Upon any street or highway outside a business or residence district, no person shall stop, park or leave standing any vehicle, whether attended or unattended, upon the paved or main traveled part of the street or highway if it is practicable to stop, park or so leave such vehicle off the paved or main traveled part of such street or highway. In every event, a clear and unobstructed portion of the street or highway opposite such standing vehicle shall be left for the free passage of other vehicles, and a clear view of such stopped vehicle shall be available from a distance of 200 feet in each direction upon such street or highway.
This section does not apply to the driver of any vehicle which is disabled while on the paved or improved or main traveled portion of a street or highway in such manner and to such extent that it is impossible to avoid stopping and temporarily leaving the disabled vehicle in such position. (ORC 4511.66)
(a) If an owner of private property posts on the property, in a conspicuous manner, a prohibition against parking on the property or conditions
and regulations under which parking is permitted, no person shall do either of the following:
(1) Park a vehicle on the property without the owner's consent;
(2) Park a vehicle on the property in violation of any condition or regulation posted by the owner.
(b) Except as provided in Ohio R.C. 4513.60 to 4513.65 and subject to the requirements of this section, the owner of private property or his authorized agent may remove, or cause to be removed, any vehicle parked on the property in violation of a posted parking prohibition, condition or regulation.
(Ord. 52-1988. Passed 5-9-88.)
(c) The owner of private property may create a private tow-away zone only if all of the following conditions are satisfied:
(1) The owner posts on his property a sign that is at least eighteen inches by twenty-four inches in size, that is visible from all entrances to the property and that contains at least all of the following information:
A. A notice that the property is a private tow-away zone and that vehicles not authorized to park on the property shall be towed away;
B. The telephone number of the person from whom a towed-away vehicle can be recovered, and the address of the place to which the vehicle will be taken and from which it may be recovered;
C. A statement that the vehicle may be recovered at any time during the day or night upon submission of proof of ownership and the payment of a reasonable towing charge and a reasonable storage charge per twenty-four hour period.
D. A statement that a commercial vehicle weighing at least or in excess of two tons may be recovered at any time during the day or night upon submission of proof of ownership and the payment of a reasonable towing charge and a reasonable storage charge per twenty-four hour period.
(Ord. 37-2001. Passed 7-9-01.)
(d) If a vehicle is parked on private property that is established as a private tow-away zone in accordance with subsection (c) hereof, without the consent of the owner of the property, the owner and the operator of the vehicle shall be deemed to have consented to the removal and storage of the vehicle, and to the payment of the towing and storage charges specified in subsections (c)(1)C. and (c)(1)D. hereof, and the owner may recover the vehicle only upon submission of proof of ownership and the payment of such charges. However, if the owner or operator of the vehicle arrives after the vehicle has been prepared for removal, but prior to its actual removal from the zone, the owner or operator shall be given the opportunity to pay a fee of no more than one-half of the normal towing charge of the person who has prepared the vehicle for removal in order to obtain release of the vehicle. Upon payment of this fee, the vehicle shall be released to the owner or operator and upon release of the vehicle, the owner or operator immediately shall move the vehicle so that it is not parked on the private property established as a private tow-away zone without the consent of the owner.
(e) No owner of private property shall remove, or shall cause the removal and storage of, any vehicle pursuant to this section by a tow truck or tow truck operator in violation of any other municipal ordinance regulating such truck or operator.
(f) If an owner of private property, or his authorized agent, removes or causes the removal of a vehicle from that property pursuant to this section the owner or agent shall notify the police of the removal and of the vehicle's license plate number.
(Ord. 52-1988. Passed 5-9-88.)
(a) No person shall park a school bus, commercial tractor, truck, panel truck, jeep-type truck, bus trailer, semitrailer, pole trailer or moving van on any street within the residential districts of the City between one hour after sunset and one hour before sunrise.
(b) No person shall park a school bus, commercial tractor, truck, panel truck, jeep-type truck, bus trailer, semitrailer, pole trailer or moving van on any street within the residential districts of the City at any other time unless the operator or person in charge of such vehicle is on call or rendering a service to a resident in such residential area.
(c) Whoever violates any provision of this section may, upon entering a plea of guilty, and further waiving the right of appeal and error, pay to the Clerk of Court, or in the absence of the Clerk of Court, to the Police Division, the sum of seventy-five dollars ($75.00). If, within one year of the offense, the offender previously has been convicted of or pleaded guilty to one violation of Garfield Heights Codified Ordinance Section 351.14, whoever violates this shall pay to the Clerk of Court, or in the absence of the Clerk of Court, to the Police Division, the sum of two hundred and fifty dollars ($250.00). If, within one year of the offense, the offender previously has been convicted of or pleaded guilty to two or more violations of Garfield Heights Codified Ordinance Section 351.14, whoever violates this shall pay to the Clerk of Court, or in the absence of the Clerk of Court, to the Police Division, the sum of five hundred dollars ($500.00). (Ord. 64-2015. Passed 2-23-15.)
(a) No person shall park a vehicle on any street between the hours of 2:00 a.m. and 6:00 a.m. of any day, except physicians, priests, ministers and rabbis on emergency calls or other persons who have obtained a parking permit from the Police Department.
(b) Upon application of any person to the Police Department, a parking permit may be issued if in the opinion of the Police Department, the issuance of such permit would be reasonably necessary for the health, safety and welfare of the applicant and the community as a whole. Such permit shall be available at a cost of forty dollars ($40.00) per tag and shall expire annually on January 1. A thirty day grace period shall be given for renewals each January, wherein application shall be reevaluated under existing regulations. The parking permit authorized herein shall be firmly affixed to and prominently displayed in the lower corner of the windshield on the driver’s side of the vehicle so authorized.
(c) The Police Department is hereby authorized and directed to compile and maintain a record of permits issued and to compile regulations to act as a guide in the issuance of permits.
(d) Notwithstanding the provisions of subsections (a) to (c) hereof, no person shall stand or park a vehicle on any street, road or thoroughfare in the City continuously for a period exceeding twenty-four hours. Any vehicle found so parked in violation of this subsection shall be towed to a City auto storage pound. (Ord. 70-2023. Passed 9-11-23.)
(a) Whenever, during any period of twenty-four hours or less, snow falls in the City, or in any section thereof, to a depth of two inches or more, an emergency is declared to exist in that such a depth of snow constitutes a serious public hazard, impairing transportation, movement of food, fuel and other supplies, medical care, fire, health, and police protection and other vital facilities of the City.
(b) The Mayor, the Safety Director or the Chief of Police shall make a reasonable effort to announce the existence of the emergency by use of local press, and radio and television stations. Such emergency shall continue until an announcement by the Mayor, Safety Director or Chief of Police that snow plowing operations have been completed and that the emergency is terminated. However, owners and operators of motor vehicles shall have the responsibility of determining existing weather conditions and depth or extent of snow fall, and of complying with emergency parking regulations when such emergency is in effect.
(c) It shall be required for the purposes of enforcement of the snow parking ban that there shall be posted on all main approaches to the City and other main arteries as designed by the Safety Director or the Chief of Police, signs, which signs shall indicate the prohibition of parking on such streets and also indicate that a penalty shall be assessed for violation.
(d) During the period of the emergency, parking of vehicles shall be prohibited on all the City streets. During such emergency no person shall park or cause to be parked, or permit to be parked, or abandon or leave unattended any motor vehicle of any kind or description on any of the City's streets or roads. However, vehicles may be parked for a period of not longer than three minutes for the actual loading or unloading of passengers, or thirty minutes for the actual loading or unloading of property or goods, provided that the operator of the vehicles is immediately available, and provided, further, that no other ordinance restricting parking as to time or place is violated.
No person shall cause or permit snow to be moved, placed or stored over or upon any portion of a dedicated street or road, except that snow may be stored upon the paved or unpaved tree lawn or curb lawn area adjacent to the premises from which such snow is being removed. (Ord. 10-1964. Passed 1-13-64.)