231.01 Authority to sign payroll, voucher and income tax refund checks.
231.02 Sales of Municipal property valued at over $1,000 by auction; Internet auctions.
231.03 PERS pick-up by City. (Repealed)
231.04 Authority to regulate vacation of streets and alleys.
231.05 Authority to set fees for ambulance services.
Manager - see CHTR. Art. V
Employee dishonesty and faithful performance of duty policy - see ADM. 246.19(b)
Traffic control powers - see TRAF. Ch. 406
Powers and duties as Superintendent of Sanitary Sewers - see S.U. & P.S. Ch. 1040
Powers and duties re waterworks - see S.U. & P.S. 1048.01 et seq.
Duties re flood damage prevention - see B. & H. 1447.13
The Manager is hereby authorized to sign all checks or bank drafts of the City for purposes of payroll, the voucher check system or income tax refunds. In addition, checks payable as income tax refunds shall also require the signature of the City Income Tax Administrator.
(Res. 2-92-R. Passed 1-27-92.)
(a) The Manager, with the approval of the board, officer or director having supervision or management of personal property, is hereby authorized to auction personal property not needed for Municipal purposes with an estimated value exceeding one thousand dollars ($1,000). This method of sale is in addition to the methods of sale authorized by Ohio R.C. 721.15. The Manager shall exercise his or her discretion in determining whether it would be in the best interests of the City to auction personal property or to advertise and accept bids for the same.
(b) Council hereby expresses its intent to sell unneeded, obsolete or unfit personal property by Internet auction. The Internet auction shall be conducted by an entity with whom the Manager and Finance Director have entered into an agreement. Pursuant to R.C. § 721.15, the number of days for bidding on the property shall be no less than ten days, including Saturdays, Sundays and legal holidays.
(Ord. 13-92. Passed 6-8-92; Res. 3-2017. Passed 4-24-17.)