Every applicant shall be able to read the English language sufficiently well to read and understand this chapter; an applicant unable to do so may be considered not a proper person to be licensed hereunder.
(‘83 Code, § 111.27) Penalty, see § 10.99
Every bakery and bulk food establishment shall comply with all of the following regulations.
(A) Adequate toilet facilities shall be conveniently located within the establishment to be licensed.
(B) Toilet rooms shall not open directly into any food processing room. Toilet rooms shall be kept in a clean condition, in good repair, and well-lighted and ventilated. Conveniently located lavatory facilities shall be provided, with hot and cold running water. Hand-washing signs shall be posted in each toilet room used by employees.
(C) All food stored shall be elevated at least 12 inches above the floor, unless packaged in water- tight containers, and free of possible sources of contamination.
(D) No food shall be stored below sewer lines.
(E) Metal sinks shall be provided for the purpose of cleaning utensils and tools used in the handling, display, or dispensing of foods.
(F) All dairy products and eggs must be kept under refrigeration at all times at or below a temperature of 50°F.
(G) Buildings must be free from contaminating surroundings, and must be rodent-proof.
(H) Living or sleeping rooms in direct connection with any part of a food establishment shall not be permitted.
(I) An adequate supply of running hot water shall be piped to all sinks. Where a storage tank is used, the minimum capacity shall be 30 gallons.
(J) All work tables and benches must be of a tight, smooth material, free from cracks, and easily cleaned.
(‘83 Code, § 111.28)
Bakeries shall be subject to the following additional regulations.
(A) Metal sinks shall be provided to thoroughly clean mixing bowls, pots, pans, fixtures, and parts of machinery used in the preparation of baked goods. Sinks shall be large enough to receive the largest utensil used. Brushes shall be used to aid in the cleaning processes.
(B) Frying kettles shall be placed at least one foot from any wall, and the wall shall be protected by a smooth, nonporous metal shield to splash height. A hood shall be provided and suspended at least seven feet above the floor and extending at least one foot beyond the edge of a frying kettle, and shall be vented to the outside air and equipped with a fan or blower capable of removing all smoke, odors, and vapor. No vent over the sidewalk will be permitted.
(C) The term CUSTARD MIX and CUSTARD FILLER as used herein shall refer to any product, consisting principally of flour, sugar, eggs, and milk, with or without cornstarch, heated, cooled, and applied to pastry without subsequent heating. The provisions of this section shall also apply to custard- filled pastry commonly designated as cream puffs and eclairs which may be heated subsequent to filling.
(1) The entire custard mix to be used in the manufacture of custard-filled pastry shall be brought to a temperature of not less than 200°F, maintained at not less than that temperature for a period of not less than ten minutes, and within one hour thereafter placed in a refrigerating temperature of not over 50°F and kept at or below that temperature until applied to the pastry.
(2) No custard-filled pastry shall be sold either wholesale or retail or transported for retail delivery unless it shall bear prominently displayed on the outside thereof in legible letters the name of the manufacturing baker, the day of manufacture, and the statement, “Refrigerate.”
(3) No custard-filled pastry shall be kept, displayed, or offered for sale in or from any bakery, store, place or vehicle unless it shall have been refrigerated at a temperature not over 50°F from the time of manufacture until the time of delivery to the consumer.
(D) Only wholesome ingredients shall be used in the preparation of baked goods.
(E) No baked goods shall be exposed to dust, dirt, or other contamination.
(‘83 Code, § 111.29) Penalty, see § 10.99
In addition to regulations set forth in § 111.038, bulk food establishments shall be subject to the following additional regulations.
(A) Metal sinks shall be provided for the purpose of cleaning utensils and tools used in the handling, display, or dispensing of foods.
(B) All dairy products and eggs must be kept under refrigeration at all times at a temperature of 50°F or below.
(C) Raw fruit and raw vegetable displays shall be elevated at least 12 inches above the floor. Sidewalk displays shall be elevated at least 24 inches.
(D) Surplus stocks of bulk foods shall be stored in a special room provided for that purpose, and if not in waterproof containers shall be elevated at least 12 inches above the floor.
(‘83 Code, § 111.30) Penalty, see § 10.99
The Health Officer may formulate and promulgate such reasonable rules and regulations, not inconsistent with the provisions of this chapter, as he may deem necessary to govern the inspection and operation of food establishments within the city; and no person shall disobey any such rule or regulation.
(‘83 Code, § 111.31) Penalty, see § 10.99
For the purpose of this subchapter the following definitions shall apply unless the context clearly indicates or requires a different meaning.
DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH. The Wayne County Department of Health.
FOOD HANDLER. One engaged in handling or processing food or the utensils with which it is prepared or served.
HEALTH OFFICER. The Wayne County Health Officer or his duly authorized representative.
MEAT FOOD PRODUCTS. Any article of food or any article which enters into the composition of food for human consumption which is derived or prepared, in whole or in part, from any portion of the carcass of any cattle, sheep, swine, goat, fowl, or any other edible meat, except such articles as organotherapeutic substances, meat juice, meat extract, and the like, which are for medicinal purposes and are advertised only to the medical profession.
MEAT VENDOR. One who purchases meat or meat food products from a farm, meat food products establishment, or other source and sells, offers for sale, or has in his possession with intent to sell the products for human consumption, when activity is conducted other than at a licensed wholesale or retail meat market.
WHOLESALE OR RETAIL MEAT MARKET. Every place where meat or meat food products are sold at wholesale or retail for human consumption, except establishments where all meats or meat food products purchased are prepacked in hermetically sealed glass or metal containers.
(‘83 Code, § 111.35)
No person shall engage in the delivery or distribution of meat or meat food products, or offer the same for sale, without first having obtained a license from the Clerk in accordance with Chapter 110 of this code. No license shall be issued except upon certification of the Health Officer.
(‘83 Code, § 111.36) Penalty, see § 10.99
No person shall sell, or offer or expose for sale, any meat or meat food products which are diseased, decayed, unwholesome, or for any cause unfit for human food. Upon the discovery of any meat or meat food products exposed or held for sale within the city which are diseased, decayed, unwholesome, or for any cause unfit for human food, the Department of Health shall give the person in charge thereof, notice to at once remove it from display, storage, or sale, or to destroy it as directed by the sanitarians. No person shall fail to obey any such order forthwith. Meat or meat food products found in any premises shall be prima facie evidence of its being offered for sale.
(‘83 Code, § 111.37) Penalty, see § 10.99
No person shall transport through any thoroughfare in the city any meat or meat food products unless it is so covered as to be protected from dust, dirt, insects, or any other substances that will render it unclean, unwholesome, or detrimental to health. Every container and every vehicle shall be maintained in a sanitary condition at all times.
(‘83 Code, § 111.38) Penalty, see § 10.99