The provisions of this chapter shall apply to so-called portable pools of rubber or plastic construction with a water depth greater than eighteen inches. Pools with a water depth of less than eighteen inches shall be excluded from the meaning of this chapter. Discretion is given to the Building Commissioner to interpret the provisions of this chapter with reference to so-called portable pools of plastic or rubber construction with a water depth greater than eighteen inches.
(Ord. 154-1965. Passed 7-7-65.)
All swimming pools shall be kept free from any nuisance of any nature. The area shall be fenced by a fence not less than four feet and not more than six feet in height and the entrance to the fenced area shall be through a gate of the self-closing type with an approved lock. Such fence and gate shall be of chain link construction, having a mesh not to exceed two and one-half inches, or a wooden fence having slats no wider than three inches and having an opening between slats no greater than two and one-half inches, or shall be covered while unattended with an approved cover having a tensile strength of at least 300 pounds per square inch. All such pools shall at all times be under the supervision of an adult person or one qualified as described in Section 1741.10.
(Ord. 172-1992. Passed 6-29-92.)
All club or public swimming pools shall be constructed according to plans submitted to the Director of Health of the State of Ohio or the Cuyahoga County Board of Health, as provided by law, and all recirculating or filtering devices shall be approved by the proper authority.
(Ord. 154-1965. Passed 7-7-65.)