(a) No person, without privilege to do so, shall recklessly cut down, destroy, girdle, or otherwise injure a vine, bush, shrub, sapling, tree, or crop standing or growing on the land of another or upon public land.
(b) In addition to the penalty provided in division (c) of this section, whoever violates this section is liable in treble damages for the injury caused.
(ORC 901.51)
(c) Whoever violates this section is guilty of a misdemeanor of the fourth degree.
(ORC 901.99(A))
(a) No person, without privilege to do so, shall purposely deface, damage, pollute or otherwise physically mistreat any of the following:
(1) The flag of the United States or of this State;
(2) Any public monument;
(3) Any historical or commemorative marker, or any structure, Indian mound or earthwork, cemetery, thing or site of great historical or archeological interest;
(4) A place of worship, its furnishings, or religious artifacts or sacred texts within the place of worship or within the grounds upon which the place of worship is located;
(5) A work of art or museum piece;
(6) Any other object of reverence or sacred devotion.
(b) As used in this section, "cemetery" means any place of burial and includes burial sites that contain American Indian burial objects placed with or containing American Indian human remains.
(c) Whoever violates this section is guilty of desecration. A violation of division (a)(1), (2), (3), (5) or (6) of this section is a misdemeanor of the second degree. A violation of division (a)(4) of this section is a felony to be prosecuted under appropriate State law.
(a) No person shall knowingly cause, or attempt to cause, physical harm to a police dog or horse in either of the following circumstances:
(1) The police dog or horse is assisting a law enforcement officer in the performance of the officer’s official duties at the time the physical harm is caused or attempted.
(2) The police dog or horse is not assisting a law enforcement officer in the performance of the officer’s official duties at the time the physical harm is caused or attempted, but the offender has actual knowledge that the dog or horse is a police dog or horse.
(b) No person shall recklessly do any of the following:
(1) Taunt, torment, or strike a police dog or horse;
(2) Throw an object or substance at a police dog or horse;
(3) Interfere with or obstruct a police dog or horse, or interfere with or obstruct a law enforcement officer who is being assisted by a police dog or horse, in a manner that does any of the following:
A. Inhibits or restricts the law enforcement officer’s control of the police dog or horse;
B. Deprives the law enforcement officer of control of the police dog or horse;
C. Releases the police dog or horse from its area of control;
D. Enters the area of control of the police dog or horse without the consent of the law enforcement officer, including placing food or any other object or substance into that area;
E. Inhibits or restricts the ability of the police dog or horse to assist a law enforcement officer;
(4) Engage in any conduct that is likely to cause serious physical injury or death to a police dog or horse.
(5) If the person is the owner, keeper, or harborer of a dog, fail to reasonably restrain the dog from taunting, tormenting, chasing, approaching in a menacing fashion or apparent attitude of attack, or attempting to bite or otherwise endanger a police dog or horse that at the time of the conduct is assisting a law enforcement officer in the performance of the officer’s duties or that the person knows is a police dog or horse.
(c) No person shall knowingly cause, or attempt to cause, physical harm to an assistance dog in either of the following circumstances:
(1) The assistance dog is assisting a blind, deaf or hearing impaired, or mobility impaired person at the time the physical harm is caused or attempted.
(2) The assistance dog is not assisting a blind, deaf, or mobility impaired person at the time the physical harm is caused or attempted, but the offender has actual knowledge that the dog is an assistance dog.
(d) No person shall recklessly do any of the following:
(1) Taunt, torment, or strike an assistance dog;
(2) Throw an object or substance at an assistance dog;
(3) Interfere with or obstruct an assistance dog, or interfere with or obstruct a blind, deaf or hearing impaired, or mobility impaired person who is being assisted or served by an assistance dog, in a manner that does any of the following:
A. Inhibits or restricts the assisted or served person’s control of the dog;
B. Deprives the assisted or served person of control of the dog;
C. Releases the assistance dog from its area of control;
D. Enters the area of control of the dog without the consent of the assisted or served person, including placing food or any other object or substance into that area;
E. Inhibits or restricts the ability of the dog to assist the assisted or served person;
(4) Engage in any conduct that is likely to cause serious physical injury or death to an assistance dog;
(5) If the person is the owner, keeper, or harborer of a dog, fail to reasonably restrain the dog from taunting, tormenting, chasing, approaching in a menacing fashion or apparent attitude of attack, or attempting to bite or otherwise endanger an assistance dog that at the time of the conduct is assisting or serving a blind, deaf or hearing impaired, or mobility impaired person or that the person knows is an assistance dog.
(e) (1) Whoever violates division (a) of this section is guilty of assaulting a police dog or horse. Except as otherwise provided in this division, assaulting a police dog or horse is a misdemeanor of the second degree. If the violation results in physical harm to the police dog or horse other than death or serious physical harm, assaulting a police dog or horse is a misdemeanor of the first degree. If the violation results in serious physical harm to the police dog or horse or results in its death, assaulting a police dog or horse is a felony to be prosecuted under appropriate State law.
(2) Whoever violates division (b) of this section is guilty of harassing a police dog or horse. Except as otherwise provided this division, harassing a police dog or horse is a misdemeanor of the second degree. If the violation results in physical harm to the police dog or horse but does not result in its death or in serious physical harm to it, harassing a police dog or horse is a misdemeanor of the first degree. If the violation results in serous physical harm to the police dog or horse or results in its death, harassing a police dog or horse is a felony to be prosecuted under appropriate State law.
(3) Whoever violates division (c) of this section is guilty of assaulting an assistance dog. Except as otherwise provided in this division, assaulting an assistance dog is a misdemeanor of the second degree. If the violation results in physical harm to the dog other than death or serious physical harm, assaulting an assistance dog is a misdemeanor of the first degree. If the violation results in serious physical harm to the dog or results in its death, assaulting an assistance dog is a felony to be prosecuted under appropriate State law.
(4) Whoever violates division (d) of this section is guilty of harassing an assistance dog. Except as otherwise provided in this division, harassing an assistance dog is a misdemeanor of the second degree. If the violation results in physical harm to the assistance dog but does not result in the death or in serious physical harm to it, harassing an assistance dog is a misdemeanor of the first degree. If the violation results in serious physical harm to the assistance dog or results in its death, harassing an assistance dog is a felony to be prosecuted under appropriate State law.
(5) In addition to any other sanctions or penalty imposed for the offense under this section, Ohio R.C. Chapter 2929 or any other provision of the Ohio Revised Code or this code, whoever violates division (a), (b), (c), or (d) of this section is responsible for the payment of all of the following:
A. Any veterinary bill or bill for medication incurred as a result of the violation by the Police Department regarding a violation of division (a) or (b) of this section or by the blind, deaf or hearing impaired, or mobility impaired person assisted or served by the assistance dog regarding a violation of division (c) or (d) of this section;
B. The cost of any damaged equipment that results from the violation;
C. If the violation did not result in the death of the police dog or horse or the assistance dog that was the subject of the violation and if, as a result of that dog or horse being the subject of the violation, the dog or horse needs further training or retraining to be able to continue in the capacity of a police dog or horse or an assistance dog, the cost of any further training or retraining of that dog or horse by a law enforcement officer or by the blind, deaf or hearing impaired, or mobility impaired person assisted or served by the assistance dog;
D. If the violation resulted in the death of the police dog or horse or the assistance dog that was the subject of the violation or resulted in serious physical harm to that dog or horse to the extent that the dog or horse needs to be replaced on either a temporary or a permanent basis, the cost of replacing that dog or horse and of any further training of a new police dog or horse or a new assistance by a law enforcement officer or by the blind, deaf or hearing impaired, or mobility impaired person assisted or served by the assistance dog, which replacement or training is required because of the death of or the serious physical harm to the dog or horse that was the subject of the violation.
(f) This section does not apply to a licensed veterinarian whose conduct is in accordance with Ohio R.C. Chapter 4741.
(g) This section only applies to an offender who knows or should know at the time of the violation that the police dog or horse or assistance dog that is the subject of a violation under this section is a police dog or horse or assistance dog.
(h) For the purpose of this section, the following definitions shall apply unless the context clearly indicates or requires a different meaning.
(1) "Assistance dog", "blind" and "mobility impaired person" have the same meaning as in Ohio R.C. 955.011.
(2) "Physical harm" means any injury, illness, or other psychological impairment, regardless of its gravity or duration.
(3) "Police dog or horse" means a dog or horse that has been trained and may be used to assist law enforcement officers in the performance of their official duties.
(4) "Serious physical harm" means any of the following:
A. Any physical harm that carries a substantial risk of death.
B. Any physical harm that causes permanent maiming or that involves some temporary, substantial maiming.
C. Any physical harm that causes acute pain of a duration that results in substantial suffering.
(ORC 2921.321)
(a) No person, by means of fire or explosion, shall knowingly cause or create a substantial risk of physical harm to any property of another without the other person’s consent.
(b) Whoever violates this section is guilty of arson. Except as otherwise provided in this division, violation of this section is a misdemeanor of the first degree. If the value of the property or the amount of physical harm involved is five hundred dollars ($500.00) or more, then the violation is a felony to be prosecuted under appropriate State law.
(ORC 2909.03)
Statutory reference:
Aggravated arson, felony provisions, see Ohio R.C. 2909.02
Arson, felony provisions generally, see Ohio R.C. 2909.03
Convicted arsonist to make restitution to public agency, see Ohio R.C. 2929.28
(a) Criminal Damaging or Endangering.
(1) No person shall cause or create a substantial risk of physical harm to any property of another without the other person’s consent:
A. Knowingly, by any means; or
B. Recklessly, by means of fire, explosion, flood, poison gas, poison, radioactive material, caustic or corrosive material, or other inherently dangerous agency or substance.
(2) Whoever violates this division (a) is guilty of criminal damaging or endangering, a misdemeanor of the second degree. If violation of this division (a) creates a risk of physical harm to any person, criminal damaging or endangering is a misdemeanor of the first degree. If the property involved in a violation of this division (a) is an aircraft, an aircraft engine, propeller, appliance, spare part, or any other equipment or implement used or intended to be used in the operation of an aircraft and if the violation creates a risk of physical harm to any person, criminal damaging or endangering is a felony to be prosecuted under appropriate State law. If the property involved in a violation of this division (a) is an aircraft, an aircraft engine, propeller, appliance, spare part, or any other equipment or implement used or intended to be used in the operation of an aircraft and if the violation creates a substantial risk of physical harm to any person or if the property involved in a violation of this division (a) is an occupied aircraft, criminal damaging or endangering is a felony to be prosecuted under appropriate State law.
(ORC 2909.06)
(b) Vehicular Vandalism.
(1) As used in this division (b):
A. "Alley," "street," and "vehicle" have the same meanings as in Ohio R.C. 4511.01.
B. "Highway" means any highway as defined in Ohio R.C. 4511.01 or any lane, road, street, alley, bridge, or overpass.
C. "Vessel" and "waters in this State" have the same meanings as in Ohio R.C. 1547.01.
(2) No person shall knowingly, and by any means, drop or throw any object at, onto, or in the path of any of the following:
A. Any vehicle on a highway;
B. Any boat or vessel on any of the waters in this State.
(3) Whoever violates this division (b) is guilty of vehicular vandalism. Except as otherwise provided in this division (b)(3), vehicular vandalism is a misdemeanor of the first degree. If the violation of this division (b) creates a substantial risk of physical harm to any person or the violation of this division (b) causes serious physical harm to property, vehicular vandalism is a felony to be prosecuted under appropriate State law. If the violation of this division (b) causes physical harm to any person or serious physical harm to any person, vehicular vandalism is a felony to be prosecuted under appropriate State law.
(ORC 2909.09)
Statutory reference:
Disrupting public services, felony offense, see Ohio R.C. 2909.04
Railroad grade crossing device vandalism, see Ohio R.C. 2909.101
Railroad vandalism, see Ohio R.C. 2909.10
Vandalism, felony offense, see Ohio R.C. 2909.05
(a) No person shall:
(1) Without privilege to do so, knowingly move, deface, damage, destroy, or otherwise improperly tamper with the property of another;
(2) With purpose to interfere with the use or enjoyment of property of another, employ a tear gas device, stink bomb, smoke generator, or other device releasing a substance that is harmful or offensive to persons exposed, or that tends to cause public alarm;
(3) Without privilege to do so, knowingly move, deface, damage, destroy, or otherwise improperly tamper with a bench mark, triangulation station, boundary marker, or other survey station, monument, or marker;
(4) Without privilege to do so, knowingly move, deface, damage, destroy, or otherwise improperly tamper with any safety device, the property of another, or the property of the offender when required or placed for the safety of others, so as to destroy or diminish its effectiveness or availability for its intended purpose;
(5) With purpose to interfere with the use or enjoyment of the property of another, set a fire on the land of another or place personal property that has been set on fire on the land of another, which fire or personal property is outside and apart from any building, other structure, or personal property that is on that land.
(Adopting Ordinance)
(6) Without privilege to do so, place graffiti, whether by paint, ink or any other means, upon any public or private property. As used in this paragraph, "graffiti" means any drawing or inscription scratched, painted, drawn or otherwise placed on stone, plaster or other surface where it can be seen by the public and is not authorized by law.
(Ord. 209-1994. Passed 9-6-94.)
(b) As used in this section, "safety device" means any fire extinguisher, fire hose, or fire axe, or any fire escape, emergency exit, or emergency escape equipment, or any life line, life-saving ring, life preserver, or life boat or raft, or any alarm, light, flare, signal, sign, or notice intended to warn of danger or emergency, or intended for other safety purposes, or any guard railing or safety barricade, or any traffic sign or signal, or any railroad grade crossing sign, signal, or gate, or any first aid or survival equipment, or any other device, apparatus, or equipment intended for protecting or preserving the safety of persons or property.
(Adopting Ordinance)
(c) Whoever violates division (a)(6) hereof is guilty of a misdemeanor of the first degree and shall be subject to the penalty provided in Section 599.02. In addition to the penalties prescribed in division (d) hereof, the responsible party shall be required to pay for the costs of removing the graffiti and repairing the surface. In the event a juvenile is responsible, his or her parents or legal guardian(s) shall be required to pay all removal and/or repair costs.
(Ord. 209-1994. Passed 9-6-94.)
(d) Except as otherwise provided in division (c) hereof, whoever violates this section is guilty of criminal mischief, a misdemeanor of the third degree. If violation of this section creates a risk of physical harm to any person, criminal mischief is a misdemeanor of the first degree. If the property involved in violation of this section is an aircraft, an aircraft engine, propeller, appliance, spare part, fuel, lubricant, hydraulic fluid, any other equipment, implement, or material used or intended to be used in the operation of an aircraft, or any cargo carried or intended to be carried in an aircraft and if the violation creates a risk of physical harm to any person, criminal mischief is a felony to be prosecuted under appropriate State law. If the property involved in a violation of this section is an aircraft, an aircraft engine, propeller, appliance, spare part, or any other equipment or implement used or intended to be used in the operation of an aircraft and if the violation creates a substantial risk of physical harm to any person or if the property involved in a violation of this section is an occupied aircraft, criminal damaging or endangering is a felony to be prosecuted under appropriate State law.
(ORC 2909.07)
(a) No person, without privilege to do so, shall do any of the following:
(1) Knowingly enter or remain on the land or premises of another;
(2) Knowingly enter or remain on the land or premises of another, the use of which is lawfully restricted to certain persons, purposes, modes, or hours, when the offender knows the offender is in violation of any such restriction or is reckless in that regard;
(3) Recklessly enter or remain on the land or premises of another, as to which notice against unauthorized access or presence is given by actual communication to the offender, or in a manner prescribed by law, or by posting in a manner reasonably calculated to come to the attention of potential intruders, or by fencing or other enclosure manifestly designed to restrict access;
(4) Being on the land or premises of another, negligently fail or refuse to leave upon being notified by signage posted in a conspicuous place or otherwise being notified to do so by the owner or occupant, or the agent or servant of either.
(b) It is no defense to a charge under this section that the land or premises involved was owned, controlled, or in custody of a public agency.
(c) It is no defense to a charge under this section that the offender was authorized to enter or remain on the land or premises involved, when the authorization was secured by deception.
(d) Whoever violates division (a) of this section is guilty of criminal trespass, a misdemeanor of the fourth degree.
(e) As used in this section, "land" or "premises" includes any land, building, structure, or place belonging to, controlled by, or in custody of another, and any separate enclosure or room, or portion thereof.
(ORC 2911.21)
(f) Criminal Trespass on a Place of Public Amusement.
(1) As used in this division (f), “place of public amusement” means a stadium, theater, or other facility, whether licensed or not, at which a live performance, sporting event, or other activity takes place for entertainment of the public and to which access is made available to the public, regardless of whether admission is charged.
(2) No person, without privilege to do so, shall knowingly enter or remain on any restricted portion of a place of public amusement and, as a result of that conduct, interrupt or cause the delay of the live performance, sporting event, or other activity taking place at the place of public amusement after a printed written notice has been given as provided in division (f)(4)A. of this section that the general public is restricted from access to that restricted portion of the place of public amusement. A restricted portion of a place of public amusement may include, but is not limited to, a playing field, an athletic surface, or a stage located at the place of public amusement.
(3) An owner or lessee of a place of public amusement, an agent of the owner or lessee, or a performer or participant at a place of public amusement may use reasonable force to restrain and remove a person from a restricted portion of the place of public amusement if the person enters or remains on the restricted portion of the place of public amusement and, as a result of that conduct, interrupts or causes the delay of the live performance, sporting event, or other activity taking place at the place of public amusement. This division does not provide immunity from criminal liability for any use of force beyond reasonable force by an owner or lessee of a place of public amusement, an agent of either the owner or lessee, or a performer or participant at a place of public amusement.
(4) A. Notice has been given that the general public is restricted from access to a portion of a place of public amusement if a printed written notice of the restricted access has been conspicuously posted or exhibited at the entrance to that portion of the place of public amusement. If a printed written notice is posted or exhibited as described in this division regarding a portion of a place of public amusement, in addition to that posting or exhibition, notice that the general public is restricted from access to that portion of the place of public amusement also may be given, but is not required to be given, by either of the following means:
1. By notifying the person personally, either orally or in writing, that access to that portion of the place of public amusement is restricted;
2. By broadcasting over the public address system of the place of public amusement an oral warning that access to that portion of the place of public amusement is restricted.
B. If notice that the general public is restricted from access to a portion of a place of public amusement is provided by the posting or exhibition of a printed written notice as described in division (f)(4)A. of this section, the Municipality, in a criminal prosecution for a violation of division (f)(2) of this section, is not required to prove that the defendant received actual notice that the general public is restricted from access to a portion of a place of public amusement.
(5) A. Whoever violates division (f)(2) of this section is guilty of criminal trespass on a place of public amusement, a misdemeanor of the first degree.
B. In addition to any jail term, fine, or other sentence, penalty, or sanction it imposes upon the offender pursuant to division (f)(5)A. of this section, a court may require an offender who violates this section to perform not less than 30 and not more than 120 hours of supervised community service work.
(ORC 2911.23)
(a) No person shall enter or remain on the land or premises of another with purpose to commit on that land or those premises a misdemeanor, the elements of which involve causing physical harm to another person or causing another person to believe that the offender will cause physical harm to him or her.
(b) Whoever violates this section is guilty of aggravated trespass, a misdemeanor of the first degree.
(ORC 2911.211)
(a) No person, with purpose to commit theft or to defraud, shall knowingly enter, force an entrance into, tamper with, or insert any part of an instrument into any coin machine.
(b) Whoever violates this section is guilty of tampering with coin machines, a misdemeanor of the first degree. If the offender previously has been convicted of a violation of this section or of any theft offense as defined in Ohio R.C. 2913.01, tampering with coin machines is a felony to be prosecuted under appropriate State law.
(ORC 2911.32)