A violation of this subchapter shall constitute a general misdemeanor punishable by the payment of a fine as set forth in § 96.999.
(Ord. eff. 8-12-2002)
It shall be unlawful to make any opening in any street or sidewalk without a permit therefor issued by the Public Works Director.
(1940 Code, Ch. R, Art. I, § 1) Penalty, see § 96.999
Any person, firm or corporation, desiring to make any opening in any street or sidewalk, shall make written application therefor which application shall show the location of the proposed opening, the purpose thereof, and the approximate number of square yards of surface to be cut. The application shall be accompanied by the fee required by the next following section.
(1940 Code, Ch. R, Art. I, § 2)
If, when the opening is being made, it appears that the number of square yards of surface to be cut is greater than is shown by the application, the applicant shall immediately pay the remainder of the fee due the town. If, when the opening is completed, the number of square yards of surface actually cut varies from the number for which the fee was paid, the proper adjustment shall immediately be made by the applicant or by the town.
(1940 Code, Ch. R, Art. I, § 4)
All openings made in any public street, alley or sidewalk under the provisions of this subchapter shall immediately upon the accomplishment of the purpose for which the same was made, be completely filled up, and the surface thereof shall be made flush with the adjacent surface of the street. Any hard surface removed will be replaced by the person removing or causing same to be removed. Every day during which the opening remains unfilled in violation of the provisions of this section shall constitute a separate offense.
(1940 Code, Ch. R, Art. I, § 6) Penalty, see § 96.999