No gaming license or temporary licenses all be issued to or held by any person holding office in or employed by the town or the state or any political subdivision thereof when the duties of such office or agency have to do with the enforcement of the gaming laws and these regulations.
(Prior Code, § 5.10.300) (Ord. 204, passed - -)
(A) Any person not otherwise licensed hereunder who desires to operate games of chance or authorized card games for a period not to exceed two weeks on any premises which have been licensed for the sale of liquor, beer, food or cigarettes or other consumable products may apply to the director of finance for a temporary license, which license shall be issued in the same manner as gaming licenses issued under this chapter, but which may be revoked by action of the Town Council without hearing.
(B) Only one such temporary license may be issued to a person per year, and the year shall be that designated in § 112.44 of this chapter.
(Prior Code, § 5.10.370) (Ord. 204, passed - -)
The fees to be collected by the Director of Finance with the application are as follows:
(A) For each gaming license, a fee of $300;
(B) For each table on a licensed premises, a fee of $50;
(C) For each gaming machine, a fee of $50, except non-profit organizations;
(D) For each temporary license, a fee of $25 per day, but not to exceed $75;
(E) For each dealer’s permit, a fee of $25;
(F) For premises where bingo or raffles are conducted, a fee of $25, except non-profit organizations; and
(G) For non-profit organizations which conduct bingo games, a fee of $100 which will empower the licensee to conduct one bingo game monthly.
(Prior Code, § 5.10.380) (Ord. 204, passed - -; Ord. 229, passed 9-10-1984; Ord. 236, passed 8-12-1985)
(A) All fees for licenses, permits or temporary licenses issued hereunder shall be paid in advance to the Director of Finance.
(B) Licenses, except temporary licenses which will state the precise term for which they are issued, and dealer’s permits, shall be issued for a period of one year, which shall commence on July 1 of each calender year and expire on June 30 of the following year.
(C) The fee for said licenses shall be prorated by the number of quarter years remaining in the license year for which they are issued.
(D) The fees herein provided shall be payable annually.
(Prior Code, § 5.10.390) (Ord. 204, passed - -)