The following shall apply to all cluster developments:
   A.   Maximum Density.
   The maximum density of dwelling units shall be as set forth on the approved development plan, provided however, that the density of the entire development area shall not exceed five (5) dwelling units per acre, unless otherwise approved by the Planning Commission and City Council .
   B.   Maximum Height.
   Each dwelling shall have a maximum height of thirty-five (35) feet.
   C.   Setbacks and Separations.
   Building setbacks and separations shall be established on the approved final development plan. In establishing said separations the Planning Commission shall consider the spacing necessary for adequate visual and acoustical privacy, adequate light and air, fire and emergency access, building configurations, energy-efficient setting, and the relationships of building sites to circulation patterns. In no instance shall the established setbacks and/or separations be less than the following:
      1.   No building or structure shall be located closer than thirty (30) feet to any perimeter property line of the cluster development, provided, however, decks, patios, and similar unenclosed structural elements may extend to within twenty (20) feet of the side or rear property line.
      2.   The minimum side wall to side wall distance between buildings within a cluster development shall be fifteen (15) feet.
      3.   The minimum rear wall to rear wall distance between buildings within a cluster development shall be thirty-five (35) feet.
      4.   The minimum side wall to rear wall distance between buildings within a cluster development shall be thirty (30) feet.
      5.   Attached units within one building shall have a zero lot line, with each unit being located on a separate sublot.
      6.   No private street or driveway shall be located closer than twenty (20) feet to any perimeter property line.
   D.   Access and Street Requirements.
      1.   Streets and/or access drives to cluster developments shall be located at least seventy-five (75) feet from the nearest intersecting street right-of-way.
      2.   All private streets within a cluster development shall have a minimum pavement width of twenty (20) feet, a minimum cul-de-sac radius of fifty (50) feet, and shall meet the same base and pavement design criteria as public streets.
      3.   Cluster developments shall be designed to provide access internally within the development and to minimize access points and intersections onto existing public streets.
      4.   Entrance and exit from a cluster development shall be through approved access drives and curb cuts.
      5.   Each dwelling shall have access to either a public or private street in a manner approved by the Planning Commission and as shown on the development plan.
      6.   Cluster developments shall be designed to permit adequate access by emergency vehicles, promote the safety of motorist and pedestrians, minimize traffic conflicts and congestion, and promote the safe, efficient flow of vehicular traffic.
   E.   Parking.
   Each dwelling unit shall be provided with a minimum of two (2) off-street parking spaces, at least one (1) of which shall be within a completely enclosed attached garage.
   F.   Open Space Requirements.
      1.   Common open space areas shall be as set forth on the final approved development plan, provided, however, that the common open space shall be located and designed to be integrally related to the overall design of the development and to conserve and protect significant natural features such as wetlands, woodlands, streams, lakes, historic features, and environmentally sensitive areas.
      2.   The ownership of all common open space areas shall be identified and a perpetual maintenance plan for said areas submitted to the City for review and approval. Said perpetual maintenance plan shall set forth responsibility for maintenance of all such areas and describe the method of financing for said maintenance program. The perpetual maintenance plan shall become part of the development plan and shall identify the City of Elyria as a beneficial party thereto with rights, but no obligation, to enforce the provisions contained therein.
      3.   The minimum common open space shall be twenty percent (20%) of the total land area of the cluster development. Said common open space shall be concentrated in one area unless otherwise approved by the Planning Commission.
   G.   Landscaping and Buffers.
      1.   All disturbed areas within a cluster development which are not covered by permitted structures or pavement shall be landscaped with grass, trees, shrubbery and other appropriate ground cover or landscaping materials. All landscaping shall be in conformance with the approved landscaping plan for the development. Trees and shrubs shall be planted so as not to obstruct the views of drivers at driveway entrances and/or street intersections.
      2.   Common areas shall be maintained as natural buffers from adjoining properties. Additional screening and buffering may be required within the required setbacks from existing public street rights-of-way and perimeter property boundaries where the Planning Commission determines that existing vegetation is inadequate to provide an appropriate buffer. Landscape improvements may include mounding, screen walls, or fences if approved as part of the landscape plan.
   H.   Storm Drainage Provisions.
   Each cluster development shall include provisions for a storm drainage system designed and constructed by the developer in accordance with the requirements of the City Engineer.
   I.   Utilities.
   All utilities shall be located underground, except that utility appurtenances may be constructed above-ground as approved by the City as part of the development plan approval.
      1.   Water lines and appurtenances shall be designed and installed in conformance with the requirements of the City.
      2.   Sanitary and storm sewer lines and appurtenances shall be designed and installed in conformance with the requirements of the City.
      3.   Site lighting, if any, shall be in accordance with the requirements of the Planning Commission and shall be shown on the development plan.
   J.   Signs.
   Signs in cluster developments shall comply with the sign regulations for the appropriate zoning district.
(Ord. 2004-34. Passed 3-15-04; Ord. 2005-85. Passed 7-5-05.)