Building and Housing Sanitation
1113.01   Definitions.
1113.02   Rules and regulations of the Board of Health.
1113.03   Responsibility for general maintenance.
1113.04   Noxious odors; filthy accumulations; polluting and diverting watercourses.
1113.05   Screening around debris.
1113.06   Sidewalks to be cleaned of ice and snow; debris.
1113.07   Infestations.
1113.08   Provided utilities.
1113.09   Sanitary condition of rental properties.
1113.10   Rubbish.
1113.11   Responsibility of occupant for maintenance.
1113.12   Plumbing.
1113.13   Light, space and ventilation.
1113.14   Condemnation of unfit building or dwelling unit; appeals.
1113.15   Sanitary facilities for employees or workmen.
1113.16   Stagnant water; obstruction of watercourses.
1113.17   Dumping.
1113.18   Weeds; notice.
1113.19   Utility service shut-off for vacant and unsafe structures.
1113.99   Penalty.
   Power to regulate sanitary condition of buildings - see Ohio R.C. 715.26(A), 715.29
   Power to license plumbers and sewer tappers - see Ohio R.C. 715.27(C)
   Power to regulate water closets and privies - see Ohio R.C. 715.40
   Power to enforce State Building Code relating to sanitary construction - see Ohio R.C. 3781.03
   Dangerous, abandoned buildings; barricades and warning lights - see GEN. OFF. 559.04
   Sanitation in billiard rooms - see B.R. & T. 709.06
   Inspection of nursing homes for sanitation and safety - see B.R. & T. 753.03
   Industrial wastes - see S.U. & P.S. Ch. 923
   Garbage and rubbish - see S.U. & P.S. Ch. 941
   Fumigation - see H. & S. Ch. 1125
   Building and Property Maintenance Code - see B. & H. Title Five