No person shall transport through any thoroughfare in the city any meat or meat food products unless it is so covered as to be protected from dust, dirt, insects, or any other substances that will render it unclean, unwholesome, or detrimental to health. Every container and every vehicle shall be maintained in a sanitary condition at all times.
(‘83 Code, § 111.38) Penalty, see § 10.99
No person shall sell or deliver or have in his possession for sale in the city any meat or meat food products which contain any unhealthful ingredient, constituent, or substance; or which has been transported, handled, or stored in an unclean manner; or which was produced from any animal which was diseased; nor shall any meat food product be sold or delivered in the city which is procured from any farm, slaughter house, or meat food products manufacturing establishment where any contagious, infectious, or communicable disease exists.
(‘83 Code, § 111.39) Penalty, see § 10.99
Meat vendors shall be subject to the following requirements.
(A) All meat and meat food product supplies must be obtained from firms licensed or approved by the Department of Health. Approval shall be granted where the source is licensed or approved by an inspecting authority with equal requirements enforced to the satisfaction of the Department of Health.
(B) The name of the licensee must be legibly and conspicuously painted or permanently affixed in letters at least three inches high on each outer side of all vehicles.
(C) The Department of Health shall be notified immediately of any change of address of a licensee, or any change in the place where food is stored.
(D) Retail vending of meats from a vehicle is prohibited.
(E) Vehicles must be constructed so as to protect all meat and meat food products from dirt, dust, insects, or any substance which is unwholesome or detrimental to public health.
(F) All vehicles and all containers therein must be maintained in a clean and sanitary condition at all times.
(G) From May 1 to October 1, all vehicles distributing fresh meats must be equipped with refrigeration, when on routes that cannot be covered in less than three hours. Refrigeration shall be capable of maintaining a temperature of 50°F or below.
(H) Fresh meats and meat food products must not be left in any vehicle overnight unless the vehicle is provided with refrigeration.
(I) Meat and meat food products must not be stored in private homes, or in the basement of homes, or in places other than a licensed establishment.
(J) All vendors must wear clean, washable clothing.
(‘83 Code, § 111.40) Penalty, see § 10.99
Wholesale and retail meat markets shall be subject to the following requirements.
(A) All wholesale and retail meat markets in the city shall have a separate sink to which is piped hot and cold water under pressure for the purpose of cleansing tools and utensils. Hot water shall be available at a temperature not less than 170°F. Where a storage tank is used, it shall be of a capacity of not less than 30 gallons.
(B) Tools and utensils shall be maintained in a clean and sanitary condition at all times.
(C) Adequate refrigeration to hold eggs, dairy products, meat, and perishable meat food products at a temperature of 50°F or below shall be provided. The drain for ice boxes shall be discharged into an open waste drain sink.
(D) No food of any kind, unless securely wrapped, shall be exposed to dust, dirt, or other contamination; however, this regulation does not apply to the display of fresh fruits and vegetables which may be cooked or washed before eating.
(E) All cartons, sacks, and boxes containing foods shall be stored in such manner as to prevent contamination, and shall be elevated at least 12 inches above the floor.
(F) An adequate supply of potable water under pressure from a source approved by the Department of Health shall be provided.
(G) All plumbing shall be done in accordance with the applicable provisions of Title XV of this Code. No exposed overhead sewer pipe will be permitted in a room where food is stored, processed, or offered for sale.
(H) Connection shall be made to the city sanitary sewerage system.
(I) Garbage and rubbish shall be disposed of in a manner which will not create a nuisance. Water- tight, properly covered containers must be provided.
(J) No living quarters shall be in direct connection with any food handling establishment.
(K) Rubbish or unused equipment shall not be stored in any part of the premises.
(L) All gas ovens, ranges, and water heaters must be equipped with fume pipes extended out of the building.
(M) Basement floors shall be hard, smooth-finish cement with three-inch coverbase throughout, properly pitched to drains to facilitate flushing.
(N) Adequate toilet facilities shall be maintained for both men and women employees. Each toilet room must be provided with a flush toilet, handwash basin, soap, and individual sanitary towels.
(‘83 Code, § 111.41) Penalty, see § 10.99
No person, firm, or corporation shall conduct or maintain any room, stand, booth, place, or building where beverages of any kind commonly called “soft drinks” are dispensed or sold within the limits of the city without first having obtained a license therefor from the City Clerk.
(‘83 Code, § 111.45) Penalty, see § 10.99
(A) Every person, firm, or corporation desiring to engage in the business of conducting or maintaining any room, stand, booth, place, or building where beverages of any kind commonly called “soft drinks” are dispensed or sold, shall make application to the City Clerk for a license for that purpose. The application shall state whether the applicant is a citizen of the United States, the name under which the room, stand, booth, place, building, or business shall be operated, the owner of the premises where the business is to be conducted, the name of the holder of the lease of the premises if they are held under lease, and whether or not the applicant has been convicted theretofore of violation of any of the provisions of this subchapter. (‘83 Code, § 111.46)
(B) (1) Every person, firm, or corporation to whom a license shall be granted under § 111.075 shall pay to the city treasury a fee in accordance with the Comprehensive Fee Schedule in Chapter 12 of this Code.
(2) The license fee shall be submitted with the application; however, any person, firm, or corporation having been operating one year or more under the provisions of this subchapter shall not be required to file an application as provided in this subchapter, but may renew their license annually by paying the required license fee. Licenses issued under the provisions of this chapter shall not be transferable without the approval of the City Clerk, and any license so granted may be revoked and canceled at the pleasure of the City Clerk.
(‘83 Code, § 111.47) Penalty, see § 10.99
Every person, firm, or corporation licensed to sell under this subchapter shall procure from the City Clerk a copy of the license, and post it in a conspicuous place in his, her, or their place of business.
(‘83 Code, § 111.48) Penalty, see § 10.99
No person, firm, or corporation licensed under this subchapter shall permit any disorderly conduct or the use of any immoral, profane, or indecent language in any place of business; or shall permit the sale, giving away, or delivery therein of any so-called home-brew, or any vinous, malt, brew, fermented, spiritous, or intoxicating liquors, or any other beverage containing more than 0.5% of alcohol; or shall have connected with any room, stand, booth, building, or place of business by adjoining rooms, side entrance, or otherwise any bar, saloon, room, or place where such beverages are sold or given away; or shall permit the room, stand, booth, building, or place of business to become a place of resort for disorderly persons.
(‘83 Code, § 111.49)