1068.01   Forestry Commission.
1068.02   City Forester.
1068.03   Responsibility of Forestry Commission and City Forester for trees and shrubs on public property.
1068.04   Study of species; certain species prohibited.
1068.05   Fastening of materials to trees or shrubs.
1068.06   Deposit of materials harmful to trees or shrubs.
1068.07   Damaging trees or shrubs.
1068.08   Deposit of toxic chemicals.
1068.09   Contact between electric wires and trees prohibited.
1068.10   Proximity of ditches and driveways to trees.
1068.11   Trees or shrubs overhanging public property; declaration of nuisance; abatement.
1068.12   Planting near sidewalks.
1068.13   Shrubs at street intersections.
1068.14   Duty of owners to trim trees near streets, sidewalks or street lights.
1068.15   Notice to move wires.
1068.16   Authorized activities of utility companies.
1068.17   Authority of City Manager over acts of the City Forester or Forestry Commission.
1068.18   Violations as nuisances; abatement.
1068.19   Incorporation of applicable statutory provisions.
1068.99   Penalty.
   Municipal forestry program and tax - see 65 ILCS 5/11-73-1, 5/11-73-2
   Urban forestry assistance - see 765 ILCS 515/1 et seq.
   Weeds and grass - see GEN. OFF. Ch. 694
   Trimming of trees by master antenna television collection and distribution system franchisees - see B.R. & T. 842.06