Principally permitted uses are as follows:
A. Educational Institutions.
B. Group Homes as regulated in Section 1137.10.
C. Non-Commercial Recreation.
D. Religious Places of Worship.
E. Single Household Detached Dwelling Units.
(Ord. 98-176. Passed 8-3-98.)
Permitted accessory uses are as follows:
A. Any use customary and incidental to the permitted use.
B. Home Occupations as regulated in Section 1137.11.
C. Signs as regulated in Chapter 1174.
Accessory uses, other than signs and fences, shall be located in the rear yard only and located not closer than three (3) feet from any lot line, six (6) feet from any alley and covering not more than forty percent (40%) of the required rear yard.
(Ord. 98-176. Passed 8-3-98.)
Conditionally permitted uses are as follows:
A. Bed and Breakfast Establishments.
B. Planned Unit Developments.
C. Residential Planned Unit Developments.
D. Two Household Dwellings.
(Ord. 98-176. Passed 8-3-98.)
E. Child Care Facilities, provided the following conditions substantially exist:
1. The minimum lot area shall be thirty thousand (30,000) square feet;
2. The minimum lot frontage shall be one hundred seventy-five (175) feet;
3. The minimum building setbacks shall be fifty (50) feet from the front, side and rear property lines;
4. The minimum parking setback shall be fifty (50) feet from the front property line and thirty (30) feet from the side and rear property lines;
5. In order to minimize any adverse impact on surrounding residential property, they should be placed, to the extent possible:
a. On the extremity of a single-family district if located on a local street; or
b. On a major arterial/collector street;
6. The play area shall be fenced in, so as to provide a safe and secure environment for the children;
7. Drop-off/pick-up should be located so as not to impede traffic safety; and
8. Parking should be located to avoid the necessity for the parent and/or children to cross streets or access driveways.
(Ord. 2000-252. Passed 12-18-00.)
The minimum lot area and width for properties in the R-UD Residential-Urban Density District are as follows:
A. Single household detached dwelling units shall have a minimum lot area of not less than four thousand (4,000) square feet and a width of not less than forty (40) feet.
B. Other uses shall have a minimum lot area of not less than ten thousand (10,000) square feet and a width of not less than seventy (70) feet.
(Ord. 98-176. Passed 8-3-98.)
The minimum lot frontage for properties in the R-UD Residential-Urban Density District are as follows:
A. Lot frontage for single household detached dwelling units in the R-UD Residential-Urban Density District shall be not less than forty (40) feet; except that on curvilinear streets and on cul-de-sac turn arounds, the frontage may be reduced to thirty (30) feet.
B. Lot frontage for all other uses in the R-UD Residential-Urban Density District shall be not less than seventy (70) feet; except that on curvilinear streets and on cul-de-sac turn arounds, the frontage may be reduced to forty-four (44) feet.
(Ord. 98-176. Passed 8-3-98.)