731.01 Gasoline and oil filling station defined.
731.02 Lot size.
731.03 Building construction.
731.04 Service islands.
731.05 Regulations for poles and lights.
731.06 Storage of equipment.
731.07 Driveways and parking areas.
731.08 Parking of vehicles.
731.09 Refuse containers.
731.10 Business hours; attendant required; self-service.
731.11 Effective date.
731.12 Abandoned stations.
731.13 Enforcement.
731.14 Price disclosures.
731.15 Credit card purchases.
731.16 Self-service permits.
731.17 Disclosure by full service stations of no air.
731.18 Sale and labeling of gasoline which contains alcohol.
731.99 Penalty.
Gasoline, oils and paints - see Ohio R.C. Ch. 3741
Parking generally - see TRAF. Ch. 351
Permitted use in U4 District - see P. & Z. 1359.03
Fences - see P. & Z. Ch. 1387
Retail gasoline or oil filling stations; variances - see P. & Z. Ch. 1391
Underground storage of gasoline or fuel oil tanks - see F.P. 1590.07