757.01 Definitions.
757.02 Peddling at private residences.
757.03 Registration and permit.
757.04 Police Department permit required.
757.05 Information required; license issuance.
757.06 License fees.
757.07 Exemption from license and fee.
757.08 Employees of exempt peddlers or solicitors; license; fee.
757.09 Exemptions generally.
757.10 Display of license and photograph.
757.11 Display of permit.
757.12 Hours of business.
757.13 Peddling forbidden where sign prohibits.
757.14 Misrepresentation.
757.15 Disturbing the peace; noise.
757.16 Sale in parks and public grounds; newspapers; registration.
757.17 Transfer of license or permit.
757.18 Revocation of license; appeal
757.19 Unlicensed peddler; license fee.
757.20 Prohibition of home solicitation.
757.21 Registration, inspection and operation of ice cream vehicles.
757.99 Penalty.
Power to regulate - see Ohio R.C. 715.61 et seq.
Charitable solicitations - see Ohio R.C. Ch. 1716
License revocation of peddler - see Ohio R.C. 2961.03
Sales of goods and services within right of way of interstate and other state highways - see Ohio R.C. 5515.07
Trespassing - see GEN. OFF. 541.12
Advertising - see GEN. OFF. 541.30
Disturbing the peace - see GEN. OFF. Ch. 545
Peddling or soliciting prohibited in parks - see S.U. & P.S. 947.06
For the purposes of this chapter certain words are defined as follows:
(a) “Person” means an individual, association of individuals, a partnership, corporation, society and Massachusetts or common law trust.
(b) “Peddle” means to sell and make immediate delivery of or offer for sale and immediate delivery of, any goods, wares or merchandise, in the possession of the seller, at any place within the City other than a fixed place of business.
(c) “Peddler” means any person who peddles, as defined in subsection (b) hereof.
(d) “Solicit” means to sell or take orders, or to offer to sell or take orders, for goods, wares or merchandise, for future delivery, or for services to be performed, at any place within the City other than a fixed place of business.
(e) “Solicitor” means any person who solicits, as defined in subsection (d) hereof.
(Ord. 10021. Passed 5-4-53.)
No person who has not obtained a permit or license, or both, as required by this chapter, shall go in or upon residential property, or ring a doorbell, or knock on a door of a private residence, including an apartment, not having been requested or invited to do so by the owner, occupant or lessee of such private residence or apartment, for the purpose of soliciting orders for the sale of goods, wares or merchandise, or peddling or hawking goods, wares or merchandise.
(Ord. 178-1959. Passed 9-14-59.)