General Provisions
37.01 Community Investment Program
37.02 Charges for accident reports
37.03 Charges for criminal history checks, fingerprints and police reports
37.04 Monthly financial reports to Common Council
37.05 Formal Public Works Transportation System Capital Improvement Plan for budget approval
37.15 Purchasing Agent; duties and powers
37.16 Improper purchases
The Use of Competitive Sealed Proposals and
Other Processes for Procurement of Goods and Services
37.17 Definitions
37.18 Approval or ratification required
37.19 Effect of adoption
37.20 Procedures for proposed project requiring professional services when competitive sealed proposals method or QBS method utilized
37.21 Criteria for evaluation of interested firm
37.22 Contract approval
37.23 Reporting requirements
37.24 Emergency purchases
37.25 Council approval required for purchases and/or leases of real estate
37.26 Exception
37.27 Preference given to Indiana businesses by and through the Department of Purchasing of the City of Fort Wayne, Indiana
37.28 Prohibition on awarding public contracts to certain contributors
City Funds
37.30 City Sinking Fund
37.31 Board of Park Commissioners Building and Sinking Fund
37.32 Special nonreverting funds for park purposes
37.33 Self-Insurance Program Fund
37.34 Establishing insurance fund
37.35 Headwaters capital projects fund
37.36 Economic development income tax fund
37.37 Emergency medical service fund
37.38 Rainy Day Fund
37.39 Harrison Square parking garage fund
37.40 Harrison Square stadium maintenance fund
37.41 City of Fort Wayne Community Trust Fund
37.42 Motor vehicle license excise surtax and wheel tax