.   Temporary Certificate Of Occupancy: The fee for a temporary certificate of occupancy shall be as follows:
Residential - single-family
      11.   Written Zoning Verification: The fee for a written zoning verification shall be one hundred dollars ($100.00).
      12.   Irrevocable Letter Of Credit: Prior to issuance of a building permit, an applicant shall be required to provide an irrevocable letter of credit or similar security for a sum equal to one hundred twenty five percent (125%) of an approved estimate of construction cost for the site development work scope, including public improvements, stormwater management, erosion control and permanent stabilized landscaping. (Ord. 2014-51, 8-21-2014)
In the calculation of the floor area, the exterior dimensions shall be used. The total floor area shall be the total of the area of all floors of the building, except as follows:
   A.   Attic spaces which do not have an interior wall finish.
   B.   Unfinished parts of basements in a single-family, two- family or apartment occupancy. (1978 Code § 4-1-3)