Whenever any telephone or telegraph company shall desire to place wires along any street upon which it does not have a line of poles, and there are poles along the street owned by another company, then the companies may maintain their wires upon the same poles. If an agreement cannot be reached between the company owning the line of poles and the company desiring to use the poles, then the companies may submit the question of compensation and other pertinent matters in controversy to three disinterested persons for arbitration, or they may submit the matter to the Board of Commissioners. This section shall apply to poles owned by the town as well as to companies operating under franchise from the town.
(1940 Code, Ch. R, Art. II, § 3)
One duct in all underground conduit systems shall be provided for the use of the town free of charge, and the town shall have the use of any and all poles on streets for police and fire alarm telegraph systems.
(1940 Code, Ch. R, Art. II, § 5)
Under and by virtue of the authority granted in G.S. § 160A-296 of granting municipalities the power to regulate vehicular traffic upon public streets within the corporate limits, it shall be unlawful for any person, firm or corporation to display or cause to be displayed; to store or cause to be stored; to place or cause to be placed; to park or cause to be parked; to locate or cause to be located; to relocate or cause to be relocated; to exhibit or cause to be exhibited on any public street of the town, any merchandise, goods, equipment, tools, produce or other items for sale or not for sale.
(Ord. eff. 10-11-1972) Penalty, see § 96.999