For the purpose of §§ 90.01 through 90.11 and 90.25 through 90.33, the following definitions shall apply unless the context clearly indicates or requires a different meaning.
   ABANDON. Forsake, desert or absolutely give up an animal previously under the custody or possession of a person without having secured another owner or custodian or by failing to provide one or more or the elements of adequate care for a period of 24 hours or more consecutive hours.
   ADEQUATE CARE. The reasonable practice of good animal husbandry, production, management, confinement, feeding, watering, protection, shelter, transportation, treatment and, when necessary, euthanasia, appropriate for the age, species, condition, size and type of animal and the provision of veterinary care when needed to prevent suffering, disease, or the impairment of health. ADEQUATE CARE shall also include the following obligations of care: adequate food, adequate water, adequate exercise, adequate shelter, adequate space and adequate veterinary care.
   ADEQUATE SHELTER. The provision of an access to shelter that is:
      (1)   Suitable for the species, age, condition, size and type of animal;
      (2)   Provides adequate space for said animal;
      (3)   Is safe and protects each animal from injury, inclement weather, excessive heat and or sunlight.
   ANIMAL CONTROL OFFICER. The person or persons employed or designated by the City Manager as the municipality’s enforcement officer.
   ANIMAL SHELTER. Any premises designated by action of the city for the purpose of impounding and caring for all animals found running at large in violation of this chapter.
   AT LARGE. Any animal shall be deemed to be AT LARGE when he or she is off the property of his or her owner and not under control of a competent person.
   CHICKEN. A common domestic fowl (Gallus gallus domesticus) or its young.
   CHICKEN RUN. An outdoor enclosed or fenced area where chickens feed or exercise.
   COOP. A cage or roofed enclosure in which chickens are kept.
   EXPOSED TO RABIES. An animal which has been exposed to rabies within the meaning of this chapter if it has been bitten by or been exposed to, any animal known to have been infected with rabies.
   FERAL ANIMALS. Any domesticated animal such as a dog or a cat that has returned to live in wild conditions.
   FOWL. Any domesticated bird such as game cocks and hens, chickens, ducks and the like, but it shall not include birds used as household pets that are kept inside the house.
   HEN. Female adult chicken.
   KENNEL. Any person, group of persons or corporations engaged in breeding, buying, selling or boarding of dogs or cats.
   LIVESTOCK. Swine, cattle, goats or any other domestic animal kept for use on a farm or raised for sale or profit.
      (1)   Any person having a right of property in an animal, or who keeps or harbors an animal or who has it in his or her care, or acts as its custodian or who permits an animal to remain on or about the person's premises. If an animal has more than one owner, all owners are jointly and serially liable for the acts or omissions of an owner.
      (2)   DEEMED OWNER.  If any dog er cat is found on the premises of any person for a period of ten days or more, this shall be prima facie evidence that such dog or cat belongs to the occupant of such premises. Any person keeping or harboring a dog or cat for ten consecutive days, shall for the purposes of this chapter, be declared to be the owner thereof and liable for violations of this chapter.
   RESTRAINT. A dog or cat is under RESTRAINT, within the meaning of this chapter, if he or she is controlled by a leash, under control of a competent person and obedient to that person’s commands, on or within a vehicle being driven or parked on the streets, or within the property limits of its owner or keeper.
   ROOSTER. Male adult chicken.
   SPAYED FEMALE. Any bitch which has been operated upon to prevent conception.
(1994 Code, § 10-101) (Ord. 409, passed 2-24-1986; Ord. 425, passed 3-5-1987; Ord. 846, passed 12-16-2019; Ord. 860, passed 10-26-2020)