1173.10 LIGHTING.
   Off-premises signs may be illuminated subject to the following restrictions:
   A.   Signs which contain, include, or are illuminated by a flashing, intermittent, or moving light or lights are prohibited.
   B.   Electronic variable message signs giving public information such as, but not limited to, time, date, temperature, weather, or other similar information, and commercial electric variable-message signs which function in the same manner as multiple-faced signs, are permitted, provided such signs do not interfere with traffic safety and do not resemble or simulate traffic control or safety devices or signs.
   C.   Signs must be effectively shielded to prevent beams or rays from being directed toward any portion of the traveled ways, and must not be of such intensity or brilliance as to cause glare or impair the vision of the driver of any motor vehicle or otherwise interfere with any driver's operation of a motor vehicle.
   D.   No sign shall be so illuminated that it interferes with the effectiveness of or obscures an official traffic sign, device or signal.
(Ord. 98-176. Passed 8-3-98.)
1173.11 PERMITS; FEES.
   Unless otherwise provided by this chapter, all signs shall require permits and the payment of fees as described in Chapter 109 of these Codified Ordinances. No permit is required for the maintenance of a sign or a change of copy on a changeable copy sign.
(Ord. 98-176. Passed 8-3-98.)
   All signs shall be properly maintained. Exposed surfaces shall be clean and painted, if paint is required. Defective parts shall be replaced. The Building Inspector shall have the right to order the repair or removal of any sign which is defective, damaged or substantially deteriorated. The sign owner shall be responsible for all costs for removal or repair.
(Ord. 98-176. Passed 8-3-98.)