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   (a)   Scenic preservation areas established. The following scenic preservation areas are hereby established based on their scenic, cultural, architectural or historic character. Generalized maps of these areas appear in Appendix B. For official maps of the districts, please contact the planning and development department. (See §§ 2.102 and 6.413(b).)
      (1)   Fort Worth stockyards national register historic district;
      (2)   Central business district scenic preservation area;
      (3)   Cultural district scenic preservation area;
      (4)   Medical district scenic preservation area;
      (5)   Fairmount/Southside historic district;
      (6)   Elizabeth Boulevard national register historic district;
      (7)   Circle Park conservation district;
      (8)   Grand Avenue national register historic district;
      (9)   Masonic widows orphans home historic district; and
      (10)   Kenwood Court historic district.
   (b)   Scenic preservation area boundaries. All scenic preservation area boundary lines shall be measured to the centerlines of all public or railroad rights-of-way bordering the areas.
   (c)   Scenic preservation corridors established. In addition to the areas established above, the following scenic preservation corridors are designated based on their scenic, cultural, architectural or historic character. (See Chapter 3, Article 5 and § 6.413(b)).
      (1)   Arterial scenic corridors. Arterial scenic corridors shall be measured 200 feet from each side of the public right-of-way of the following roadways:
         a.   North Main Street from the historic stockyards to downtown;
         b.   Lancaster Avenue from Camp Bowie Boulevard to South Beach Street;
         c.   University Drive/North Side Drive/Oakhurst Scenic Drive from Granbury Road to Belknap Street;
         d.   Camp Bowie Boulevard from University Drive to I-30 (West Freeway);
         e.   Hemphill Street from Allen Avenue south to Felix Street;
         f.   Jacksboro Highway from Lake Worth (100-year floodplain, 600 feet elevation above sea level) to the southerly end of Nine Mile Bridge Road and from 500 feet north of the Municipal Golf Course to North Side Drive;
         g.   Randol Mill Road/1st Street from Haltom Road east to Bridgewood Drive and from 0.25 miles east of Loop 820 East to John T. White Road;
         h.   East Berry Street from Mitchell Boulevard to Old Mansfield Highway;
         i.   South Hulen Street from Vickery Boulevard south to Loop 820 South;
         j.   Bryant Irvin Road from Vickery Boulevard south to Oakmont Boulevard;
         k.   Angle Avenue/Marine Creek Parkway from Loop 820 West (Jim Wright Freeway) to Northwest 28th Street;
         l.   Evans Avenue from Terrell Avenue to East Berry Street;
         m.   Horne Street from I-30 to Vickery Boulevard;
         n.   Amanda Avenue from Ramey Street to East Rosedale Street;
         o.   South Riverside Drive from I-30 (East Freeway) to Wichita Street;
         p.   4th Street from Downtown to South Riverside Drive;
         q.   East and West Rosedale from University Drive to Loop 820 East;
         r.   Seminary Drive from I-35W (South Freeway) to Wichita Street;
         s.   Vickery Boulevard from I-35W (South Freeway) to South Ayers Avenue;
         t.   White Settlement Road from University Drive to the city limits of Westworth Village; and
         u.   Trinity Railway Express corridor from the east Fort Worth city limit line west to Downtown.
      (2)   Freeway scenic corridors. Freeway scenic preservation corridors shall be measured 660 feet from each side of the public right-of-way of the following roadways:
         a.   I-35W (North Freeway) from 28th Street exit south to the centerline of the Trinity River;
         b.   I-30 (East Freeway) from Downtown east to Loop 820 East;
         c.   U.S. Hwy. 287 (Martin Luther King Freeway) from downtown southeast to Village Creek Road;
         d.   Loop 820 West (Jim Wright Freeway) from .25 miles north to .25 miles south of Lake Worth (100-year floodplain, 600 feet elevation above sea level);
         e.   Loop 820 East from .25 miles north of the first bridge abutment north of Mosier Lake to the southerly boundary of the 100-year floodplain of the West Fork of the Trinity River (approximately 150 feet); and
         f.   S.H. 121 (Chisholm Trail Parkway) from I-30 downtown to the southerly boundary of the city limits.
      (3)   Future scenic corridors. It is the intent of this section that in the event Jacksboro Highway (U.S. Hwy. 199) is widened, the width of the scenic corridor along Jacksboro Highway shall be increased to 660 feet wide from each side of the final alignment of the public right-of-way, after notice and hearing in accordance with § 2.102.
   (d)   Scenic preservation corridor boundaries. When a corridor designated under this section ends at an intersection with a right-of-way that is not designated as part of a corridor, the corridor shall terminate at the centerline of the non-designated right-of-way.
(Ord. 17872-11-2007, § 1, passed 11-6-2007; Ord. 21271-06-2014, § 1, passed 6-3-2014)
   The following signs are exempted from the requirements of this article and may be erected or constructed without a permit:
   (a)   Signs on vehicles or trailers, provided, however, signs on vehicles or trailers that are parked or located for the primary purpose of displaying the sign are prohibited pursuant to § 6.405;
   (b)   Temporary signs, as follows:
      (1)   Temporary decorative flags; and
      (2)   Temporary signs erected in accordance with temporary banner policy administered by the transportation and public works department for signs in the public right-of-way, large banner policy administered by the park and recreation department for signs on park property, policy governing erection of banners on Main Street, and other temporary banner policies administered by city departments or their designees.
      (3)   a.   One temporary sign is permitted per business during its business hours subject to the following conditions:
            1.   The sign shall be displayed on private property within ten feet of the front door of the business or tenant space;
            2.   The sign shall not exceed eight square feet;
            3.   The sign shall not exceed 42 inches in height;
            4.   The sign shall be constructed of rigid weather resistant materials, and be kept in good condition;
            5.   The sign shall not be illuminated;
            6.   The sign shall not contain any moving elements;
            7.   The sign may not be located in the public open space easement (P.O.S.E.); and
            8.   The sign shall not impede, obstruct or interfere with the flow of pedestrian traffic on a sidewalk or access to entrance of a business.
         b.   Provided however, a temporary sign may be displayed in the public right-of-way without the necessity of obtaining city council approval under the following conditions:
            1.   There is not adequate space on the private property to place the sign;
            2.   The front door of the business is less than ten feet from the sidewalk edge or the curb, whichever is the closest to the business; and
            3.   The sign meets all of the criteria listed in subsection (b)(3)a.2. through (b)(3)a.8. above.
   (c)   Warning, security and directional signs for parking or vehicle access;
   (d)   Government signs, flags, insignia, legal notices or informational, directional or traffic signs;
   (e)   Political signs referring to the candidates or issues involved in a public election, subject to the following conditions:
      (1)   The sign is located on private real property with the consent of the property owner;
      (2)   The sign does not exceed eight feet in height;
      (3)   The sign may not have an effective area greater than 36 square feet;
      (4)   The sign shall not be illuminated; and
      (5)   The sign shall not contain any moving elements.
   (f)   Signs in windows subject to the following:
      (1)   Window signs may occupy a maximum of 25% of the window area on each building facade. However, signs exceeding 10% of the window area shall be included in the calculation of the maximum square footage of on-premise signage allowed as described in § 6.408(f);
      (2)   Window signs shall be limited to the first floor of a multi-story building; and
      (3)   Window area shall be calculated as described in § 6.406(c).
   (g)   Other than electrical, all signs not visible from off the property;
   (h)   Nameplate and street address signs not exceeding one square foot in area;
   (i)   One non-illuminated real estate sign, temporary in nature, advertising the sale or lease of real property on which the sign is located or announcing contemplated improvements of real property on which the sign is located; provided, however, that said sign shall not exceed eight square feet in area in any one- or two-family dwelling district or 60 square feet in area and eight feet in height in any other district; provided, further, however, on corner lots and through lots, one such sign, shall be allowed for each street on which the lot has frontage. The sign shall be removed within 30 days after the sale or occupancy of the property;
   (j)   One non-illuminated estate or garage sale sign, not to exceed two square feet in area, temporary in nature, advertising the sale of items on property for which a garage sale permit has been obtained. The sign shall be removed within 24 hours after the sale ends;
   (k)   One construction sign, not exceeding four square feet in area in any one- or two-family dwelling district or 40 square feet in area and 12 feet in height in any other district, denoting the owner, architect, financial institution, general contractor, subcontractor or any statement pertaining to the project on the real property on which the sign is located; provided, however, on corner lots and through lots, one such sign shall be allowed for each street on which the lot has frontage. The sign shall be removed within 30 days after completion of the project;
   (l)   “No Dumping,” “No Trespassing,” and “No Solicitation” signs;
   (m)   Noncommercial residential signs. In addition to the other noncommercial signs permitted by this article, a maximum of four signs not exceeding a total of 16 square feet in area may be erected on any lot used for residential purposes and may contain noncommercial copy. No one sign shall exceed eight square feet in area;
   (n)   Signs depicting or relating to a national, local or religious holiday or season if installed maintained or displayed for not more than 45 consecutive days;
   (o)   Signs designed and used in conjunction with aircraft;
   (p)   Signs of not more than two square feet with a ground clearance of not more than four feet within 20 feet of a driveway or other ingress/egress to private property which restricts parking on said property. Corners of this type of sign shall be mitered or rounded corner signs; and
   (q)   Signs erected by a public utility or transportation organization operating pursuant to a franchise agreement with the city, where such signs are erected or displayed for the purpose of public instruction, traffic control and similar uses incidental to the public interest.
(Ord. 17872-11-2007, § 1, passed 11-6-2007; Ord. 18745-08-2009, § 3, passed 8-4-2009; Ord. 19227-07-2010, §§ 1, 2, passed 7-13-2010)
   (a)   All temporary signs not previously exempted under § 6.403, including inflatable or balloon signs, portable signs on trailers and banners shall require a permit. Temporary signs are permitted only in the “CF” community facilities and “ER” neighborhood commercial restricted or less restrictive districts. Temporary signs must meet all requirements of the sign code (Chapter 29 of the city code), including permitting requirements:
      (1)   Signs, with the exception of inflatable or balloon signs, shall be a maximum size of 60 square feet;
      (2)   Only one such sign shall be allowed per business, not to exceed two signs per platted lot. On lots with more than 300 feet of street frontage, one sign shall be allowed per business, not to exceed three signs;
      (3)   No temporary signs shall be located within 100 feet of another temporary sign;
      (4)   One temporary portable sign or banner shall be permitted for a period of 30 consecutive days, provided only one sign or banner shall be permitted during the 30-day period and there must be at least 30 days between the display of each sign or banner; and
      (5)   Inflatable or balloons shall be allowed. Only 60 square feet of advertised message area shall be allowed on an inflatable or balloon regardless of the size of the inflatable or balloon. Only one inflatable or balloon sign shall be permitted for a period of 30 consecutive days, provided only one inflatable or balloon sign shall be permitted during the 30-day period and there must be at least 30 days between the display of each inflatable or balloon sign.
   (b)   For new residential developments, temporary subdivision signs shall be permissible, for the marketing of the residential subdivision, subject to the following provisions:
      (1)   Signs shall be a maximum size of 64 square feet with no more than two support posts;
      (2)   Sign shall be no taller than 20 feet; and
      (3)   Only one sign shall be located at an entrance to the subdivision, with a maximum of two signs allowed per residential subdivision.
(Ord. 17872-11-2007, § 1, passed 11-6-2007; Ord. 18078-05-2008, § 1, passed 5-6-2008; Ord. 18745-08-2009, § 4, passed 8-4-2009)
   The following signs are expressly prohibited within the City of Fort Worth:
   (a)   Off-premise signs, unless provisions for such signs are contained within these regulations;
   (b)   Signs erected in violation of city building, electrical or sign codes or other applicable local regulations;
   (c)   Signs erected in violation of federal or state law;
   (d)   Pole signs;
   (e)   Portable signs, except those allowed under §§ 6.403 and 6.404;
   (f)   Animated signs, flashing signs, running message, twinkle or running light signs, and revolving signs or any other sign that moves. Electronic changeable copy signs may be permitted by special exception from the board of adjustment in accordance with § 6.411 below;
   (g)   Signs illuminated to such intensity or brilliance as to cause glare or impair vision. Lighting shall be shielded upward to prevent beams or rays from being directed at any portion of a traveled roadway or an occupied residential area. Nothing herein shall be construed to permit the lighting of signs near airports which would conflict with any regulations adopted by the Federal Aviation Administration in the furtherance of air safety. This requirement shall not apply to internally lit signs with a lighting intensity of less than 150-foot lamberts;
   (h)   Signs erected in or projecting into the public right-of-way unless an encroachment agreement is executed in accordance with the requirements of the sign code (Chapter 29 of the city code) and any other ordinances regulating encroachments;
   (i)   Signs on vehicles or trailers that are parked or located for the primary purpose of displaying the sign. It shall be prima facie evidence that the primary purpose of a vehicle or trailer is to display a sign if the vehicle or trailer is parked on a site for a continuous period exceeding 72 hours;
   (j)   “V” type signs with a face that protrudes from the opposite face at an interior angle greater than 25 degrees. This restriction shall not be construed to prevent oval, cylindrical or box type signs; and
   (k)   Signs with sign structure larger than is reasonably necessary to support the sign.
(Ord. 17872-11-2007, § 1, passed 11-6-2007; Ord. 19227-07-2010, § 3, passed 7-13-2010)
   (a)   Measurement of detached signs. The sign area for a detached on-premises sign shall be the area included within vertical and horizontal line projections of the furthermost points of any logos, letters or other symbols, composed of the total area of the message, and any border, trim or surface upon which the message is displayed. One sign area will be calculated for a detached sign no matter how the message is displayed. The sign structure shall not be included in the sign area unless there is a sign displayed thereon.
   Box Sign
   Cylinder Sign
   Multi-Panel Flat Sign
   Multi-Surface Sign
   (b)   Measurement of attached signs. The sign area for an attached on-premise sign shall be the area included within the vertical and horizontal line projection of any logos, letters or other symbols intended to be read together, composed of the total area of the message and any border, trim or surface upon which the message is displayed. There may be several sign areas on the wall of a building depending upon how a sign is displayed.
   Single Panel Sign
   Multiple Panel Sign
   Painted Sign
   Individual Letter Sign
   (c)   Measurement of window area for window signs. The window area for window signs shall be calculated by:
      (1)   Multiplying the window width times the height of the window, with a maximum calculated height of 15 feet; and
      (2)   Determining the area of all glazed openings within a building’s exterior wall including the mullions but excluding building cladding. Curved or angled facades may be split or combined with the adjacent facade.
(Ord. 17872-11-2007, § 1, passed 11-6-2007; Ord. 19227-07-2010, § 4, passed 7-13-2010)
   (a)   Signs in “AG,” “CF,” “MH” and residential districts. On-premises signs in agricultural, community facilities, manufactured housing and residential districts are governed by the district regulations set out in the respective district regulations in Chapter 4 of this zoning code.
   (b)   Signs in commercial and industrial districts. Signs located in commercial and industrial districts shall conform to the regulations in §§ 6.408 and 6.409.
   (c)   Signs in planned development districts. Signs located in planned development districts shall conform to the regulations in § 4.300.
   (d)   Signs in conservation overlay districts. Regulations for signs located within conservation districts shall be in accordance with § 4.400. However, unless indicated otherwise the most restrictive sign regulations shall be followed.
   (e)   Signs in urban design districts. Signs located within the boundaries of an urban design district shall be generally exempt from the regulations of this article and shall be in accordance with the pertinent district standards of the zoning ordinance. However, the most restrictive sign regulations contained in this article shall apply unless otherwise indicated in the pertinent district standards. No off-premises signs shall be allowed.
   (f)   Signs in special purpose districts.
      (1)   Agricultural districts. On-premise signs are permitted as follows.
         a.   An illuminated nameplate bearing the family name of the occupants residing in the residence not to exceed one square foot in area.
         b.   A non-illuminated sign for those uses that are not residential. The sign shall not exceed 30 square feet in area, shall be no higher than 25 feet above grade, and shall be placed a minimum of ten feet behind the property line. Such sign shall not be placed within 20 feet of drives providing ingress and egress to the property.
      (2)   Community facilities. Identification signs shall be permitted subject to the following provisions.
         a.   Signs shall be permitted to identify the use or uses of the property on which displayed.
         b.   A sign or combination of signs shall have a maximum allowable area of exposure along each dedicated street frontage of not more than one square foot of sign area for each ten linear feet of frontage along said street; provided, however, a minimum of at least one sign shall be allowed having an area of 12 square feet.
         c.   Not more than 50% of the total allowable sign area may be located in the required yard space along a dedicated street. However, no individual sign in such required space shall exceed 20 square feet in sign area.
         d.   Symbols which are designed as an integral part of the building structure and symbols which are not visible or readable from the public street shall not be limited by the above regulations.
         e.   Signs located across the street from a one-family or two-family district shall not be illuminated. The source of light for illuminated signs shall not be visible and shall not be intermittent or flashing. Revolving signs shall not be permitted.
      (3)   Manufactured housing. An identifying sign shall be permitted at each major entrance to the manufactured home park except that no more than three signs shall be permitted for one park, and such shall be subject to the following provisions.
         a.   Each sign shall contain only the identifying name of the park and its street address.
         b.   Signs may be illuminated but the source of light shall not be visible and shall not be intermittent or flashing; revolving signs shall not be permitted. Signs shall not be lighted between the hours of 10:00 p.m. and 6:00 a.m.
         c.   Such signs may be freestanding but shall have not more than two supports and the top of each sign shall be no more than eight feet above the grade.
(Ord. 17872-11-2007, § 1, passed 11-6-2007)