§ 111.055 DEFINITIONS.
   For the purpose of this subchapter the following definitions shall apply unless the context clearly indicates or requires a different meaning.
   DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH. The Wayne County Department of Health.
   FOOD HANDLER. One engaged in handling or processing food or the utensils with which it is prepared or served.
   HEALTH OFFICER. The Wayne County Health Officer or his duly authorized representative.
   MEAT FOOD PRODUCTS.  Any article of food or any article which enters into the composition of food for human consumption which is derived or prepared, in whole or in part, from any portion of the carcass of any cattle, sheep, swine, goat, fowl, or any other edible meat, except such articles as organotherapeutic substances, meat juice, meat extract, and the like, which are for medicinal purposes and are advertised only to the medical profession.
   MEAT VENDOR. One who purchases meat or meat food products from a farm, meat food products establishment, or other source and sells, offers for sale, or has in his possession with intent to sell the products for human consumption, when activity is conducted other than at a licensed wholesale or retail meat market.
   WHOLESALE OR RETAIL MEAT MARKET. Every place where meat or meat food products are sold at wholesale or retail for human consumption, except establishments where all meats or meat food products purchased are prepacked in hermetically sealed glass or metal containers.
(‘83 Code, § 111.35)