(A) The main branch of the Allen County Public Library and the HelmKe Library at Indiana-Purdue Fort Wayne campus are hereby named depositories of public documents of the city.
(B) PUBLIC DOCUMENTS is defined as any written or printed book or paper or document of the city which is required to be published by law. PUBLIC DOCUMENTS also shall mean any annual report of a city department (including financial statements), Common Council proceedings, documentation concerning ordinances and resolutions provided to the Common Council by any city department, special reports and handbooks published by any city department, minutes and/or reports of any city board or commission. PUBLIC DOCUMENTS for the purpose of this section shall specifically exclude all written material prepared for departmental use only and required by law to be confidential and/or not published or distributed as matters of public record. PUBLIC DOCUMENTS also shall mean any other city materials that the city and either or both depositories agree upon to be deposited.
(C) Every city department head and city commission or board president shall make available all public documents of its city department, commission or board to the main branch of the Allen County Public Library and the Helmke Library of Indiana-Purdue Fort Wayne campus upon the publication and/or submittal of said public documents to city files by depositing same in the office of the City Clerk, for retrieval of said public documents by each depository at regular monthly intervals.
(`74 Code, § 2-8.5) (Ord. S-100-87, passed 4-28-87)
(A) Written fiscal plans shall be developed far providing municipal services to territories to be annexed to the city.
(B) It is the policy of the city to provide services to annexation areas in a manner consistent with said plans.
(C) Each fiscal plan shall include cost estimates of planned services to be furnished to the territory to be annexed.
(D) Each fiscal plan shall state the method(s) of financing the planned services.
(E) Each fiscal plan shall describe a plan for organization and extension of services to the annexation area.
(F) It is the policy of the city that it will begin providing police and fire protection, emergency medical service, solid waste collection, traffic engineering, street and road maintenance and other non-capital services within one year from the effective date of annexation in a manner which is equivalent in standard and scope to those non-capital services normally provided to areas within the city which have similar topography, patterns of land use and population density.
(G) It is the policy of the city that services of a capital improvement nature, such as street construction, street lighting, sewer facilities and storm water drainage facilities will be provided to the annexed territory within three years of the annexation in the same manner as those services are provided to areas within the city which have similar topography, patterns of land utilization and population density and in a manner consistent with federal, state and local laws, procedures and planning criteria.
(H) Each fiscal plan will include a plan for hiring the employees of other governmental entities whose jobs will be eliminated by the proposed annexation.
(`74 Code, § 2-1.1) (Res. R-48-79, passed 8-28-79; Res. R-56-79, passed 9-25-79; Res. R-38-82, passed 7-13-82)