§ 4-202.   Site Plan Required.
   An applicant for a building permit shall submit a site plan to proper scale when constructing a new dwelling unit or building. The site plan shall include the following information:
      A.   Property lines, bearings and distances, street right-of-way and cartway, and property corner monumentation, as placed by a licensed surveyor.
      B.   Proposed building footprint, and required building setback lines.
      C.   Proposed patios, decks, sidewalks, walkways, sheds, or other improve ments.
      D.   Proposed first floor elevation, basement elevation, and final lot grading contours at 1-foot intervals.
      E.   Proposed on-lot well location and on-lot sewage disposal or public water and sewer service, whichever is applicable.
      F.   Access drive or driveway location.
      8.   Stormwater management facilities, locations, details and design computations, if not previously approved.
(Ord. 2007-12, 12/10/2007, § 1)