Additional Standards for Multiple Dwellings
1757.01   Access and egress.
1757.02   Fire-protection features. (Repealed)
1757.03   Other uses in dwelling structures.
1757.04   Lighting of public or common areas.
1757.05   Resident agent.
1757.06   Identification of dwelling units.
1757.07   Occupancy in multiple dwellings. (Repealed)
1757.99   Penalty.
   Emergency use of elevators - see GEN. OFF. 559.07
   Locked doors in multiple dwellings - see GEN. OFF. 559.08
   House sewer connections - see S.U. & P.S. 921.07
   Sanitation in rental property - see H. & S. Ch. 1113
   General maintenance - see H. & S. 1113.03
   Condemnation of dwellings - see H. & S. 1113.14
   U3 Apartment House Districts - see P. & Z. Ch. 1355
   U3E Elevator Apartment House Districts - see P. & Z. Ch. 1356
   Minimum floor area of single family dwelling - see P. & Z. 1381.11
   Parking spaces required - see P. & Z. 1389.04
   Certificates of Occupancy - see B. & H. Ch. 1761