   All pools and plunges shall be sterilized with hypochlorite or a device for dosing gaseous chlorine, so that the water in the pool at all times will show chlorine residual of not less than 5/10 parts per million.
(Ord. 154-1965. Passed 7-7-65.)
   The persons responsible for the operation of every swimming pool shall submit or shall have available for inspection at all times such operation and analytical records to determine the sanitary condition of such pool as may be required by the Board of Health, and there shall be posted at all times in a conspicuous place adjacent to such swimming pool, a placard stating the number of gallons of water in such pool, and there shall be kept a record of the number of bathers using such pool. Whenever and as often as the number of bathers who have used such pool since the last cleaning or disinfecting thereof shall exceed one for every twenty-five gallons of water in such pool, such pool shall be emptied, or the water therein shall be disinfected by the distribution throughout such pool of such disinfectant in such quantity as the official charged with the enforcement of this chapter shall approve.
(Ord. 154-1965. Passed 7-7-65.)
   Every person shall cleanse himself or herself thoroughly with soap and water immediately before entering any swimming pool and shall use the shower baths provided in such way that no soap or dirt will be carried into such pools.
(Ord. 154-1965. Passed 7-7-65.)
   No bathing suit, dress, stockings, cap or other article of clothing, or any towel, cloth or bath brush, which has been used by any person at any swimming pool, public beach, plunge or pool for cleansing purposes shall be rented to, or permitted to be used by, any other person until after such article or articles shall have been thoroughly cleaned in boiling water.
(Ord. 154-1965. Passed 7-7-65.)
1741.10 LIFEGUARD.
   No swimming pool, public bathing beach, plunge or pool for cleansing purposes, open to the public, shall be used unless there is present during all the time that such swimming pool, public beach, plunge or pool for cleansing purposes is open for use, at least one person skilled in swimming and diving and in administration of first-aid to persons overcome in water.
(Ord. 154-1965. Passed 7-7-65.)