General Provisions
96.001 Display of street addresses on all houses and business buildings; required
Driveway Cuts
96.015 Purpose
96.016 Definitions
96.017 Procedures
96.018 Appeal process
96.019 Permit required
96.020 Presumption
96.021 Punishment
96.022 Adoption date
Construction of Streets and Sidewalks
96.035 Permit required for cutting of street or sidewalk
96.036 Application for permit
96.037 Adjustment of fee
96.038 Disposition of fees
96.039 Openings to be filled
Poles, Wires and Conduits
96.055 Permits limited to single lines
96.056 By agreement, separate lines or wires on same poles
96.057 Care and inspection of poles
96.058 Use of poles and underground conduits for town purposes
Use of Streets
96.075 Storage or display of merchandise, goods, equipment or tools prohibited
96.999 Penalty
(A) It shall be the duty of every owner of property with a structure thereon to affix to the structure and otherwise display the official street number of the property at a conspicuous place, visible from the street on which the property fronts. All street numbers shall be displayed numerically and no display of street numbers shall be spelled.
(B) The official street number affixed on any house, building or other structure located on improved property shall not be less than three inches in height. However, the building number of any apartment, townhouse, condominium or other multi-family facility shall not be less than six inches in height and shall be placed in either the approximate center of the building or on the street end of the building; provided, the number is easily visible from either a public or private street, or from the parking lot which served the building or facility.
(C) All official street numbers affixed on any house, building or structure located on improved property except apartments, townhouses, condominium complexes or other multi-family facilities, shall be maintained within three feet of the front entrance and shall be easily visible and readable. Official unit numbers, letters or other designations on individual apartments, townhouses, condominiums or multi-family facilities shall not be less than three inches in height and shall be displayed within three feet of the front entrance of each unit.
(D) Where a house, building or structure located on improved property is located more than 100 feet from the street on which the property fronts, or if the topography of the property prohibits the numbers from being seen from the street or regardless of the distance from the street, the assigned street address also shall be posted near the driveway of the property and adjacent to the street right-of-way. If a property owner has difficulty complying with this subchapter due to topography of the building or structure or any unforseen circumstance that may inhibit compliance with this subchapter, the property owner shall contact the Chief of Police or his or her designate to render a solution to the problem of compliance. The placement of the assigned street numbers on the street curb is permissible but may not be used to meet the requirements of this section.
(E) All displays of official street numbers shall be of a contrasting color to the color of the house, building or structure located on the property, and the displays shall be clearly visible when illuminated.
(F) Following the posting of the street address numbers as required, the owner or occupant shall maintain the numbers at all times in accordance with the above standards.
(G) Owners of all houses, buildings or other structures located on improved property within the corporate limits of the town on the effective date of this subchapter shall comply with the provisions contained herein within one year following the adoption of this subchapter. Any house, building or structure erected, or any display of a street number which is replaced or altered after the effective date of this subchapter, shall comply with the provisions contained in this section.
(H) The failure of any house, building or structure located on improved property in the corporate limits of the town to have affixed thereto or otherwise displayed the official street number of the property in accordance with the standards contained in division (A) above is hereby declared to be a nuisance. In addition to all other remedies provided by law, the Code Enforcement Officer or his or her authorized representative shall have authority to summarily abate, remove or remedy those conditions declared to be nuisance by this section. A notice shall be sent to the owner of the property containing any deficiencies.
(I) A property owner, upon receiving this notice, shall have 15 days to correct the deficiencies listed therein. If any property owner shall fail, neglect or refuse to correct the deficiencies, the Code Enforcement Officer or his or her authorized representative shall have authority to remove and correct them, including the removing of any unofficial number or number in violation of division (A) above and the installation and proper display upon the property of the official street number assigned thereto. The expense of the action shall be paid by the person in default and, if not paid, shall be a lien upon the land or premises where the deficiency arose, and shall be collected as unpaid taxes.
(J) This section was adopted on June 3, 1991.
(Ord. eff. 6-3-1991)
For the purpose of this subchapter, the following definitions shall apply unless the context clearly indicates or requires a different meaning.
DRIVEWAY CUT. A designated driving area connected to a driveway, street, parking area, alleyway or other vehicle path to allow access to these areas by motor vehicles.
SIDEWALKS. A walking path provided and maintained for pedestrian traffic. SIDEWALKS may be constructed from concrete, asphalt, brick, rock, stone, rock dust or other building materials.
(Ord. eff. 8-12-2002)