231.01 Authority to sign payroll, voucher and income tax refund checks.
231.02 Sales of Municipal property valued at over $1,000 by auction; Internet auctions.
231.03 PERS pick-up by City. (Repealed)
231.04 Authority to regulate vacation of streets and alleys.
231.05 Authority to set fees for ambulance services.
Manager - see CHTR. Art. V
Employee dishonesty and faithful performance of duty policy - see ADM. 246.19(b)
Traffic control powers - see TRAF. Ch. 406
Powers and duties as Superintendent of Sanitary Sewers - see S.U. & P.S. Ch. 1040
Powers and duties re waterworks - see S.U. & P.S. 1048.01 et seq.
Duties re flood damage prevention - see B. & H. 1447.13